Alcoholic fisherman in recovery

Hey Jason thanks for the update, man I’m gutted that you’re going through such tough times. Wished there was something we could do. :frowning:

The existential anxiety is horrible. Mine keeps me stuck for days and weeks on end re the things I gotta figure out. It’s so much easier problem solving without it.

What I’ve discovered recently and I hope this does not sound too ridiculous is that I can soothe my anxiety somewhat by giving myself something. Mostly what I call active rest like lying down reading or just contemplating, stroking my dogs, maybe a snack or some decaf coffee. I know it sounds stupid when you feel that your life is going away. But miraculously, I’ve been able to take the edge off it somewhat with this practice. I even managed a nap or two. I hardly sleep.

You know that everything for sure will go to shits if you pick up. You don’t need anyone to remind you. That’s a good thing.

I’m really sorry to hear about the dissapearance of your friend. That is just, man, heartbreaking and disturbing. I hope he shows up again. But I hope more that his pain does not become yours to the extent that it makes your life unbearable. I know I would struggle w that.

I love reading any update from you. You have a home group here who is feircely rooting for you my friend. Keep checking in, it seems to have helped a wee bit.

Much love and support!! :fish: :tropical_fish: :boar:


I don’t get youtube either. People with millions of views per video tend to do random stuff that must appeal to kids, or use clickbait thumbnails and titles leading up to some shitty top ten or whatever that’s not even accurate. Legit channels with tons of views seem to be big productions. Like network TV quality stuff with a crew.

There are exceptions if someone has a unique gimmick. I was watching a guy who uses minks and dogs to kill rats and he was doing well for what seemed to be a low budget setup.


Thank you for the update, Jason. It hurts my heart to hear you’re having a tough time. I went thru something similar where my husband was out of work due to injuries for a year and half. I worked my ass off but it wasn’t enough to keep up with all the bills so we ended up having to sell our home. Thankfully, we didn’t end up homeless and he’s back to work. It was really f^^king hard though. I never imagined I’d be in that position sober. But sobriety was what got us through it. If I was still drinking and/or drugging, it would have been a disaster. As long as we keep doing the next right thing, I truly believe everything will turn out the way its so supposed to be. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I can relate. It sucks while we’re living but it will not last forever. Sending you positive vibes and hugs. Much love, my friend.


Trusting that it will be ok is real big boy work, isn’t it? You are putting in the footwork, you are working hard, making yourself available, not demanding your own terms. You are going with the flow. None of us know how this is going to turn out. Some of us choose to have faith that we will be useful and safe.

Puffins and a one ton sea lion, those sound awesome! Nature revealing itself to you has got to be soothing and invigorating!


This is an incredible update and so appreciated. So much hard earned wisdom and reality in there. You are focusing on solutions and the right now. I know for me my anxiety can take me away from the right now or make it feel hopeless…breathing and nature …like you said here…

It can heal us in the moment. Slow us down.

Sending light love fish work and financial positivity your way. I am so glad you shared again. 100% faith in you.


I fell asleep fast after I posted, and I slept really good. I over slept. Its ok. I needed it.

I feel much better. Much calmer. This last year after quitting working for Nick I have been sleeping good. I take naps if I’m home editing videos or painting. Good sleep. I love and appreciate good sleep.

I haven’t had to work for more than 24 hours straight since I quit. That has to be a record for me as far as good sleep goes.
I haven’t slept much for a week or so since work became hard to find.

Just having the Sea Hunt gig in my back pocket is HUGE relief!

The Sea hunt it a small boat. 26 feet. I think she was built in 1984. She was expensive. She cost more than a brand new Ferrari. She was designed and built in Australia. For surf and rescue. She was built to face huge breaking waves and rescue people. Her hull is very unique and stable. I fished this boat for a couple of years. Its the funnest boat I’ve ever been on. It was the funnest job I ever had. This boat fishes tough.

I was a couple of years into my relapse and I was in wreckless mode. We didn’t do drugs. I was drinking like a fish. I was still hiding behind the illusion that as long as I’m not doing drugs, I’m good During that time I was in tremendous emotional turmoil. I had a Chainsaw carving studio I struggled to pay the rent on and The Sea Hunt helped me pay my rent, and kept me drunk. Fun fishing was a bonus.

I left to fish bigger boats and make more money.

I was crabbing out of town when I got the news…

The Sea Hunt was capsized on our North Beach. The North Beach is a dangerous beach with a steep sandy beach face and heavy surf. Tourist die on this beach almost every year.

