April full body workout challenge 🏋️‍♂️🤸‍♀️

Well, it’s going to be a party :tada:, then I’m in too!


Im in for sure :blush:


Please count me In, I need to get into a routine.


I’m back at the gym Tommorro, been doing 6 days and 1 off :grin:then I decided to drink for St Patricks day, I’ve took a week out to stay focused and decorate my house, day 5 today feeling good gym tomorrow :muscle::muscle::muscle:


As I did 3 days in March so far :woman_facepalming: I’m in. It’s better than 0 days :grin:


I’m in! The squats this month have reminded me that I need to open up my hips and stretch those out more as I hear an almost “snap” sound each time I do one on my left side. I just got myself a new yoga mat and I am checking out Asana Rebel too! :heart:


I think so… not entirely sure yet, haha.

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I am in. I was. Well, I am ahead. The weather is shit and I procrastinate before my move. So, it’s all done in one session. Just need to walk 2hrs sometime. :see_no_evil:


So you’re in, or not? :thinking: I thought you were out! :joy:

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I was in. I completed it today. All. :grimacing:


Ah, you finished March already and now your in for April! Nice! Streberin! :grimacing::joy:

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By the way; I have added the exercises to the first post in this thread. That makes it easier to find. The one from last year is also still there. Chose the one that you like most! :grimacing:

No, I finished April. I needed to get out of my head.

Ah, I did the second one. I missed the star jumps. Too bad :crazy_face:


Ok, you’re confusing me! :exploding_head:

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Ahhh I totally forgot it started today. I better bookmark this thread lol. Will do day 1 & 2 tomoz, I’m determined to see this month through!

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You could move to America, the day’s just getting started here!

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Do you have any suggestion for doing the chair dips as a proper triceps strengthener? I usually fall into recruiting my legs or core even though I don’t mean to do so.

Hmmm its funny you ask that, as I did tricep dips last week and noticed I had to really focus on isolating and using my arms and not include my legs.
Soooo… I actually tried lifting my toes so it was mostly my heels on the ground and it felt like it helped. Maybe because my feet weren’t flat so I couldn’t really push through my legs. Maybe try that combined with focusing on engaging your arms and see if it helps you too?

Ps. Oh man, I’d love to escape to the US for even just a month while we do the challenge :joy: I could finally meet some of my lovely TS friends :blush:

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I asked Dr Google, who told me that starting with knees bent, then moving to legs straight out on the floor can be improved in two ways. 1. Lift those legs, out them on another chair and 2. Use two chairs, one for each arm and drop yourself between them, rather than the narrow grip on a single chair that you dip in front of.

I’ll try one of those variants today.

It’s a bucket list item of mine to visit Oz. I’m enchanted with the place!

Gotta love Google! Keep me posted on how it goes trialling those variations.
Well, if you start ticking off that bucketlist, make sure you include Queensland in your Aussie adventures!

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