Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading?

Patricia Cornwell is also a good one!

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I have This Tender Land to read by Krueger. @Mauvaisminou I hope that’s as good a place as any to start… When I finally get there as my TBR is mountainous.


William Kent Krueger is one my favorites. This tender land was my first read but he originally started with a detective series and has 3 stand alones that are all fantastic. I got to meet him at a book signing and he is so humble and gifted.

@Tragicfarinelli yes! this tender land was where I started. It’s such a great book. The second time I read it I was on a road trip driving through some of the states they cross in the book.


Added to the TBR. Thanks!!

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Can’t wait to get to it then!!

Another one on my TBR list is SA Crosby. Have you read any? I’m excited about starting their work at I’ve heard really good stuff!

Cool when you meet the authors and they are nice! Authors tend to be nicer than other ‘stars’ like actors… In my experience anyway. It’s the probing brain and thoughtful mind.

Nice to have you in the readers section :+1:

Anyone a fan of TC Boyle? I love his work also, tortilla curtain was a book I’ve brought for many people.

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I haven’t looked into SA Crosby! I’ll have to check them out. I always appreciate new suggestions. Thank you

I really loved Ex-Wife, bittersweet story of a bygone time. It flows along. I wanted more of her story. Love the cover art.

I finally got around to Holly by Stephen King. Detective is not my genre, tho King is. I finished it around midnight and thankfully did not have nightmares.


This is a very short story and looks at addiction like seasons, summer it was all fun and progresses to a very long winter, spring is the start of recovery, the author is probably 6 years clean by now, it won’t let me upload the pdf but if you Google “The Seasons of Addiction by Richard Grossi” you will find it, worth a quick read


Reading two at the moment. A poetry book called you better be lightning and a thriller called the other mothers. Being sick at home isn’t so bad when you’ve got a huge TBR calling your name


Ex wife has caught my attention. Is it historical fiction?

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Hello! Not sure why I’ve not engaged with this thread before :flushed:
I always have a book on the go, although I’m quite a slow reader. I tend to read before bed and so I only get a few pages in before I’m ready to sleep :face_with_peeking_eye:
Last year I challenged myself to 25 books, I managed 23. This year I’m going for it!
I’ve just finished Where The Crawdads Sing. I’ve seen mixed reviews but I really enjoyed it. I’m currently filling in with an older children’s book called A Kingdom by The Sea by Robert Westall. I read it as child and it was the first book that I really lost myself in. Sadly it doesn’t hold the same magic for me as an adult but I thought that might be the case. Next up is Daisy Jones & The Six, which I’m picking up from the library today.
@Tragicfarinelli concur with @Mauvaisminou, Tomorrow & Tomorrow & Tomorrow is good. I also read Lessons in Chemistry on your list. Interested to hear your thoughts when you read it.
@SassyRocks Ex-wife looks interesting (yes I am seduced by a book cover!) Going to look this one up! :kissing_heart:


It was written as a novel, but the foreward and afterword indicate it was semi auto biographical. I wouldn’t classify as historical fiction though, it is non fiction. Very readable and you feel for the character. There is a lot of drinking, as was the case at the time.

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Hey Lou, I have Crawdads to read but I saw the movie first. Still worth a read??

Another series of uplifting reads that I recommend to anyone is:

Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine, Gail Honeyman
The tenderness of wolves, Stef Penney
The kite runner, Khaled Hosseini
We begin at the end, Chris Whittaker
The other hand, Chris Cleave
To the bright edge of the world, Eowyn Ivey


I also recently finished The Rachel Incident. It was thought provoking. Might be triggering.


I didn’t know there was a film until part way through the book :face_with_peeking_eye: The film is on my TBW list now (is that a thing ?). I’ll ask my friend though as she has read the book and seen the film.
And thank you for the other recommendations. I’ve read Eleanor Oliphant. Kite Runner has been on my TBR for a while so maybe it’s time to bring that one forward :pray: I’ll check out the others now ! X

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@Tragicfarinelli My friend has reported back and feels the book is worth reading after the film, with the big caveat that she read the book first then saw the film. I’ll let you decide :rofl: X

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I’m still on the fence :laughing:. I’ll maybe take it away for a short break to read. It’s just slid to the mid to bottom of my TBR pile of actually physical books :books: to be honest I have about 200 TBR on my Kindle as well! The one thing I can’t get enough of is books!! :heart:

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Yeah I know what you’re saying. There’s so many good books, more than we could ever read in our lifetime, so you sort of don’t want to ‘double up’ when the time could we spent on ‘new’ books.
I bought the whole series of Game of Thrones (I needed the whole set to make sure the books all matched). Never read them after I’d finished watching the series. And will never invest that time in the books knowing how disappointing the end was !! :flushed: X


They did Khaleesi so wrong. That was some dirty shite slinging ending that series like that….:triumph:


So awful :persevere: X

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