Any horror movie fans?

I remember enjoying the first Scream movie when it came out back in the mid-nineties. I haven’t seen it since then, though. The only other one in the series that I have seen is the fifth one (that came out in 2022), which I didn’t think much of. It was the first one that Wes Craven didn’t direct.

I watched a pretty interesting film a couple of nights ago called Honeymoon, from 2014. It almost had a similar vibe to a 70s/80s David Cronenberg film–although much more low-key. Anyone else seen it?

I came across it when it was featured on the (excellent) Discover The Horror podcast’s episode about women directors. I looked up the director (Leigh Janiak) to see what else she has made, and her only other films are the three Fear Street films on Netflix. I had written those off as probably being teen-oriented “pop horror” that wouldn’t appeal to me, but after watching Honeymoon, I’m beginning to wonder if I might have misjudged them.


I don’t remember much of that movie tbh except I gave it a decent rating :sweat_smile:

Have you seen Immaculate ? Interesting movie imo, good cinematography, good music (they even use my favorite Bruno Nicolai track :raised_hands:t2:), good italian influences, pretty radical in the end, I liked it.


I haven’t seen Immaculate, but I will watch it when I get a chance. I don’t think it has even been on theatrical release here in Japan yet. I have heard that the plot is very similar to the recent First Omen movie, but hopefully it will be better than that (not hard, in my opinion).

First Omen is set in 1970s Rome and also filches period Italian soundtrack music to set the scene—Ennio Morricone in the case First Omen. I didn’t recognize the piece, but it sounded very giallo-esque. I guess it is more than just the plots of those films that are similar.

There was a bit of discussion about sci-fi horror a little earlier in the thread. :+1:

A personal note, while I’m here:

Today is a brand new “day one” for me. After staying away from booze completely for almost six months I have drunk alcohol on three occasions over the past month. The first two occasions were with friends and actually quite enjoyable, which I think it lulled me into a kind of false sense of complacency.

Yesterday I drank by myself. I was in a nice Italian restaurant for lunch and wanted to have some red wine with my pizza, so I ordered a bottle and drank it all. (Yeah, not a glass–a bottle.…)

I didn’t even really enjoy it beyond the initial feeling of…what? Relief? Later in the evening I started to feel hung over and ill. I just wanted to go to bed and reset, but it was too early, so I watched Jean Rollin’s Lips of Blood. Quite a good film to be ill to. :sweat_smile:

It was a pretty unpleasant experience all-in-all, so I think it will be easy for me to get back on the wagon. I certainly feel no urge at all to drink again at the moment. But I’m not feeling too great about myself today.


As long as they use the Ave Satani by Goldsmith, at least a bit, it would be alright for me ahah. Morricone is kind of my music god btw.
I haven’t seen The first Omen but the critics in France are way better than for Immaculate! I have to watch it. I like The Omen, a lot more than The Exorcist in terms of christian fears :sweat_smile:

Wishing you strength after your relapse

I used to smoke weed all day long for years and years, and drink too, the number of movies I don’t even remember watching is crazy. It’s a good thing I rate them on the imdb…
Remembering, It’s a strange motivation maybe, but it works for me :wink:


Rest assured. :+1:


I am in a similar boat. As I said earlier in the thread I have a huge DVD and blu-ray collection of films that I can only remember the first half of… :pensive:


I remember really liking the Fear Street movies, but was surely drunk and can’t remember the plots. I also don’t mind a good teen scream so not sure if I should recommend :thinking:

Never heard of Honeymoon but I found it on Prime. I usually don’t pay extra for movies not included on my platforms but I can rent it for $0.79! :rofl: Maybe I will :smirk:


I’m equally into Horror and Sci-Fi. I’ve been watching Parasyte: the grey on Netflix. It’s the best of both worlds :+1:


I watched Clickbait on Netflix over the weekend, and then in the last ten minutes of episode 6 realised I had watched it drunk years ago…. :roll_eyes::confounded::melting_face:


That happens to me all the time! I really don’t mind bc I’ve basically tapped out everything good on Netflix, so it’s nice to have some ‘new’ selections :joy: Now I make sure I rate everything I watch so it doesn’t happen again, tho I doubt it would. I like being able to catch every detail and follow along better now. Much more enjoyable :wink:


I feel kind of the same. I spend a lot of money buying movies on blu-ray, but I hate paying for rentals, although I sometimes do if they are on sale. For example, I paid 100 yen (about $0.65) for rentals last night and the night before.

