April full body workout challenge 🏋️‍♂️🤸‍♀️

Yeah frustrating isn’t it!!! It’s the cardio that really suffers, the 2 minute rounds had me wheezing for air lol

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Day 4, rest day, done! :white_check_mark: Easy one! :grimacing: + Body combat session at the gym!


Day 5 done :white_check_mark:

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Completed day 4 - rest :wink: + 2.6 mile walk

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Sweet baby jayzus, you scared me out of a year’s growth! I saw your post and thought “Oh no! I missed a day!”.

Don’t do that to me, I’m a sensitive soul! And I miss @Runningfree Jennifer on our challenges already :frowning:


Awwwwwwww!!! YOU missssss me :people_hugging::heart: I have thought about jumping on here but I know I don’t want to do all the days. This month I’m trying to set up a good weights, running and walking balance. It’s going pretty good so far.
I hope y’all have a wonderful day!!


Jump in whenever you like! You can also jump out again! :grin:

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I was a bit lazy today! I’ll catch up day 5 tomorrow! :zzz: :sleeping:

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Busy day today… didnt get to this challenge but fot in a 2.8 mile walk…will make up for today hopefully tomorrow :grimacing:


I forgot to post yesterday! Day 5 :white_check_mark:, along with my first session with my trainer at the gym in 4 weeks, due to her vacation. I definitely lost some ground!

With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.
W.S. The Merchant of Venice


Day 6 here but have passed today’s exercises on to tomorrow. Currently at my parents and am in chill mode lol


I am up to date. I am with you. I have to adapt the dips but this is not a problem I guess :crazy_face:

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Day 5 and 6 done! :white_check_mark: + 4,5K walk. One of the things today was a 10 minute walk, so I counted the 4K walk this morning as part of the exercises!


3.75 mile walk and completed day 5 and 6… did another 1.5 mile walk cause weather was amazing :blush:


Day 7 done! :white_check_mark: + a 4K walk and a little workout with my punch bag! :boxing_glove::innocent:


Nicely done! Love the punch bag workout.

Only got in 1.5 mile walk today as it was too cold for me this morning. Not sure if ill get a chance to get day 7 in - may have to combine with day 8. :thinking: who knows - still some time left…anytging is possible :smile:

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I did the walking part of day 6 yesterday, and the rest of that and all of day 7 today. Feeling sluggish and tired - I went to see Super Mario Brothers with my kids last night and ate a bag of candy all by myself. Urp, urp!

Lets a-go!
Mario Mario


I haven’t forgotten or skipped out yet, just been away and out of routine plus tomorrow is eating easter chocolate day lol. On Monday I’m planning to do a few rounds to catch myself back up and will get back on track then.

@SinceIAwoke how was the movie? I’m taking my kiddos to see it on Monday!


I laughed like a child! It was loads of fun!

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Catching up tomorrow!! :muscle:t2::sleeping: