April full body workout challenge 🏋️‍♂️🤸‍♀️

I actually use my bed frame! My couch is too soft, and my kitchen chair from IKEA of plastic too unstable!

so for you both excercises are equivalent?

It’s the same, one using the couch, the other one using a chair. You could even do triceps with a rubber band, or a weight (bottle of water or something heavier) above your head, If the dips hurt your wrists for example

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This would be with the rubber band

Day 3 done. Still don’t like dips. Prefer Burpees :crazy_face:


You do? Big no for me! I remember the burpee challenge, with 60 burpees at the end (I think)… terrible! :rofl:
Day 3 done! :white_check_mark: There are different ways of doing Superman I saw in the internet… I chose the option on my knees.


I don’t like the dips either. I’ve seen articles about how they can lead to injury. That’s why I’m subbing tri extension for both sofa and chair dips.


Day 3 :white_check_mark:. Time for my weekend long run now.

And so, when I cast my mind back to that summer of 1936, different kinds of memories offer themselves to me. . .what fascinates me about that memory is that it owes nothing to fact. In that memory atmosphere is more real than incident and everything is simultaneously actual and illusory.
Brian Friel, Dancing at Lughnas

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What’s a long run for you? Just out of curiosity! I don’t run, should start again. Enjoy the run!

Day 3 done :ballot_box_with_check:


I tried to push past my usual 5k up to 4 miles (+/- 6.5 K). And I’m trying hard to deny that my foot numbness and pain is minor. Well, it isn’t, I made it to 3.5 miles and then walked or jogged the last half mile. Something will need to be done, I have a follow up with the podiatrist in 10 days. I will be considering surgery. As long as I get to bed sober, every thing is gonna be alright.


I have this problem sometimes. Then after some miles it will feel tingly like it’s waking up from being asleep.

My working diagnosis is tarsal tunnel syndrome, like carpal tunnel except in the ankle. The nerve passes through a tunnel and the repetitive flexing of the ankle rubs it against the sides of the tunnel and it swells and fails to transmit information - hence numbness and eventually pain.


Day 3 done :heavy_check_mark:


day 4 done. Didnt we have this ‘nice’ wall sit challenge once? :wink:


Sorry to hear you have problems with your foot. It sucks when you want to, but can’t… Surgery sounds bad, but if it helps, it’s worth going through the process. I used to do 7-8K 3-4 times a week. That was some years ago before I started drinking heavily, and gained tons (30 KG) of weight! :roll_eyes: 12 KG are gone for the moment… I should try running again! Though I did a spinning class this morning! :grin:

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Day 4 done! :white_check_mark:
I also went to a spinning class this morning.
Overall feeling good today! :grin:
@anon74766472 yes… I remember the wall sit challenge. It was one of the first I participated at! Didn’t finish it though, I dropped out at some point! :see_no_evil:


Day 4 :ballot_box_with_check: I think I completed the wall sit one :thinking: it was tough!


I often check in every few days for accountability here, but up to day 4 is done…I have never heard up those awful plank ups! I dislike those more than burpees somehow. Note to self: use a mat next time so the forearm crunching may not be a thing. :nauseated_face: So cringe worthy lol


Day 4 in the books.

You either get bitter or get better. It’s that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you.
Josh Shipp