Am I crazy? Or is the psychiatrist?

First of all, GREAT JOB ADVOCATING FOR YOURSELF! You do not have to take anything you don’t want to. Their should be proper thorough education on the drug prior to any decision making. He should have done that.

Get a second opinion if your discomfort continues past your next appointment. Good job!

Sober living is not about having yet another new strategy or self-help plan, but rather providing a framework in which to see yourself more clearly.

I’m not sure I understand what you mean?

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Sounds like you are handling it all well and I am glad you have support regarding your anxiety.

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Checking in to see how life is treating you. I had a few real anxious days … and made me want to pop by and say hello! Hope you are finding time for self care and doing well.

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That’s so thoughful of you!

Im… struggling. A lot. Started drinking again just to cope with the anxiety. (Not drunk now!). My tablets also give me this sense of permanent discomfort, I literally can’t lie in bed and be comfortable. Gonna see a new shrink next week to try and get me sorted, I can’t keep living like this. It’s almost a form of torture. I now understand why people hate psych meds. The discomfort and anxiety are unbearable. :frowning:

Oh I am so sorry to hear that. I know you know the drinking won’t help…especially with anxiety and if you are taking meds. That was always such a hard place to be in…taking meds and drinking.

I just want you to be safe, sober and comfortable, just like you want, I know. I hope the new doctor can help get you to a place where you can heal. I know it is a struggle. Sending strength for you that you can get past the bottle again. :heart:

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I hate myself for drinking but it’s the only thing that’s easing my symptoms. I’m also trying mindfulness meditation, walking… lots of walking and breathing exercises. I’m hoping I won’t need unhealthy coping mechanisms after I get my meds sorted. I regret ever taking these antipsychotics, I honestly do. I kept thinking I’ll get stable and better but it’s just a circle of hell. Sure, I’m not as impulsive anymore, but I also can’t sit down without discomfort and anxiety either. It may not sound as bad, but it’s constant. It’s been constant for weeks. Like… what’s the point of meds if I can’t even enjoy sitting on a bench in the park? It’s almost painful.


I know it can be hard to find the med combo that works. Keep working toward that goal…and of course your sobriety.

I wish I had more to offer to ease your mind. :purple_heart:

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There is a doctor named Ann Blake Tracy who has tried for years to spread awareness about psyche medications, especially SSRIs. I have a couple of old recordings of interviews she did and in one of them she talks about how it isn’t uncommon for people to crave sugar and/or alcohol while on psychiatric medications. There is a lot of other interesting stuff she’s said, but your situation reminded me of that interview. Seeing what she has learned might be useful for you.

Personally, I believe that just because a doctor prescribes a medication, doesn’t mean you have to take it. Most doctors tend to work off “standard of care” and for certain things they are required to prescribe. Whether you actually fill that prescription doesn’t matter to them as far as their records show that they’ve done their job. Finding the right doctor is important, I think. One particular doctor I had tried to put me on medication for major depressive disorder, and I pushed back because I wasn’t depressed at all. I was in pain not depressed and my pain did not come from my emotions, it came from a giant snowplow crashing into me on my way to work. :laughing: :sweat_smile:

I’m sorry you’re having such a difficult time. I hope you’re able to figure something out that is right for you. Don’t be afraid to research, question, and take an active part in your health care. It’s you who has to live with the results of whatever you are prescribed, not the doctor.

Edit: I did a quick search for Dr. Tracy and found this: SSRIs and Alcohol – International Coalition for Drug Awareness – ICFDA This is the stuff she was talking about in the interview I mentioned.


Thanks for that, I’ll ask about it.

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I stopped taking the bloody tablets. The discomfort is nearly gone. The anxiety levels are back to normal. This week I’m finding a new shrink that can hopefully help me better. I’m slightly depressed, but I’ll take it over how those tablets made me feel…


Saw my usual shrink today. Apparently I have akatasia (I probably bothched the spelling) from the meds. He gave me seroquel and enough benzos to put an army to sleep. He also wants me to basically quit my SSRIs cold turkey. Tomorrow… I’ll go shrink shopping. This one has a god complex. When I tried explaining I’m worried about the addictioness of benzos, his reply was ‘it’s my job to worry about that’. Sure, mate. Your job to worry about how guinea pig me feels.


He gave me the q thing today but I honestly don’t want to take it. He wants me to just stop taking my citalopram cold turkey and said I should trust him that there’ll be no withdrawal. I know about withdrawal, I’ve had it. Last time I trusted him I got the anxiety and constant discomfort.

This man doesn’t take me seriously and I’ve officially had enough of being his fun little case study.


He gave me zopiclone too. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I don’t wanna take seroquel, I’m already obese, don’t need to make it morbid…

I’m treated for bpd. Initially I was given citalopram for depression 10 years ago, and that’s 10 years of me being on them constantly. Everytime I tried reducing the dose I suffered from serious withdrawal.

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40 ml. Cold turkey would be actual hell.

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Thank you so much for saying this. This guy is throwing drugs at me the same way I’m throwing ingredients in soup. Without care. I’m not soup and I need a second opinion.


You certainly do need a new doctor. That is a mess of drugs. And just stopping citalopram is nuts.


Yeah, I raised concerns over citalopram withdrawal and he said that if I ‘do as he says’ I won’t get any withdrawal. That’s bullshit, I know it is. I’m counting my lucky stars that I have enough tablets to not need to go cold turkey for a while. And plenty of time to find a new doctor.

It’s sad. I always thought that getting a psychiatrist will change my life for the better. Instead, I just got a man looking to score ‘I’m right’ points. If I wasn’t married to a unicorn, right now I’d think they didn’t exist…


Well as do hope you find someone you feel comfortable with. That just sounds like a messy situation.

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