Any aussies in the house?

Wow that looks like a massive undertaking! What are the plans for this yard? Big clean up or reno?

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Hey Jed :wave: Qlder here, I don’t think we have anyone from Tassie yet :thinking: welcome though!


I have heard of the Krishna Village, climbed Mt Warning in the past and remember seeing signs for it. I was curious but never stopped by to check it out amd rarely get down that way now :confused:

The Clagibara trails are off Belliss Road. I will screenshot and pm the map to you. It is a bit of a locals only known area so can be very quiet, esp on a weekday you can be the only soul around out there. So I wouldn’t recommend going on your own but its really beautiful to explore - several different tracks with lots of streams :slightly_smiling_face: I haven’t explored it all yet but plan to be back there again soon!


Hey all,

Jurt announcing I got a full time position with a company after being off my head, up and down for the last few years.

I’m really proud of myself ATM, even though I’m still early off alcohol. I wanted to drink so bad after hearing the good news, but managed to do other things.

Thanks everyone for being so kind and helpful. It really has helped. We are a good community.


Thanks Becsta!
Yeh i had a feeling I was the solo Tasmanian here. Appreciate the welcome though. Great to see so many Aussies in the community :blush:


I’m possibly the furthest from you over in Perth :face_with_peeking_eye:


Well done on the job front, did you get to the AA meeting the other day?

Noooooo I didn’t . Should I be ashamed?

No, it’s just a suggestion. If you’re starting full time work and early in recovery it may be helpful that’s all.
I wasn’t even able to work when I first stopped drinking I’d made such a mess so I don’t know how I would have coped doing both at the same time :smirk:

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Hey All. How many days you at?


Hey Rob,
How’s the new job going?
Just hit day 1515 :nerd_face:


Hey guys :wave:
447 days here. Freezing my butt off, I grew up in the Pilbara and these winters down in Perth still shock me. Haha.



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It’s not even cold yet :grimacing:

Don’t say these things :joy::joy::joy:

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Hey Mick, I hit 4 years about 3 weeks ago :raised_hands:
How have you been going?


Aussie right here!
But now in the UK.
I miss Australia a lot. Best country in the world!


Whereabouts? I was living over there for 4 years in my final drinking days… :grimacing:

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I love fantales but my teeth hate them :laughing: always loved reading the little wrappers (and collecting them when I was a teen lol)


I lived in Sydney for ages before going over to London. Originally from Western Australia :slight_smile:

What about you?

So many Australians (and Brits, for that matter) are alcoholics without acknowledging it!!! Don’t you reckon. Both men and women.