There were 3 people on board. My buddy and my replacement and his girlfriend. My buddy was able to save the girl and somehow make it to shore. My replacement was tangled in some gear, and he told my buddy to leave him and get the girl. He was never seen again. His body was never recovered.

The boat washed up onshore and was salvaged. the cabin took a lot of damage and still shows the scars. Its very different from when I fished on her. Its eerie. I have a very visual mind and its hard for me to not fully immerse myself imagining the scenario of that day.

My buddy got strung out after that. It would be really hard to live with all of that.

He is a huge guy and he lost a ton of weight. He has gained a lot back. He needed to lose weight for his heath. He lost so much it was shocking. It made it obvious he was on the Jennie Crank Diet plan.
He has gained a lot back. Not as big as he was big. like 400 pounds big. he used be bigger.

I fished with him 3 or 4 times last summer. He never acted spun, and he wasn’t spun yesterday. Some people hide it good. I don’t know.

The gear and the boat have very tweaky looking work on it. His helper is a known druggie. I’m 90 percent sure he was high. The people they talked about are all part of the tweaky crowd. I don’t know most of them personally. Its a small town. I’ve lived here a long time. I’ve avoided that crowd.

They talked a lot of shit about Fetty junkies, other deckhand told me five of his friends have Overdosed on that shit. Fentanyl is here… Wide open on the beautiful Oregon Coast.

I wouldn’t dare to touch a street drug today. I’m so grateful I’m clean! I’m grateful I don’t get drunk and accidently do lines or smoke puddles at the bar. Its been over four years since that happened. I remember how I felt after that happened. The impending doom anxiety, was 100 times worse than the anxiety I had yesterday morning. and Detox began… So grateful to not be starting detox today!

I downloaded the app a couple of months before that happened. I started using it then. You guys have been helping me save my ass for over four years! :hugs: :pray: :pray: :pray: :heart:

its paralyzing sometimes. The negative self thinking gets louder. Its scary. I try to be productive and I cant focus. Its like I’m spun. then I get even more frustrated. Negative self talk get louder. I get frustrated, inner alcoholic shows up with its brilliantly destructive ideas… I’m grateful to have some relief today.

Its been hard. The loss. They way he did it. Every time I tell people why I’m not working that gig anymore. As I tell the story i always include that if it was anyone else I’d be fighting mad, talking shit. Everyone says “you guys worked good together” We did. We ran gear fast. Conditions are always changing out there. You get in sync with each other. We clicked. We were both clean and sober. It was us Vs them. This is huge for me to be wary of.

I have to be careful of current gig too. Last summer we talked about him getting clean. I thought maybe the universe it doing this to me. To help him. It could easily go the other way.

I’m grateful your part of it!

I have experiment with that. Clickbait pisses people off. I started making merch. and I’m really close to having it available, but I ran out of money because of this unexpected bump in the road. In my YouTube journey I keep collection monthly subscriptions. the first one was a music one. Then I got another one. then I got a tube buddy subscription to help me quickly use keywords and hashtags. I’ve tried several voice over app and ended up loving one called eleven labs. When steady paychecks are coming in I don’t even notice or care about the expense. I’ve had to let them expire each one hurt a little, a couple I’ve become reliant on. there is a subscription fee for the website to sell my merch on.
I’m selling a little of my merch on the dock today. I made a huge range of swimbaits and jigs that work really good to sell off Youtube. I also need to invest in packaging, its not a huge expense, but broke is broke.

I’m not giving up. I’m going to get that 100,000 subscriber plaque to hang on my wall. So close yet so far!

This!! This thinking was a huge factor in my ten year relapse. The benefits if getting and staying sober were so good that when life on life’s terms came on so harshly I felt like sobriety was a punishment. what’s the point of being sober. I’m a responsible, hardworking, sober, member of society and I lost everything. what’s the point? My inner alcoholic played that card. Its been trying again. Every trick in the book. Same old tricks, and some new ones. Newer versions of old tricks. Self Loathing version 4.7

I’m glad things have gotten better Its terrifying when its goes south. I cant work like I have been much longer. I was beat up as a carpenter. I was hoping last year would retire my crab fishing.

Its it hard. Continuous recovery is hard. I had some smooth sailing. Tie everything down! Its getting rough again! Everything’s going to be alright!

We used a parachute to slow us down on out drift. He was fascinated by this. He hung out close for a while. He kept looking at us like he wanted to join us on board. Fortunately. he didn’t.

It sure helps put things into perspective. Thank you!


I needed this post so much right now. Thank you for always keeping it 100% and reminding me of why I am here and all the gifts of sobriety. Wow Jason, just wow. The lives that haunt us. :people_hugging:


I was supposed to fish the boat that Matt and I were fishing yesterday. Dude cancelled on me again. Thats twice…

The Sea Hunt wouldnt take me yesterday either. It was weird. He was accusing me of putting the middle fingers up on the gloves on the boat like I was flipping him off, and he accused me of putting fish to rot in the back seat of his vehicle. Which I didnt do either.

It was weird tweaky accusations. It didnt even make sense…
Tweaky got on the boat. He took my spot. Tweaky from previous employer that i used to complain about all the time.

its going to blow today. Im at the dock hoping for something. Not much going on down here yet.

I manged to keep busy organizing and building tackle here yesterday. Im really stressed! I listened to recovery based things on YouTube. I ended up falling asleep on my boat. I’m grateful to have a place to crash down here and be ready for anything.

I may end up baiting tubs for halibut today.

Im supposed to do the halibut opener on the 27th. Its a 3 day potentially lucrative gig.

YouTube paid me a little so im not going backwards.

I saw previous employer going out yesterday, i hit him up to go and let him know Im available. I gave him some the gear I make to test out.

Ive been trying my best to stay positive. I had my melt downs. They dont help.

I grateful im not drunk!


Ugh! So frustrating. Happy to see you’re trying to stay positive during these trying times. Keep doing the next right thing and this storm will eventually pass. :people_hugging:


I got paid to bait tubs yesterday. I helped a crew that I wish had an open spot. Today I’m baiting tubs for my gig. I’m grateful for that! We set gear Tuesday morning, so we will most likely head out tomorrow. We have 3 days to catch 4000 pounds of halibut. Its going to blow 20plus every day. I;m going to have to be on my A-game. Hopefully we find them on the first day! I like who I’m fishing for. I’m grateful for the open spot. He isnt a drinker or tweaky, which is awesome.

At the bait yard I got offered more work, after the halibut opener. A lady wants me to go to coos bay and help bait a ton of gear. Coos bay is a Big Boat port. Big tuna boats. I should go bait and poke around and see if I cant spend the summer catching tuna.

I’m back in financial solution to pay the rent. Homelessness has been avoided. and I have good, honest work. I slept good last night, and I feel good.

Its been about a year since I had a recovery melt down. Reflecting back, the triggers were similar. the financial fears were different. The rent was paid.

I listened to some great rational recovery literature. I frequently talk about my inner alcoholic. He is my alcoholism. Its main goal is to trick me into drinking again. The literature calls it the beast. I related!

I listened to Naked Mind, it was really good.

and I listened to Chapters 1- 3 of the big book. I relate 100%… still.

I’m grateful for recovery and all the support!
I’m grateful for good sleep and feeling better!


I’m grateful for you being here and always keeping it real Jason. Your story is truly inspiring.
It’s hard work, this sober life. And the rewards are uncertain. The results of living under the influence are totally clear though. We know what those are.


I am so happy to read this and your inspiring strength and using all your tools…for fishing and recovery. I admit I teared up here…

Thank you for updating and for sharing the ups and downs reality of life and recovery. :muscle::people_hugging:


Good for you buddy.
Man. That chapter 3 never gets old.
Be safe out there.
Pics when you have time


This made my day! What a relief having that weight lifted so you can focus on your recovery and your next money making move.


I’m home from the halibut trip. It was an epic trip on so many levels!

We got em!

Financial stress was killing me. Now its relieved. I have a paycheck coming.
I have more work. Two more halibut trips are mine. My presence set a boat record. He was extremely grateful for me. Before we caught the fish.

He has two guys. One is his kid. He is 17. He is a great kid! He wants to know more than he actually does, and he tries really hard to not have to listen. Especially to his dad. Fearless… Ocean savvy… Tough! He has been fishing with his dad since he was 8 or 9. Not full time. He has always spent time with his dad on the ocean during summer vacations from school. Mom and dad haven’t been together since he was little.

Dad yelled at him a lot which was awkward for me, but I did see the kid making some not very smart mistakes that will get you yelled at on a boat. I would have been yelling too. It wasn’t too awkward

The other guy is who I’m replacing. As the trip progressed it became ackward knowing I was replacing him, and he didn’t., this guy is a terrible worker. I was amazed he was tolerated as long as he has been. Help is hard to find.

I didn’t know I was replacing him at the beginning of the trip.

I’m getting older, suddenly finding myself unemployed brought up some new fears! I began to doubt my worth on the job market. This 55 year old just worked circles around a 17 and a 25 year old. I don’t need to waste my time worrying about that right now

We caught more halibut than any other boat on the fleet. Its a competitive fishery! I went from feeling like a zero to a hero in a few days. I feel pretty high on life today too.

Fishing is the only activity I have ever done that makes me live fully present in the moment. Nothing else… Just the moment as it unfolds in front of me as I do it. Presenting a dry fly on a trout stream, or riding 10 foot wind waves hauling up huge halibut in 900 feet deep water in the middle of nowhere on a surly ocean. Its the same focus.

Nothing else even exists.

Phil is really easy to work with. Overall the trip was really easy, for the amount of gear and fish.

He’s going to want to work me more than I’d like. I’ve been trying to slow down. Its a five boat operation. Fully permitted for every fishery here. He loves my YouTube channel, Wide open filming!

I sure put myself through a lot of turmoil and unnecessary stress. Maybe that’s a part of the process. I no longer put myself through unnecessary damage drinking, now I create it in other ways.

I did it last summer too. Last summer, I gave myself permission to take it easy. It was hard. It stressed me out. I had to constantly remind myself that it was ok.

All this extra time I’ve been spending at the dock recently has made me even more grateful Im not a drunk. Old friends are drinking their health away. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

I had zero desire to celebrate this trip with a drink! :muscle: :pray:


Jason, you did a great job putting in the footwork and letting go of the results!

Every little thing is gonna be alright.


Today’s meditation from 24 hours a day made me think of your reaction to your recent fiscal crisis, Jason.

Learn daily the lesson of trust and calm in the midst of the storms of life. Whatever sorrow or difficulty the day may bring, God’s command to you is the same. Be grateful, humble, calm, and loving to all people. Leave each soul the better for having met you or heard you. For all kinds of people, this should be your attitude: a loving desire to help and an infectious spirit of calmness and trust in God. You have the answer to loneliness and fear, which is calm faith in the goodness and purpose in the universe.


I ended up crabbing . Day before yesterday It was blowing 35 plus, and it was big ocean. It was the last day to make a landing for the weekly quota. So we went for it. It was lucrative. Dangerous conditions, but we clicked so good working the gear together it wasn’t really dangerous, if that makes sense. It was easy.

Similar to the halibut trip. The halibut trip is an insanely stupid amount of work to do in three days. we clicked so good it felt easy. Its the first time I crabbed on this boat. Everythings a little different boat to boat. The rail is lower. The boat sits lower. I learned the hard way where not to have my leg pretty quickly on the first pot. Other than smashing my leg the day went smooth.

I was tired yesterday and sore. I slept, ate and worked on my halibut trip footage. I’m feeling less sore and tired today. I feel good!

He has another small crab boat that’s getting its transmission fixed. Soon we be running its gear too. We are on 1200 pound quotas, so with two boats 2400 pounds a week. The summer crab is awesome this year. We caught nice crab! Its easy moneyI thinks it closes mid August.

He has three live fish boats with permits, I will end up running one of those. It is a much better gig than the one that crumbled. I was really bummed out about losing that gig. I invested into making gear for that fishery and selling it on YouTube, My best way to promote it gone…

Its back and better. Maybe I can buy one of those permits for my boat. I see being able to get my boat 100% dialed in this year. This job will finance the rest of my needs.

Phil loves my YouTube channel! and encourages filming! Im stoked about that! He loves being able to show his family. He is extremely proud to be a fisherman, and I captured some epic footage on the trip! He is stoked!

The only problem I see coming is working too much again.

He called me earlier. I thought he would want to work today. thought he was going to want to get started preparing for our next halibut opener. We set gear on the 11th. One week to prepare. 16,000 baited hooks. To my surprise, we are taking tomorrow off too!

He called to thank me and wish me a happy 4th!
He called back and is bringing me a check!

Its crazy how fast things turn around. It crumbled and went bad fast, now it turned around for much better, even faster!


It is helpful, if bittersweet, inspiration. I see it a lot as well.

Older folks still have a lot left to give, never doubt that. Especially when we have come back from the brink.

Love the updates. Happy 4th!


Happy fourth!