Any green thumbs?

Here are the photos of the bamboo we try to fight off at my Grammas. You’re really doing great with yours!

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I love this thread. :heart_eyes:

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Wow! It is running or clumping type? We have a running type called Japanese timber. We put a 3 foot deep barrier in the ground to keep what is thick back where it belongs. Some of the roots still remain in my yard. For what is left, I cut everything down to the ground and covered it with thick black plastic to starve it. It will probably take 2 years of being covered to exhaust all of the rhizome energy but it has been proven to kill Japanese knotweed after 5 years of being covered. Japanese knotweed is one of the most invasive species related to regular bamboo. I have to survey the yard daily for sprouts. I let them get 6 inches long and cut them down. That expends the energy of the root system. The lawn mower works great too.

You would have to get a gas chainsaw to cut all of that down to cover it. If you have the clumping type, it is a lot easier to kill. It does not travel far each season. Thank you for sharing these pictures. If you ever need advice, let me know. I know more about than I would like to admit. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It sure sounds like it because I know nothing about it! Lol. It is tall, doesn’t seem to climb, just very invasive and she’s never been able to control it, it just spreads more. At 91, she doesn’t care anymore as long as the lawn mowing is kept up with so it spreads less. It’s crazy!

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Me too! I love gardening and nature. It is such a rewarding hobby. Gardening teaches many lessons including the value of hard work, patience and perseverance. Those are just a few!

I do not blame her at her age. I freaked out about it because I pulled a sprout out of my siding! It has been known to ruin foundations. I will keep everyone posted on my eradication efforts!

Yeah, her house is not in good shape, they really haven’t done much with it since they bought it in 1955. I literally just a few years ago pulled out old old canning jars from her basement with food in it. I asked when the last time she canned was…those came from the Swedish family that lived there before she bought it, it was in the house! Lol

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Omg! That is too funny!

My wild morning glories
They climb everything! More flowers
And a cute little friend

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My vegetable garden exploded with all the rain this past week!


It’s too pretty, I couldn’t help but go back out and take more pictures! :heart:

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Everything is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing these. You must put a lot of time and effort into your garden. I love it!

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Some nurseries sell bags of Ladybugs. Those look kind of like Aphids. I’m not an Entomologist though…

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I use a mixture of Tide detergent and water…but Lady bugs would be your friend


Look up neem oil. It is organic and works well.


Those look like some type of eggs.