April full body workout challenge 🏋️‍♂️🤸‍♀️

Monday lunchtime here now and have caught up and am back on track today :raised_hands:
Turned it into 4 rounds, doing days 6, 7, 9 and 10.
Here’s to an awesome week ahead everyone :slightly_smiling_face:


Ugh… awful week for me. Just can’t seem to get motivated. Need spring, I think.


Im sorry youve had a rough week. Anything you wanna talk about?
Hopefully Monday will start off beautifully.

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Gee, thanks for asking, that’s real nice! I know this is a super welcoming place, but it’s hard for me to put things out there. I’m OK, think I just need to be more grateful for what I have. You’re right… Monday is a new week!


Well- rest up and heres looking forward to a wonderful Monday. If you do ever need to talk/vent…im here to listen - you can message me when needed.


Maybe you want to join us here


Still busy with daily shoveling your roof? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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Ha, yes! We finally hit the 40’s after one last round of blizzards last week. I don’t think I’m going back up. Ice damns are all taken care of now except for one which I can get at from a ladder on the ground. It’s actually quite peaceful up on the roof.:smile:

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Oops, meant to reply to you.

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Day 10 done! :white_check_mark: :ballot_box_with_check: Tomorrow back to work after the Easter break! Yeah!! Looking forward to my routine! :smiling_face:


Day 11 done with a 30 min run added.

Was meant to start back at muay thai this morning but this frustrating as hell, thorn in my side, called Anxiety, knocked on my door and prevented me stepping foot on the mat. Pissed off, disappointed and frustrated with myself for not being able to push past it. Oh well, try again Thursday :confused:


Day 10 :heavy_check_mark: as part of the savage routine the sweet little trainer woman concocted for me today. She looks so innocent…

Change of pace for today’s thought:

You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.
Ayn Rand


I will do day 11 & 12 tomorrow! :sunglasses:

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Day 11 done. I walked my doggo twice today and I’m grateful for the milder weather.

Just read a blog by a trail runner in Colorado, a woman of color who started running for weight loss and now runs because she repeats this mantra:

You cannot be what you do not see.

Lindsley Kump


Day 10 and 11 done. Started into day 12. :roll_eyes:


Hmmm… I like that one, I guess I struggle with the same philosophy when it comes to weight loss. I never believe I can actually do it, and that’s why I’m stuck with this overweight for years already that the excessive drinking has brought me :confused:

On the other hand, I could not see the future as anything but bleak if I stopped drinking. But I did stop, not so much for what was to be, but because I could not tolerate what was any longer.

So, this morning I’d prefer to say “You can be what you cannot see”.


A colleague once said; you used to be skinnier, so it’s not like you want something you never had or that is not achievable. It’s there inside of you, you just have to go back to where you were before, work hard for it. Made me think, and she’s right! :smiling_face:

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Day 11 done! Day 12 again rest day? That was fast! Added a tabata to today! I really enjoyed those ones last year!! May should be Tabata month! :grimacing:

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Si si si por favor. Tabata.

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