Any horror movie fans?

First I wasn’t very interested by Brandon Cronenberg, don’t know why, but as soon as I saw Possessor I jumped on his two other movies, it’s very interesting I think. You can feel the legacy, but he has his own style too. It’s pretty unique.
As for Mia Goth, I really look forward to see Maxxxine :metal:t2:
And a big yes to Barbara Steele !


I enjoyed it!

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Recently watched two very original movies. I enjoyed them very much. Moon garden is so unique and has a great story. Oscilloscope always has some great movies. Stop motion is interesting


I love the Classics:

Boris Karloff
Lon Cheney
Bella Lugosi
Peter Lorre



Yes, after watching Infinity Pool, I can definitely see that he is his father’s son! (I bet he gets frustrated about constantly being compared though.)

Not sure what I thought of the film to be honest. I certainly didn’t hate it, and I appreciated the way that the whole thing was like a sustained psychedelic nightmare – provocative and open to interpretation. Definitely a welcome change from the “jump-scare, jump-scare > boss battle finale” formula of so many modern horror movies.

I guess my problem was that, at the end of the movie, I just felt a bit confused about what it was trying to say. Like his dad’s films, it seemed to have some kind of message to convey about society and/or the human condition, but I have no idea what it was! :sweat_smile:


Moon Garden looks really interesting. For some reason it put me in mind of Neil Gaiman’s novella The Ocean at the End of the Lane.

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I mentioned it earlier in the thread, but I am currently working my way through the Universal Classic Monsters Complete Collection blu-ray set (it’s not actually complete, but it has 30 films in it). They’re certainly not all classics, but the great ones really are great.

One later-career Lon Chaney Jr. film that I really like is Jack Hill’s Spider Baby from 1967. A very unusual film.


The end of the movie is for everyone to interpret :sweat_smile:
Cronenberg said
" I do know what the ending means to me, but it’s not something I want to reveal […] because I want people to have a chance to explore [Infinity Pool] on their own terms.
Deshuminization, hedonism, violent instincts, empathy, consequence free existence leading to losing humanity…i dunno, these kind of stuffs. In a way the themes are similar to the purge movies I guess.
And there is a big obvious question at the end, is he or is he not a…

My oldest daughter asked me to see Jaws. My next horror movie will be Jaws then. Can’t go wrong with this one


I re-watched Jaws recently, and it is a great film.
Just curious, but how old is your daughter? Not that Jaws is particularity violent by today’s standards, but it does have pretty slow pacing compared to the kind of media consumed by kids today. My daughter is eight and I think she would probably find it completely boring… :roll_eyes:


I didn’t know you had a daughter that age. My daughter just turned 10.

On that note, do you watch horror with her? I haven’t decided how to navigate it yet. I completely understand the boredom with slow movies. I couldn’t get her into The Neverending Story, The Dark Crystal, or Labyrinth, which were ones I watched so many times the tapes broke!

This generation is already exposed to so much more than we were at that age, and it’s mostly out of our control. I’ve begun letting her watch certain PG-13 movies, depending on the content of course. She loved Wednesday, and that had it’s moments, but a year or so ago, her father watched some ‘real life ghost’ videos on YouTube with her. When she came back home, and I put her to bed, she kept coming out of her room bc she was scared. First time in her life that ever happened. (He got a talkin to :smirk_cat:)

Idk. I guess it all depends on the kid. Growing up, I feel my fears were pretty average, or less than, but everything scared my brother. Just curious about your view on this. I don’t know many horror fans with children.


I don’t watch horror movies with my daughter–she’s too young for most stuff I’d watch, or (as already mentioned) she’d most likely just find it dull. She does have a definite interest in horror-ish stuff, though. She likes things like Wednesday and Hotel Transylvania, and she loves the Monster High dolls more than Barbie or whatever. I think my own interests have inevitably rubbed off on her (my wife puts it down to us binge-watching The Walking Dead when she was pregnant). Maybe when she gets older, we will watch horror movies together—who knows.

Those “real life ghost” videos would probably scare the crap out of me, never mind my daughter! That’s the kind of thing that really gets to me.

I guess something like Wednesday is also probably a bit too mature for an eight-year-old, but it seems OK. It certainly doesn’t scare her at all. I personally started watching Hammer films and suchlike on TV when I was about ten. I think that’s definitely too early, but hey—never did me any harm. Probably… :sweat_smile:


Yeah, I watched Wednesday by myself and then found out she already watched it at her dad’s. That’s really the only reason it happened. Sometimes he just doesn’t use his brain :roll_eyes:

I grew up with a alot of those old movies too. My dad had a little collection but I was probably also 10/11 before he let me watch any. I remember The Blob (both) freaking me out a little.

Yeah…idk. I’m just gonna keep doing what I’ve been doing, which is watch kids shows/movies with her and stay up too late after she goes to bed watching my stuff.


Yeah, I think they (and we) should enjoy the kiddie stuff while they can-- plenty of time for adult stuff in the future.

I think kids grow up too fast anyway–they don’t need our help!


Oh she’s 19 it’s alright you know :grin:
She loved it, especially the special effects and cinematography.
8 is of course too young, I’m afraid of the deep sea because I saw Jaws too young.
I never showed her horror movies too young. I think it’s not being responsible tbh. Everything on time :wink:
The movie that scared her the most to this day hereditary.
And she’s used to slow pacing as I showed her a lot of movies from the past. I don’t really think Jaws is in the category, it’s definitely not boring :grin:
She loved the first Alien too.
She was a bit traumatized at 7 when she saw the first Jurassic park at a friend’s house.

She loved some Terrence Makick movies too, definitely contemplative movies and she wants to see 2001 now, which gonna be the Ultimate test in terms of pace ahah

I also have a 9 years old movies and she even hasn’t seen any marvel movie to that day. Everything on time !
One of my friend is a horror movie fanatic, his kids don’t care at all about horror movies, and he’s sad about that. I wouldn’t be, i don’t expect my kids to be like me, I just try to understand what they like and what they don’t like.
For now we watch Miyazaki and stuffs like that, as you say they’re already growing too fast

I’ve heard there is a remake coming up from the Neverending story! :confetti_ball:
I loved that one very much as well and that song too :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Yeah, that’ll do it… :open_mouth:


Ahah definitely!
She’s easily scared by ghosts movies, and to this day still refuse to sit in front of the japanese Ju-on movies, tsssss :grin:

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Just watching Bones and All. Anyone else seen it? Kind of an Indie fringe horror.

As much as the series has left its horror roots. I’d have to say the Scream series. Mostly 1-3. Also very fun movies to show your friends. Love watching people try to figure out who the killer is.


That’s been on my watch-list for a little while–since I heard it mentioned on the Bloody Good Horror podcast’s “best films of 2022” episode. Need to actually watch it soon!