Any green thumbs?

That is good stuff too!

I use dawn and water, that often works but not always. Ladybugs. Praying mantis. Those are good organic pest control. I try to find flowers to keep around my veggies too for pest control. I’ve heard of neem oil being good also but I’ve never tried it.

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I’ve read marigolds are a good deterrent.

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This is from early in the season. I got a little greenhouse so I got am early start on my seeds :blush:


They are, I have many around my garden :slight_smile:

They. Look super healthy!

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Wow! Scrolled through most of this thread…Fantastic! For day seven, just what I needed :grinning:


The clematis I almost killed! Looking much better now.


Aww, deer visitor again tonight


You can actually just hose them off. If that doesn’t work, either neem oil or soap and water mixture should work. Continue to reapply as needed…aka a lot.

The deer are voracious here. As are the lubbers, will try to remember to get a photo for you…giant hard bodied grasshoppers with little pink wings…they can defoliate a plant overnight.

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And your gardens are beautiful!

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Me as well, the daily rain has been washing them away on top, but they hide on the underside of the leaves. Neem oil is really good, but do keep it to leaves not blooms so bees won’t be bothered by it.

The organic way suggests that a healthy plant will not attract bugs, mold, etc…so also take a look to see is it getting adequate light, fertilizer, water, etc.

In Florida it is all about right plant for the right spot. I cannot tell you how many times my husband or I move plants until they find the right spot…but it works.

I hear you. I have no shame in turning plants that are struggling into compost (if they aren’t diseased) or putting them in the ‘holding garden’ to see if they perk up.

Likely all the rain made it susceptible to the mold and it spiraled downward. Might be advisable to ditch it just so it doesn’t spread its bugs or mold to other plants. Sounds like you have plenty of other good ones. Be sure to take a look at them too.

Thank you, I would love pictures! That’s too bad they eat the plants though, fencing won’t work on that I suspect like it does on the deer. Ooh, does anyone have any good Japanese beetle control tricks that work well? Those bastards are eating my plants again.

Hand picking is best for beetles and then put them in a vase of water and dish detergent.

Deer fence is never going to work here, we live next to a state park and they walk right up our driveway or in through the back yard …along with feral hogs, cats, armadillos and vipers. And the occasional gator. :grinning:

I will see if I can get a lubber pic for you…they are quite pretty, as well as destructive. I do kill them. Not good karma. Same with the hogs. :neutral_face: We are hoping to get some bacon from the hunters.

Anyway…Japanese beetles are easy to hand pick and drown. Luckily we don’t have them here…had tons in Vermont…they love anything in the rose family.

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I like the idea of letting it dry out. Maybe make a little umbrella / house for it?

Make sure it still gets airflow…mold is a big deal with the rain.

Thanks for that, that sounds so cool! If you can’t take photos of the lubber, I’ll even take photos of your area-it sounds lovely! Except the alligators. Yeah and the hogs, except bacon is great…vipers would also be a no go…are armidillos cute? Or just like big hairless rats?

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