April full body workout challenge 🏋️‍♂️🤸‍♀️

Day 16 done


Day 16 done.
Star jumps in 2 sets, with some screamo-panting at the end xD
Damn you starjumps!


I’m a bit lazy today, so im skipping, or catching up tomorrow! Also I had a blip a few days ago, and fucked up a sober streak of +70 days, so for accountability I decided to reset my counter yesterday. Angry and disappointed, to say the least. But I’m still in the challenge, I won’t give up, that goes for the challenge & my sobriety :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Day 17 done

@Jesile with 70 ODAATs in the bank this time around you pick yourself up and go again. We’re with you and you’ve got this :muscle::pray::heart:

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Thanks Elliott, I’m back on that sober horse for sure! I know what triggered me, next time I need to be better prepared. I like my sober version better, in any aspect! :sweat_smile:

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Just wanted to thank all of you for the support you’ve shown me. I will continue the challenge, but I’m taking a break from TS. You’re all amazing, keep up the hard work. Much love!


Day 17 done! :white_check_mark:

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Day 18 done @Hidden you’re always welcome back​:pray::heart:

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Day 18 done! :white_check_mark: Long day of work & visit to my dad at the hospital, so that’s all I did today! Better than nothing! :muscle:t2:

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Day 19 done

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Day 19 done! :white_check_mark: + 5K walk. I’ve chosen a new route, it felt good to make this small change!

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Day 20 rest day will be spending it with visitors from overseas enjoying nature and Australian wildlife :metal:

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Sounds like a plan! Post some pics! :blush:

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Spot the kangaroos. Loving the rain :cloud_with_rain:

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:heart_eyes: How cool the kangaroos!!

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A slowly, slowly day 21 done


Day 21 done! :white_check_mark: + 7K walk in the morning!

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Day 22 done

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Day 22 NOT done! :white_check_mark: I was lazy today! Raining all day, I didn’t get to got for a walk on my day off because of the rain, and visiting my dad at hospital was a bad day today. I’ll catch up tomorrow!


Day 23 done @Jesile sorry you had a rough day :pray: :heart:

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