Any horror movie fans?

I saw the trailer for that on TV when I was a kid and it really creeped me out. It stuck in my head ever since then, and I finally actually watched it for the first time a couple of years ago. It’s a good low-key 70s flick.

Speaking of which, I watched 1972’s The Possession of Joel Delaney last night. That’s a pretty weird movie. Anyone ever seen it? Starring Shirley Maclaine.


That film is so weird, but I liked it. May watch it again without my booze head as I really struggled to follow films or get into them when I was drinking.


Love a good horror. Just watched the Amityville 4 part series on BBC. Really interesting as they interview friends and the son of the Lutz family.


I was wondering whether to watch that! Might catch up on iPlayer

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I finally bit the bullet and ordered a blu-ray of Possum from Amazon UK, so it is winging its way to me as I type (it was actually really cheap!).

I’ve wanted to see it since I read this great interview with the director, where he talks about his influences, including the UK public information films of the '70s and meeting Peter Cushing when he was a kid:


Would love to see that–jealous of you UK residents! :imp:

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Really great pod cast is uncanny on bbc sounds. Interviews with people who claim to have experienced something supernatural. This is then questioned by psychology and parapsychology experts. It leaves you to make the decision.


That sounds interesting. My own favorite horror movie podcast is “Discover The Horror”–really knowledgeable presenters and a really good varied choice of topics covering horror movies from all eras.

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I watched a movie last night that kind of reminded me of Stir of Echoes called The Pact, a low budget indie film from 2012. It’s not nearly as accomplished as Stir of Echoes and it certainly has some issues and plot-holes, but still enjoyed it. Good soundtrack. Anyone seen it?

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I really love Nightmare on Elm Street. I actually visited that house in Phoenix Az. I also love the old werewolf movies :flushed::flushed:


Cool–that’s dedication!

Any favorites? My own are:
American Werewolf in London, The Howling, The Company of Wolves, The Curse of the Werewolf (from Hammer films)–and I love the Spanish series of werewolf films starring Paul Naschy as Waldemar Daninsky!


I love the Howling and I really love the old Lon Chaney werewolf movie


Very cool. I’m almost ashamed to admit that I haven’t actually seen the Lon Chaney Jr. werewolf films, but I recently bought the complete Universal monster films on blu-ray and am working my way through them in chronological order. I’ve watched the first Dracula, Frankenstein, and Mummy films so far–all great. Looking forward to the wolf man!

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Wolfman movies are the best. I love the Scream movies too. I could watch horror movies all day !!!


Watching Dashcam currently. Not sure what to say… It’s low level entertaining and creepy as live cam footage horror goes. Anyone else seen it?

Edited to add, this movie was so messed up that it gave me quite a lot of real anxiety. It got two stars out of five on sky… But I often ignore that… This film was Narrsssttyyyyy. The only horror to truly ick me out in a long time. Got a few jumps out of me too.


I sometimes do! :sweat_smile:


Haven’t seen it, but I saw the same director’s 2023 film The Boogeyman (based on a Stephen King story). Didn’t think much of The Boogeyman, but Dashcam looks a bit more interesting.


The main character is seriously the most hateful thing you will ever come across.
Pretty violent and icky.
But let me know what you think if you do.

If you like found footage and aren’t squeamish and like popular culture, it will hit.


American Mary :+1:t2:


Some wild experimental horror. This one was really something. Hard to explain, but the use of sound, camera angles, and disorienting timeline gives this such a bizarre ambience.