Two nights ago I rented It Comes at Night (2017), which I had high hopes for because it’s an A24 film and that’s usually a good sign for me, but I was totally underwhelmed. There wasn’t really anything in it that I hadn’t seen done just as well–if not better–years earlier in The Walking Dead. It was strange to see an A24 feature so roundly beaten to the punch by a mainstream TV show.

Then, last night, after reading about it in this thread, I rented The Fourth Kind (2009), starring Milla Jovovich. It’s no masterpiece, but I enjoyed it. I have no idea why it’s so widely panned by both critics and general viewers. Because it’s a faux documentary, it seems that some people criticized it for “marketing fiction as truth,” but it isn’t that what most found footage type films do?

I was reading the Wikipedia page and saw that Roger Ebert panned it and said it “compares unfavorably to Paranormal Activity and The Blair Witch Project.” That may be so, but I still think it compares pretty favorably to 90% of found footage type films.



So, now that you’ve seen it, this is what happened when I saw The Fourth Kind.

We watched it in theaters when it was released. It definitely appeared to tell a true story at the time, which is a creepy thought. I actually didn’t even know it was fake until fairly recently. At the time my life was going pretty well. I drank, but I still took care of myself. I slept thru the night, every night, like a rock. The night we saw the movie, I woke up at exactly 3:00am! That never happened to me. I was so terrified I had to wake up my man to comfort me. This happened every night after for the next week. Idk if my subconscious was somehow causing this after seeing the movie, although idk how that’s possible, but I had never been so shook by a movie before that. I loved it :smiley: (bc there’s obviously something wrong with me :crazy_face:)

Speaking of found footage films, have you seen the Grave Encounters films? I saw them a long time ago but just re watched them and was surprised by how good they were. I don’t usually like watching a shaky camera but I found them worth it :+1:


I don’t think I’ve been scared by a horror film to that extent since I was a little kid. But I’m grateful if a film unnerves me even just a little–it’s a precious thing for us seasoned horror fans.

I have seen the first one. I don’t remember it too well, but I remember thinking it was OK. Maybe time for a re-watch.

When they’re done well, found-footage type films can be some of the scariest films for me (unfortunately they usually aren’t done particularly well).

I recently re-watched all of the Paranormal Activity films, and although there is a rapid decline in quality after the first couple, the first two are really creepy. The blu-ray of the first movie that I watched had the “alternate ending” version, which I thought was much better than the ending that was generally released.

I mentioned it just a little earlier in the thread, but another found-footage type film that I watched recently was Lake Mungo, which I thought was well above average and worth checking out.


Yes, me too, except a few moments in some japanese ghosts movies, I’m not really scared anymore. If I want to be scared I’d rather play a horror videogame, some of them a CRAZY scary. I even had nightmares with one, and I never had nightmares after a movie.

Like @Just_Laura, I enjoyed the first Grave Encounters.
Also I need to rewatch Paranormal activity, as I disliked it when it came out, but, well, I don’t really remember why :pensive:

To stay in the same genre, has anyone seen Host (2020) ? It’s a movie only shot through a computer, like during a zoom meeting, it’s pretty well done.
There is a french found footage movie shot in the Paris catacombs that I think was ok but it was hammered by the critics: As above, as below (in french Catacombes). It’s on french Netflix, dunno about others.

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Just watched the first omen (the new movie not the old one) lol it was surprisingly decent.


I guess we’ll have to disagree on that one then. :sweat_smile:
Good that you enjoyed it though. (Harumph!)

Any recommendations? I loved the Silent Hill games back in the day.

If you can, try to see the “alternate ending” version. I think it is much better. (Completely screws up the the continuity to the second film, though…)

Haven’t seen it, but it sounds a lot like this film that I watched recently:

As Above, So Below–Yeah I’ve seen that, but I can’t remember a thing about it! (Same old problem… :disappointed:)

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Some recent games : Visage, Madison (those two…:exploding_head::scream:) and Resident Evil 7 Biohazard
Still got one trophy missing in Visage but I couldn’t get myself back in that house, no way :rofl:
I literally screamed and jumped from my couch a few times in front on these ones ahah

Missing sounds good, thanks for the tip!

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