Any horror movie fans?

Adding it to my list! I consider most sci-fi to be horror. There’s a few that really give me the chills :+1:


It’s almost the same intensity level as “Alien” from the 80’s…but a little more graphic.


Loved it! Ever see the 4th Kind? I haven’t seen it in a while but that one really got to me. Messed with my sleep and everything!


Ill have to look it up on YouTube and watch the trailer.

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Well, that was weird… :upside_down_face:


Added to the list, along with The Fourth Kind. Anyone seen the Sci-Fi horror High Life from 2018, directed by Claire Denis? I haven’t, but it has also been on my list for ages. It looks good, but I never seem to get to it…

Well, having posted that yesterday, I finally watched High Life last night. It’s not actually a horror film at all, despite sometimes being classified as such (on Wikipedia for example). I’d describe it as a dystopian sci-fi film reminiscent of some that were occasionally made in the pre-Star Wars 60s and 70s.

Although I figured it to be an indie film (it’s distributed by A24), it actually had some pretty big names in it, including Juliette Binoche, Robert Pattinson, and Mia Goth.

I thought it was quite good, but I’m not sure how much I could recommend it–pretty slow and quite pretentious. Maybe worth a look if (like me) you like slllooowww “trance films.” Elevated by a nice score by a member of The Tindersticks.

But not horror, so sorry for the false alarm. :sweat:


Love horror movies and books.

Green Inferno
The Human Centipede
And I’ve always loved The Shining… even if Stephen King doesn’t :slight_smile:

… lots more


Just finished watching Smile. I thought it was quite good. Hadn’t even heard of it before I saw someone mention it here. :+1:


I hadn’t heard of it either before here. I liked it a lot until the very end. The reveal was a bit disappointing, almost like they didn’t know how to end it.


That’s a pretty harsh selection! :astonished:

I can take or leave the Hostel films, but I really liked Green Inferno and Thanksgiving—probably because they’re both homages to the kind of 70s/80s exploitation films that I’m big fan of. I also really liked Eli Roth’s remake of Deathwish with Bruce Willis. Apparently, his next movie is going to be based on the Borderlands video game—can’t really work up much enthusiasm for that, but you never know. Could be his version of Mad Max?

Much as I like Stephen King, I think this is one of those rare instances where the film is much better than the novel. :+1:


Felt exactly the same:


I agree… Harsh! The Human Centipede sequences are probably the sickest movies I’ve seen to date. I only enjoyed the 1st hostel movie - it was novel to me at the time and still creeps me out. Makes me think twice about ever travelling to Eastern Europe or the Amazon! I really enjoy Eli Roth’s films.

I enjoyed The Shining novel & movie equally I think. King hated it because Kubrick took a lot of liberties he didn’t agree with. I’m currently re-reading Dr. Sleep, which is Danny Torrance all grown up. !Redrum!


Nice write-up/review!

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I liked the novel Doctor Sleep quite a bit more than the movie, I think. Although I do want to watch the movie again now that I am sober (and after learning about the part it played in director Mike Flannigan’s own journey to sobriety). The main thing that stuck in my mind from watching it last time was how good (and well-cast) the actress who plays Wendy Torrance was—she really was a lot like Shelly Duval in The Shining.

I re-watched The Shining just recently, because I discovered to my amazement—after decades of being a massive fan of the film—that there are two versions:

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Thanks! I’m no Roger Ebert, but hey… :sweat_smile:

I also just watched Doctor Sleep again. It was alright. With Obi-Wan as Danny. I loved that he grew up an alcoholic like his father (what a weird thing to love). I didn’t realize that about the Director or that there were 2 Shining versions!?

Probably the only film (The Shining) I preferred over the book by SK and I’ve read nearly all of them.

I wish they would make The Long Walk into a film :slight_smile:


:rofl: Obi-Wan!

I’ve read most of Stephen Kings books too. Well, no recent ones. The first Shining I ever saw was the 2nd version when I was maybe 10, so I was confused when I finally saw the original. Never heard of Dr. Sleep, but I’m interested now.

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Yeah, both he and his partner are sober. There was a little discussion about it earlier in the thread (well, mostly just me rabbiting on as usual…):
Starts here, if you’re interested:


You mean the TV movie one?? I bought that on DVD out of curiosity, but I couldn’t get through it… :sweat_smile:

The other day I happened to look at this list of all of the SK works that had been adapted for film and TV–it’s pretty staggering:

The Shining and De Palma’s Carrie are definitely my favorites, One odd one that I really enjoyed was The Mist, from 2007.

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