Alls well that ends well

Awe. That’s the best thing ever from your daughter. Now your bringing me tears :sob:
Miracles of sobriety :pray:t2::heart:


life is good and it’s only going to get better, it’s crazy.


Feeling positive, not covid, in life. Recovery can begin to feel a bit stale sometimes so it’s good to get out of that comfort zone, it doesn’t matter if things aren’t always perfect as long as we remain a moving target. I get bored easy and always looking for the next lesson or the next level of service to others.
What do I get out of it has always been a question I ask myself in life but for once I’m doing something I hate for the greater good. I must hand myself over to God, as
I understand him, on a daily basis and see where it takes me. Tonight though I go to bed sober so Alls well that ends well.


I go in meetings an alcoholic and all I want to do is stay sober and the more I sit and listen the more problems and character defects I keep finding I’ve got. Tonight a women said she had detachment issues and I didn’t even understand the word until she explained why and then I remember a couple of years ago when we got out puppy, my first thought was ahhh, it’s going to be sad when you die. Wtf is that about.
Anyway sobriety rocks and I’ve been sober for the last 24 so Alls well that ends well.
I don’t want to go to sleep, I already miss you :slightly_frowning_face::grin::sweat_smile:


I love life
I love people on this journey
I love recovery
knowing its early and its only going to get better.
It’s true what the big book says that you will be amazed before your half way through
I love meetings
I love this community
The comradery
I love you and the only way I can do that is because I’m learning to love me.
I love seeing the beauty in the things I’ve never noticed
I love the feeling of going to bed sober at the end of the day not panicking about tommorow but being excited even if nothing is happening, I’m excited just being able to live like this.
I love this peace of mind
I love the stillness of my thoughts
the clearness of my feelings
the logic of my actions and the method in my madness.
I love that I remain grateful, or why bother in the first place, I’m not searching for anything anymore, I already have it.
Thank you God, as I understand him.


Love this :+1:

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Love this and love you!! :heart:

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Can’t promise where I’ll be tommorow but it’s the help and support of people like yourself that have got me where I am today, forever grateful Lisa :hugs:

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34 years of drug and alcohol abuse, I’ve never been wrong and you and your opinion didn’t matter.
Humility and self centeredness are a couple of words I wish I new the meaning of long before now.
We can’t change the past but we can be better today so that we don’t carry guilt and shame into tommorow.


Dealing with feelings is a new concept and I know we can’t go around our problems only through them so I got up today and immediately meditated. I knew sitting with my thoughts and feelings would bring me to tears and this was good and needed but it didn’t seem enough. I really wanted drink and drugs I wanted to escape and at one point I wanted to be dead.
Meetings, bike rides and screams in the country are always better options than my usual escape artist tricks. So tonight I go to bed sober.
Alls well that ends well.


Sobriety is learning to surf our feelings, just ride the waves.

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The easy option is why bother, the easy solution is just have the one. I don’t do easy I do recovery and I’m still learning, in fact I think I always will be bc each new day might have a new challenge but when it gets to night time and I get into bed sober from alcohol and drugs I will be amazed on the days I’m not as grateful. Today I’m not overly grateful bc I want to get wasted so God amazes me bc I cannot do this alone it’s been proven in the past. So in bed sober and Alls well that ends well.


I’m so proud of you. I know it’s hard. We’re in this together my friend. I’ve had some close calls but a big part of me staying the course is you and my peeps here.
Love ya sweetie. :hugs:

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Today I planned to drink, I’ve been putting it off all week but today life and the fucking arse holes in it were just too much but I had to wait bc I agreed to be the main share in a zoom meeting and didn’t want to do one minute of it, if I could just get past the meeting sober I could get wasted after it but god moves in mysterious ways and my first ever share just happens to fall on my first planned relapse. To stay sober we must help others we must do the things we don’t want to do and we must live and breathe it so that we can earn it and then give it all away. Sobriety is no good to you if your the only one sober, Where’s the fun in that, pass it on.
So emotionally shit day but going to bed physically sober. Alls well that ends well.


So glad you God worked in your life that way today!!

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Glad to hear this, Paul. There’s a lot of them out there, stay strong my friend and I will too.

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You’re big share was today? Sorry, I totally forgot. I bet you killed it. I’m so f**king proud of you for remaining sober and passing along your experience, strength and hope. :heart::heart:

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I felt the same man, I planned to relapse at New Years Eve when I stopped drinking, when I got to the day I was like, umm I’m good why would I want to at all? To throw it all away? Congratulations on the will power man :metal: rest easy

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Slowly coming back down to earth after a couple of rough weeks. Learnt so much about me and sobriety my strengths and my vulnerability. When the shit hits the fan my first thought is still alcohol but my first action is god. Even though I don’t have a clue what that is and I question the things that happen I only survive on prayer ( or begging for guidance) but without it I would be drunk and high today and I’m not.
Alls well that ends well.