April full body workout challenge 🏋️‍♂️🤸‍♀️

Day 16 done. I don’t know why but I did the star jumps as required. What a funny excercise to get killed within 2 min.


Lol! I did the normal ones! My legs hurt from my 4-hours hike up the mountain yesterday! :sweat_smile:
Day 16 done! :white_check_mark:


Today it’s 25 burpees, and I’m not in a “burpee mood”! My back hurts and my legs too from my excursion 2 days ago! I walk like a duck… horrible muscle pain in my calves! :sweat_smile::woman_facepalming:t3:
Tomorrow will be a better day, I’ll catch up! :muscle:t2:


My calves are feeling pretty rough too! I’m gonna do some foam rolling, epsom salt bath and muscle rub cream :blush:

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Me too. Yesterday I was looking at the plan and was like: nooooo, not burpees. I’ll catch up today. :see_no_evil:

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It’s not like that today I’m more keen on burpees… :roll_eyes:


Day 17 and 18 minus 25 chair dips. I’ll do them later today.

Edit. I hate dips. Doesn’t change.


Back and Day 18 done :blush:


Welcome back! :confetti_ball: Day 17 + 18 done :white_check_mark:
I’ve only done 20 burpees, I plead guilty! But I added a 6K walk. Today it was a bank holiday, and the gym was closed, so I decided to look for a plan B!


Day 19 complete. I’m not sure which day I prefer lol

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Looking at the table for today. Guess I change the rest day. Not motivated bow for the squat jumps. Did the job interview and ride the 95km back by bike.

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Cool, how did the interview go? 95KM… you shall be forgiven for skipping today! :laughing:

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Rest day!


Day 19 done. Could not get me to do squat jumps. Did normal squats instead. Even a regular workout was impossible. Not doing well.

The more I think about the interview yesterday the less I believe they will hire me. Idk.


Overthinking has never been a good thing to do! Did they give you a deadline to give you some feedback?
Day 19 done! :white_check_mark: I skipped yesterday, so I caught up today!


She called me and I could have it. Amazing. When she called I reacted quit indifferent. Maybe I was shocked. Idk. So, now I have to figure out what I feel.

Still didn’t feel like jumping around. I did the lazy squats. But I did it. Day 21.


Day 21 done- got 10 strict push-ups before I needed a small break. Last month I was only able to do 7- it’s the small things :blush:


Congratulations! Did you accept the job? Or are you still figuring out what you feel? If you applied, I guess it was something you were interested in!

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I think it’s all that comes with it that scares me (moving again, finding a new apartment I can pay).
I guess the lack of feelings is due also to my general mood atm. Not feeling much. Exhaustion most of the time.
I have time to answer. I will accept. Bc here I am stuck.

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Try to look at it in a positive way, usually getting out of your comfort zone pays off! If you’re stuck anyhow, this might be a chance to open a new door where you’re not stuck anymore! Keep us posted on the progress, I’m curious!
By the way; I was lazy today! I didn’t do my reps, I’ll catch up tomorrow!

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