Anyone with tattoos?

Thank you very much. Never had any pics of my work. I need to take more. Some I never see lol

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got some tats in the pic lol in the er with a severe migraine!


I’m just seeing this now, but HOT! :heart_eyes:

Very nice! The tattoos are great too! :wink: Do you have a theme for the sleeve or just going at it piece by piece?

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I’ve got 5 tattoos, all done between the ages of 17-22.

I’m 30 now and I regret 4 of them :joy:
Nothing against tattoos, I was just an idiot back then and the tats I have were often spur of the moment, not tremendously relevant to who I am or who I have become. I was also not “rolling in the dough” back then (as if I am now! :rofl:), typical broke college kid, so they were generally done on the cheap and it shows.

The one I have which I do like is my Irish family crest on my left bicep. I could do without the other 4.
Needless to say, I am hesitant to get any more because of this.

My first tattoo at 17 was done in my aunt’s dining room by a crusty old fella named “Tex”. He did an awful job.


Love that sugar scull :ok_hand:

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The first one was a tat that I got with my ex gf. Hers was almost identical except that her rainbow went in the opposite direction. I got that covered up with the Majora’s mask from the legend of zelda. The last one is a band logo, Skinny Puppy. I also have a tribal sun on my lower back but I don’t have any pics of it.


Thank you!
The theme of the sleeve is going to be more or less my spiritual expression. I am not a strict religion follower, I have taken bits and pieces from many religions & mythologies to form my own spiritual understanding. So there will be lots of celestial & mythological creatures. As well as a patronus charm that will take up my entire forearm of my sleeve. And then on my left forearm I will get the dark mark, symbolizing the light and dark within us as individuals and within the world. I’m a bit of a Harry Potter nerd, lol

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I have 1, the ubiquitous USMC bulldog. We all got them prior to shipping off to the 91 Gulf War. I plan to get two more, when I get my black belts in Krav and Muay Thai.


My wife has a bunch, and she got them between 18-22, plus one when she was 30, in Vegas. Now she wants to have them removed.

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Thank you!

I’ve thought about it, but I am not aware of any methods that are both effective and not astronomically expensive – granted I have not done extensive research into it.
I can live with them, I just wish I didn’t have to…perhaps someday in the future there will be a better method.


Well it sounds like it’ll be pretty interesting once finished! When do you think you’ll be done? And are you going to share the final project?

I looked into it a bunch when I was considering options for my chest piece. I ended up doing a cover up because removal isn’t that effective and I would have ended up tattooing the area again to cover the ickyness left behind. If it’s a small piece I could see removing it but I don’t do small, lol.


Did that armpit tattoo hurt like a mother?

You bet it did! It’s not even finished colour yet! Haha

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I can only imagine… and then vomit in pain :joy::rofl:

Which is the main reason I have objected to her having them removed. Maybe the one between her shoulder blades, but anything else can’t be seen in normal attire, so what’s the point?

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I really did feel nauseas after

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I will absolutely share progress photos & final product. I plan on my patronus piece being my gift/reward to myself on my sober anniversary. I want to have it done by the time I’m 30, which leaves me about 4 years

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