Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading?


Thank you! Hope your weekend is good too! We have company, old friends, lots of hikes and hot tub time and lounging.

I would think audio might be intense. I have pretty good luck getting many of the quit lit books from local library thru Libby. Tho I do end up buying if I love. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Finished the whole series back last year. It was good. Very different storytelling style than I’m used to. I feel like it left me wanted better explanations and more depth to the story, but maybe it’s because I’m reading a translation…

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Just finished playing the witcher 3 for the second time and watched the series so I thought I better read the books.
New season on Netflix soon. :grin:


Haven’t played the games or seen the series. I think I would like to do both of those someday though. Excited that Liam Hemsworth will be picking up the Geralt mantle.

My Mrs isn’t :joy:

lol. Henry Cavil made a great Geralt. I think Liam has some great potential though. Wouldn’t have had to worry about it if it weren’t for the crappy producers.

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New one to get into today… something a little different :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Magic! :ok_hand: :100::cowboy_hat_face:

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Just finished this. For an astrology book, its a light, and fairly easy, read. There is a focus on discussing subconscious drivers, since Neptune rules the subconscious. He also rules drugs, alcohol, and all manner of escapism. There is a lot of value to be found in general, even for those not interested in astrology.


Recently finished this. He is one of my favourite authors, but I have to say this book was not his best work. I couldn’t really connect with the main character, I didn’t like the personality traits he showed, so maybe that’s reason I found the whole book just a little bit meh :confused:
Maybe the next book is better again, it’s usually one a year.


I treated myself to five new books for summer readings. I start with the new Donna Leon. Readind lazy in the shadow or on the couch is so nice :blush:


New quit lit. :clap:t3::clap:t3:


:+1: :+1:


Reading this now… needed some knowledge.


I’m about to start this one. I need to. Been struggling in my thoughts lately but I’m staying strong!


It’s been a long time since Iv’e sat down with a good book, but I’m a big fan of classic literature: Charles Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe, John Steinbeck, Jack Kerouac, Harper Lee and others. :books:



I’m a lurker by nature, and haven’t been here as long as many here; but because I am actually a librarian, I wanted to thank all of you in this thread!

I am happy to see the wide variety we all read (and recognize many titles from my library’s collection)!

Ironically, today is my day off, so I plan to do a minor repair on my Jeep, prepare some appetizers for a gathering tomorrow, and hopefully READ! I have less time for reading since I’ve been a librarian than any other time in my life (except when wasted) - contrary to somewhat popular belief, librarians don’t really get to read all day!

Thank you for this thread!


Because of my addiction getting out of control I haven’t been reading a lot lately. Now that I decided to get sober I am going back to two of my favorite authors: Stephen King and Peter Straub. I know, very generic but what can I say I like dark reads and twisted psychological thrillers :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

If you guys have recommendations on psychological thrillers and some horror late me know! :black_heart: