Any horror movie fans?

It wasn’t disastrous, but a bit of a warning to be a bit more vigilant for sure.


I hope you’re doing okay! It happens - take it as a learning experience and move on from it. Abstinence is the key for me 100%, obviously recovery isnt a one-size-fits-all but i would definitely recommend it!

Keep going :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


^ ^ ^ Thanks! Just have to keep moving forward I guess.

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Last night I watched Color Out of Space for the second time. Don’t know why–I just had the urge to see it again.

The first time I watched it I was not really impressed, but think that’s because it came out shortly after Panos Cosmatos’ Mandy (one of my all-time favorite films), which also stars Nicholas Cage, and the two films often got compared in the press–to the extent that I was almost expecting Color Out of Space to be “Mandy Part 2,” so I watched it with completely the wrong expectations.

I enjoyed it much more this time. I think it’s let down a little by its over-reliance on CG effects, but it is still a cool movie. Watching it this time, I felt like it is the spiritual successor to the 1986 HP Lovecraft adaptation From Beyond (which is a film I really want to see again–haven’t seen it since the 80s!).

Some of the body horror and associated pathos in Color Out of Space was genuinely disturbing–and tragically sad. Some good Nicholas Cage wacky moments too. Also some interesting depictions of alcohol use, which is something that I have been really noticing in a lot of horror movies recently.


Well, I made it through another “first sober weekend.” Got to admit I came pretty close to caving in and buying some booze at one point, but I didn’t, and I’m glad I didn’t.

Last night I watched the 2019 film Bliss, directed by Joe Begos. Anyone seen it? It is a very strange and unconventional horror film with a very hallucinogenic, noisy, punk rock aesthetic. Much of the story revolves around drug use, so it could be interesting for some people here, although I guess it could also be pretty triggering.

As a movie, I didn’t hate it–I appreciated what it was trying to do, and the fact that it was quite experimental and risk-taking, but I didn’t really enjoy it either, mainly because there is not one single likeable character in the whole film.

I also saw another movie titled Bliss yesterday–the 2021 science fiction film starring Owen Wilson, which I watched first by mistake thinking it was the 2019 film. Doh! :confounded:. Didn’t think much of that one either.


Just watched this short and thought it was well done… didn’t even know about the shorts … not sure where i be living :laughing:


I’ve been to the cinema watching MaXXXine yesterday, I found it amazing! I loved everything about it. What a trilogy!


I’m so excited for MaXXXine! Pearl and X were great! Good to know you enjoyed it.

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If you liked X and Pearl you’ll probably like this one ! The 80s spirit is crazy good, and it’s such a great story about Hollywood fame game too


My last two movies:
Monolith: a good movie (love the subject) starring only one actor and some voices trough phones. I’m not sure about the end, I don’t always like when ends are so opened to interpretation. I got mine anyway :sweat_smile: could have been a lot better
Talk to me: i loved this one. Some scenes are pretty frightening, the end is so deep and great, and even though it’s nothing I haven’t seen before it’s very well done. Solid.
Both movies are from Australia :kangaroo:
Oh I saw Les Chambres rouges in Canada too (Red rooms). It’s not a pure horror movie, but at the same time it is. So deep, so sharp, so cold. Nothing is really shown but it’s very hard to watch sometimes. A piece of dark art about human soul.

I hope you’re alright @SoberHorrorFan !


Alien Romulus: very good!! I was a bit afraid (not by the movie :yum:) but in the end it’s very good. Not surprising, not adventurous but it gives to the fans of the first movies exactly what they might expect from an Alien movie.
I would rate it after the first three (I don’t like the 4th)


Night Swim.

Pedestrian but watchable. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I really need someone to make some good horror soon. I am hopeful for The Bench, 17 years in the making, finally going to release soon I think… But then I just am a bit jaded that it will be any good.


Thanks for asking. I’d be lying if I said I was doing great. I am going through a very tough time just now. A very protracted break-up with my wife. I’m pretty miserable, and I have had a few spells of drinking, but nothing like I was before–even in happy times. Sorry to suddenly disappear from the forum. I just feel a bit dead to the world at the moment.

Still watching at least one horror movie every day though…


I saw that in the theater and weirdly really enjoyed it. It has a nice–as you say–pedestrian atmosphere that allowed me to space out in a way that I found really comforting (I almost fell asleep). I know that’s maybe a strange way to enjoy a horror film, but not so uncommon for me. I nearly went to see it a second time.


Haha, I have used The Fog, John carpenter original for this sleep meditation before… Literally used it to fall asleep to.


I saw Influencer. Not bad, not good. I thought it would be more clever about all that influencers bs, but it’s not, except the fact noone care about you on these medias. The main actress has a lot of charisma and kind of save the movie.
And a mexican movie: Huesera The Bone woman. I don’t know about this one. The movie subject is motherhood, and it’s about a woman who has a baby because of social norms and how it ruins her life and dreams. It goes so deep in that subject that I felt uncomfortable. Interesting.

@SoberHorrorFan i wish you strength, I know the feeling. I tried alcohol a bit after my wife broke up with me and felt even worse. This was when I found this app and decided that “not a drop” was the only solution.

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Me. I watched Longlegs on Saturday. It in a way triggered my ocd. Brain works in mysterious ways. I should refrain from horror movies.


Thanks. It’s all still being processed, and there is a young child involved. It’s more important than ever for me to keep a clear head now–painful as it is.

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No idea when (or if) it will get a theatrical release in Japan, but Longlegs is probably my most anticipated film right now. Blackcoat’s Daughter, by the same director, is probably one of my favorite movies of the last decade.

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Longlegs is very mesmerizing. It made me think of Alan Wake, Kubrick, seven, zodiac, silence of the lambs, but it is unique too. The cinematography is awesome. I still think about it, it’s not a movie to mess with :grin:
I’ll take a look at Blackcoat’s daughter and his Hansel & Gretel

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