Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading?


Complete honesty, I don’t get the interest in maths. But…I absolutely love the enthusiasm you have for it. I feel the same way about a book I bought recently on hedgerows and know very few will feel the same!

I need to read my ‘to read’ pile. Currently in early sobriety so re-reading favourites as it feels safe.


Juat finished My Last Innocent Year.

In a Time of Endings, a Writer Finds Her Voice Review: ‘My Last Innocent Year,’ by Daisy Alpert Florin - The New York Times

The last half and especially the last quarter really sang for me.


I’m sure this will be an interesting read!

I wish I knew more higher maths than I do. I think it’s the written language of the universe. :heart:


Iam just finishing the subtle art of not given a f**k and I’ve a new delivery of books coming today :slightly_smiling_face:


One paragraph in, and I can already tell it’s going to be good!! @SassyRocks


Totally sitting on my table and I am not reading…thank you for the reminder!!!


Anybody looking for a good motivation book iam 3 chapters in and it’s brilliant

Ranger 22 by Ray googins great story so far I would post a picture but It doesn’t allow me post pictures to any post on here for some reason

Had kept getting pushed back on my “next to read” list, but really enjoying now that I’ve I finally cracked into it.


Yes. So much so that I haven’t responded until now, lol.


Anybody read Lit by Mary Karr? I just got it on Audible. Love books read by the author. BUT something about this one is scaring me a little. Can’t quite put my finger on it.

@SassyRocks @JazzyS ?


Hmm…hadnt heard of it…just googled it and can see how audio reading could be a bit chilling.

Is it a good scary (meaning itll keep you from ever returning to that lifestyle)?

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Maybe, idk? Or will it trigger? Haven’t had any books do that yet, but QLAW is the only quit lit I’ve done on audio. I had already read it when I listened. I like to have the book in my hands much of the time. Idk :woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t guess I’ll start it today.

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Im more of a book in hand person too…cant focus properly with audio.
Plus i like the feel of turning pages or grasping book tightly when shit gets tense (for my mystery reads)…
Great idea on putting a pin in this one…not worth a possible trigger or worse!
The “quit like a woman” is the only quit lit ive picked up and still working my way through…
Try reading /watching something light and airy to counteract the effects of the book thus far


As I may have mentioned far too many times lol That is the one that made it all click for me, and helped me save my life. It’s never far from me. Bout 3 feet rn :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Pin in Lit for now.

Lol!! I totally see why…im glad @Starlight14 told me to read it and honestly it will be my go to quit lit books (if i actually finish it).


I read it years ago, just remember thinking she was a great writer. Okay to pass on it tho if it is weirding you out.

Have you read Girl Walks Out of a Bar? That one hit home.


I think maybe her voice is too much for me rn. A little intense, maybe too personal? Which is also why I think I have loved to listen to other books, in other genres, narrated by the author. Not yet ready for audio quit lit :thinking::woman_facepalming:t2::flushed: I had no idea.
I haven’t read Girl Walks Out of a Bar, but I think I have it. :grin: here… somewhere lol
Thank you for your time! :people_hugging: Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


Fairy Tale by S. KING.