Any green thumbs?

Realized I had not posted in here… From earlier in the season.



Our front door flower pots


Oooo so pretty! I love the colors.

The baby armadillos are so cute, they jump around…so tiny! The bigger ones are funny looking. They are skittish gentle creatures…but can dig under your foundation causing issues.

I will work on pictures. Whenever I remember it starts raining…lots and lots of rain this season.

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A few pictures of the gardens, not much is on bloom right now. No armadillo, grasshoppers or geckos would pose for me…yet.

Various bromeliads, aloe that needs to be separated, succulents.


Bamboo, tillandsia (air plants), baby staghorn, palms, ginger, philodendrun, live oaks, bird of paradise


I love all of these, that’s totally gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing!! :hugs:

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Hydrangeas are my favorite flower! This is such a beautiful bouquet!! :hibiscus:

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I have glass bulbs that I am going to hang from the ceiling for air plants. My last ones died because I think I over watered them lol… Succulents are so interesting. Thank you for sharing.

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Do I see bamboo? How do you keep it contained? I am trying to eradicate mine!!! (my previous posts tell the story haha)

It is hard to keep airplants alive inside here in Florida in the summer…the AC dries them out, they thrive outside in the humidity. them

It is best to mist them…don’t water them as you would a regular plant. You can also soak them in water like you would for orchids. They look so pretty in those glass bulbs. :green_heart:

It is the clumping, not traveling bamboo and we actually put it in. It makes a beautiful natural fence with our neighbors.

Trying to iradicate bamboo is a fulltime job. What have you been doing? I dug some out at my last house, but that was in Vermont, so it was much easier to keep in check vs the year round bamboo growth here.

Here are some tiny air plants …


I have the running Japanese timber type…the fastest growing variety. We bought my house in January and we had no clue about bamboo. We thought it looked beautiful (I won’t dispute that). Spring comes and sprouts are coming up everywhere in my yard. The last straw was when I pulled a piece out of the siding of the house 20 to 25 feet from the bamboo border. I hired someone to trench 3 ft deep and installed a thick bamboo barrier. Now I am dealing when what is left that is not on the other side of the border. I have covered the areas that I know have active rhizomes with thick black plastic. The mow and cut every single sprout that comes up almost everyday. My understanding is that eventually the rhizomes will die because they have no more energy to sprout and access to the sun. It is already working but it will be a struggle forever here. :crazy_face: I hope the barrier will keep it back away from the house. At this point there is no way to get rid of it, only control it.

This is a photo I posted previously. You can’t see the barrier because it is behind the fence but check out the new sprouts. I have been using a combo of max concentrate roundup, dish soap, and water. My main method is letting them grow a few inches and cutting them down to deplete their energy. Rofl!!!

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Oh wow, that is a lovely stand of bamboo but man it is everywhere! It sounds like you are doing all you can. Must be gorgeous in the wind. I am sure it is frustrating as all hell though.

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They don’t build “small” houses with more yard/land where I live anymore. People is the US prefer a huge house on a small piece of land…it is so sad. My house is small and a piece of work but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love the wheelbarrow idea for your plants! Very cute!

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I am so jealous of all of your beautiful gardens! I have a lot of house plants, but what I would do for a backyard…


Lovely philodendron, if I remember when I get back to Florida I will post a picture of one in the wild…they are a rather invasive vine here. :roll_eyes: