Any horror movie fans?

Idk if Devil was mentioned up there already :point_up_2: but I forgot about it and rewatched it today after years. I have more faith than I did back then which caused a few shivers for me.


I loved Devil!

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Rewatching the first Purge film. I do like these films a lot, maybe the concept? Horrible really, but I always watch them when on, just like Saw.

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This was a good movie I really liked it.

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Just watching No One Will Save You on Disney with Kaitlyn Dever. Seems ok so far, early days…

Has anyone seen the new Saw movie? I went tonight and I realised what a truly disturbed individual I must be. I bought popcorn fully expecting not to be able to stomach it… but… I ate the whole thing. The film was good too. Better than most in the franchise.


Not yet but I want to… You know what, the storylines in Saw have never been that bad…I found myself feeling sorry for jigsaw at one point. Lol.

I’m in the UK so might take a while for it to come over by courier pigeon :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh man…I’m looking forward to seeing it …was just thinking about it today. I also don’t find them to be scary but do find them to be disturbing yet and keep wanting to watch the next one.

Now I’m very excited

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OK – this was a great movie - really well done! Still not scary but i did enjoy it immensely. Thank you for the recommendation.


I’m glad you enjoyed it. It’s really more creepy than scary!


I am so stoked to find a horror movie thread here. It’s my favorite genre!

I’ve been going through all of The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs episodes on Shudder, and I have to say that I loved Prom Night II. I hadn’t seen it before, somehow, and it was so much fun.

I’m currently rewatching the Halloween series and loving it just as much as I did the first time.

I can’t say I have a favorite film at this time. I love so many of them for so many different reasons.


Dropping in to say I saw that new Exorcist movie last night it was dreadful. Save your money.


Thanks for the heads up, all going to catch a cocaine bear tonight finally.

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Cocaine Bear was so much fun.

I watched Terrifier for the first time last night, and it takes a lot to creep me out but Art the Clown did the trick. Probably the creepiest clown ever. He makes Pennywise look like a good guy.


lol-- i did find Art the clown to be mentally deranged – agree that he gives pennywise a run for his money.

@HakeemOsman DAMN! so disappointed that the movie blew!

Anyone watched the Terrifier movies? :scream:

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Yes they are great! That clown is so fucking terrifying they are correct.

It was, I loved it.

I only watched the first one, its so disturbing scarying the shit of me. For some reason I thought about this movies while going to the store late in the dark. Omg, I was so scared :sweat_smile:

I only saw clips from the 2nd one, is that one wors or same?

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I watched the first one the other night. I loved it. I may watch the second tonight.