Any horror movie fans?

Imagine there would have been an owl at your window :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Seriously, I love everything Alien. But this kind of movies donā€™t let me sleep.

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Check out ā€œSmileā€, some jumpscares and not 2 bad. Orphan 1 and 2.


Smile was actually really good :+1:


Another cool Japanese horror film that came out around the same time that often gets overlooked is 2001ā€™s Pulse (Kairo) by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. I havenā€™t seen it since around the time it came out, but I remember it being just as creepy as The Ring. I really need to get round to re-watching it myself. Like The Ring, it was also re-made in the US, but I havenā€™t seen that version.

Havenā€™t seen that yet, but Iā€™m looking forward to it. I always had a soft spot for Grizzly, with William Shatner.

Iā€™m guessing it might be quite different thoughā€¦ :sweat_smile:

Thatā€™s a shame, but after that directorā€™s Halloween movies, I canā€™t say too Iā€™m surprisedā€¦ :confounded:

Just watched this movie, great recommendation thank you! I really enjoyed it. If others are interested, TW for sucide content.

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I love the first Phantasm movie, but the sequelsā€¦

Having said that, I did watch all of them. :sweat_smile:


Cool! Glad you enjoyed it.

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Okay, who watched The Fall of the Usher House??


I watched the first episode, but it didnā€™t really grab me. I might go back to it, but I would probably be more inclined to re-watch the awesome Roger Corman / Vincent Price version from 1960!

I will say it takes a minute to get the story going but the ending is insane


Huge horror nerd here! Went to my first horror con this year and it was amazing! Iā€™m a big fan of Italian horror. One of my all time favorites is The Beyond.


The Phantasm movies are great in their own cheesy way and Reggie is a badass, lol.

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Welcome to the community Sonja - great to have you here with us.

WHOA - a horror con? I need to attend one asap - i have not heard of one before but now will hunt.

They are like nothing elseā€“thatā€™s for sure!

Iā€™m also a huge fan of Fulciā€“I even watched Manhattan Baby twice!

No. The 12 steps changed all of my attractions. I no longer like excitementā€¦ I am trying NOT to get excited.

I just watched this last night. I agree with everyoneā€™s assessments that it went off the rails towards the end, but the way the tension was ratcheted up in the first half was truly excellent.


But honestlyā€¦ How hilarious is the tower scene. Me and my buddy were dying with laughter, the rest of the theater, not as amused.

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