Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading?


Finally reading the third and last book that made it onto Amazon prime as the series Shelter.
The books are wayyyy better than the series!


I don’t like any of the TV adaptations to be honest! Used to enjoy the books!

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Talking Sober

Does that count


I just finished reading The Exhibitionist by Charlotte Mendelson. At first I was absorbed, but as the story continued, I was a bit astonished at how deeply the dysfunction was entrenched. And I was exasperated with the mother and loathed the father and daughter codependently stuck to his side. Despite the addiction (which it took me awhile to figure out), I was frustrated and horrified by their abusiveness and what family members put up with. I was desperate for an intervention by the end and maybe a wee bit of a happier ending. It definitely unsettled me and made me think. I will look for more by the author.


When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron, is my frequent go to book for daily reflection.

Horse by Geraldine Brooks.


New book - All The Light We Cannot See
I see it is on Netflix but haven’t watched it yet :thinking:


I love to read! Right now I am reading a book by Tami Hoag titled Night Sins!


It is so so beautiful. I really loved it. I often think about the way he describes the aerial view across the channel towards France… So visceral and evocative.

You will love this book :heart_eyes_cat::open_book:


I think about the map of the city and how it mirrors the whorls of a snail’s shell. That book is poetic. Enjoy!


I second the Codependent No More book. My Daily Reflections & Readings thread (I’m technologically impaired and don’t know how to link the thread lol) had a daily reading by her I post too. Very insightful book!!

I just finished Jay Shetty’s 8 Rules of Love. This was also really helpful and insightful for me.

Before that was the Jean Auel series Earth’s Children that started with the Clan of The Cave Bears. Audible was a favorite discovery to get those finished! I loved the series but couldn’t stay focused enough to read. I loved being able to do it while I walked or did my creative projects.


@Tragicfarinelli & @TrustyBird I’m only around 20 pages in but finding it a beautiful and compelling read. I’m always on the look out for a book I can truly lose myself in :heart: X


Ok great thanks, will line it up for sure, I have a long list on my audible and I listen while I work also.

Thanks for the heads up, I actually read your daily reflections most days as well and enjoy that thread so thank you. Jay Shetty, I initially liked, then he seriously got on my nerves for some reason :woozy_face:.

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Hahaha, I totally understand that!!! I struggled to finish it for that reason lol. But, it was still insightful! I have a work book coming. It could be just even the idea of looking at this stuff repels me lol

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I’m reading The Watchers, A M Shine. Quite engrossing really, enjoying it. Apparently it’s due to be made into a M Night Shymalan movie (or has, I can be behind the times). I can see that he would make this type of story into a film, but it does seem to overlap his other type of films….not finished it yet, maybe I am wrong.

Good read.


I’m reading the maintenance handbook for my refrigerator.
I heard the ending is shocking


Really enjoying it so far!


I loved this book. The author did a great job with descriptives and I can still picture some of the scenes she described in my mind.


I know what you mean, her use of descriptive language is amazing! I can tell already this is going to become one of my top 10 reads

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I’m currently listening to a Donna Tartt on audio book. The Secret History :black_heart: