April full body workout challenge 🏋️‍♂️🤸‍♀️

I’ve had some friends visiting, so I’ve been doing as a tourist guide the last 2 days! Tomorrow I’ll catch up with today and yesterday!


Day 26 done but alternative to star jumps. Anyway


Day 24 and 26 done


Day 26 done! Also just normal jumping jacks.
How are you today? Did you take a decision on the job? I hope you’re a bit more cheered up these days!


I have a sick note for the whole week. I need to calm down. Day 1 no caffeine. I guess it’ll hit me tomorrow.

Yeah, I’ll do it. I answered them and am now waiting for a contract draft.

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Good, take a week for yourself to calm down.
I don’t know what works for you, but when im tense or down, the following helps:
• drawing mandalas
• bath with candle light and nice music
• go for a walk outside
• cuddle with my cat! :cat: (I can only touch one of the two… )
Good for you for choosing the job! Excellent!

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I am out for today. Caught Covid. Don’t feel too powerful today.

Oh no!! I hope you feel better soon.

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Oh… 🥹 Get well soon!

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Day 26 done :blush:


Day 28 finito! :muscle:t2::confetti_ball:

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I have to skip today. We shall see how I feel tomorrow


Oh! What’s wrong? Hope nothing serious!
Day 29 done! :white_check_mark: + a spinning session! :muscle:t2:

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Just a swelling episode. Gonna take today off as well. It’s on the backend though. So I should be better and non swollen tomorrow

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Hope that you are feeling a bit better today Jen.

Congratulations, @Jesile for completing April :crazy_face:

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Yeah! April completed! Thanks to the both of you @Runningfree and @anon74766472 for joining me in this workout challenge journey! :grin:
How are both the patients doing?
Jen, your swelling? Franzi, your COVID?
Tomorrow kicking off the May challenge! :muscle:t2::clap:t2:


I’m feeling better. My ankles are still a bit swollen but almost back to normal. Will be ready for may tomorrow :blush:


I am feeling better too, I think I might join today :upside_down_face:

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Hello everybody! April is around the corner!
I know @anon74766472 and @Runningfree are taking a break from the workout challenge next month. Anybody else in for April? @Becsta @SinceIAwoke @Gorden @Kristy4 @MandiH

For the people that want to join new;
It takes 5-10 minutes per day, if there are any exercises you can’t do due to injury, just change them for an alternative exercise you can do!
Feel free to join in or drop out any time of the month! Any questions, feel free to ask!


Count me in :partying_face: