Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

:rainbow:I’m grateful for
:rainbow:Enlightenment and knowing the things I must change to grow
:rainbow:Strength to change the things I can
:rainbow:My emotions for showing me even though change causes me fear I must abandon it so I can move forward
:rainbow:My higher power, TS and the people who share so I no longer feel alone frightened and stagnated but filled with courage , hope and vision
:rainbow:Counting my many blessings
:rainbow:For the many sober days now that I thought impossible to obtain
:rainbow: for understanding living in the present and that one day at a time I’m becoming a better human


:snail: I’m grateful for @19801 colorful gratitude list.
:snail: I’m grateful I love a new idea for the gratitude thread
:snail: I’m grateful I saw Ross and Rachel this morning on my mum. I’m always surprised at how fast they move. When I’m not looking.
:snail: I’m grateful we had a nice meeting yesterday and a lovely dinner out.
:snail: I’m grateful it was so much easier to talk to some people I haven’t seen in 5 years or so without a drink.
:snail: I’m grateful my old cardiologist called me 7 hours early yesterday for our scheduled phone call and he was great! I’m grateful he recommended a colleague here in TO to be my GP.
:snail: I’m grateful I called right away and was able to get an appointment with her on Halloween :ghost:
:snail: I’m grateful I got new dentist lined up and old dermatologist lined up.
:snail: I’m grateful I got my new insurance this quarter.
:snail: I’m grateful I got up early for my new little feeding routine and it worked again.
:snail: I’m grateful the coffee was good. No GREAT!!
:snail: I’m grateful if I stop now I can get Benson out for a walk and be back in time to get ready to go to my meeting.
:snail: I’m grateful to have seen family and friends last night and will today at the meeting and after.
:snail: I’m grateful for you all.
:snail: :pray:t2: :heart: :snail:

If I waited until I had all my ducks in a row, I’d never get across the street. Sometimes you just have to gather up what you’ve got and make a run for it.
Daily Quote on
Todays Hope .com


Great gratitude list @Dazercat and :snail: here’s Your ducks in a row :duck::duck::duck::duck::duck::duck::duck::duck:


Good morning! Looks like you got all the medical professionals in your quiver.

Good for you. I hope you only need them standing by just in case. :snail:


Gratitude for today.

I am grateful my daughter’s migraine did not worsen since yesterday. Grateful we are getting better at dealing with it.
I am grateful I had more energy today. Energy and focus to move forward on my work, energy to do nice a yoga session in the afternoon.
Very grateful for the yoga session. I missed this these last days where I just felt like everything was too much.
My ex came over and we did a Deep Listening exercise together. It was a wonderful experience to feel heard. I am very grateful for this experience. I know I want this from a future relationship.
My cohost from Recovery Dharma has to be evacuated once again due to the hurricane. I am very grateful I don’t have that kind of dread over my head. I am grateful I can be of some little help.
I am grateful the day is coming to an end, with reading, relaxing and soon to bed.
I am grateful for this life and grateful for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Tuesday gratitude.
I’m grateful the divorce is finished, the finances are settled. A few more weeks and this chapter of my life is finally over.
I’m grateful I know I have to sit with my feelings, they too shall pass. One day at a time. I’m grateful I can share my feelings here and get hugged :people_hugging: Are you affected by a loved one who’s an addict? - #1771 by erntedank

I’m grateful the mechanics drove the big tractor to the garage. I don’t even know how to start that thing. We had fun pulling the mechanics servicetruck back on the street with the tractor. You can go downhill easily on my farm, but back up … that’s a different challenge. God bless tractors and people who can handle them. I’m grateful they will have a look at the dumper too. Holy Moly this thing made noises and produced smolder when they started and moved it :see_no_evil:
I’m not in good shape emotionally, I feel helpless facing all this logistic here, repair needs there, not knowing what I even should use this stuff for. One day at a time. Step by step. The universe will show me what to do :pray:

I’m grateful for naps on the couch with a nice fire in the stove. I’m grateful for food delivery, cooking was not within today’s energy ressources. The food tasted mediocre. I was not satisfied.

I’m grateful this day is over. I’m tired, exhausted, feel lonely and needy. I’m decompressing after all this stress. Tomorrow is another day :pray:


Thank you. I needed to hear that right now :palms_up_together:


Ah love …a big step in the right direction and I’m sure many emotions will be released as you close out this chapter. You are a strong woman! Allow yourself to feel all the feelings and heal properly. All your feelings are valid.

Here if you need to talk it out. Definitely sending love and loads of hugs :people_hugging::people_hugging::heart:. Tomorrow indeed is another day :pray:t4:


This is so hard to do today. That’s why I gotta do it. I can be grateful for sadness. When it passes I feel a lot better than before it showed up. I’m not used to everything being so real, sometimes. I mean it’s right there in your face all the time. Whatever it is. Sometimes there are these monster things you can’t control and can’t numb out. No anesthesia! It will pass. Life is nothing like it felt today.

For being sober because that sets me up for success. Peace and calm will return.

For the resources to take another trip to the mountains in 2 weeks. Quaking aspens and pine trees. Snow is starting in the higher elevations. I won’t let the sadness of the past overcome me. It made an appearance now it’s time to let it go. Might get snowshoes. Snowshoes fix everything.

For the people who have stayed with me. I’m really grateful for them.

For new opportunities that I don’t even know about yet. You kind of get to unlock a new level if you keep playing Sober. This new thing comes along, something you hadn’t thought of. I’ve had one and now I’m a volunteer police recruit :laughing:. Thinking of starting a business, and I might do a bit of contract work. I really need to keep my chin up! Who knows what else will pop up.

For ever loving Fall that isn’t here yet! One week. And it will be fantastic :jack_o_lantern: I haven’t been into it with July temps. I need to start shopping. Rumor has it deer eat chrysanthemums. Those effing deer…haha. And pumpkins. I’ll have to get a zombie :zombie:

For you. Thank you for holding me up :heart:


Grateful Today
224 days sober
No crutches needed this morning (still really stiff but walking)
Clean kitchen
Completed Accounting Tasks
Made it to gym for pool exercise
Weather has been perfect
A hold on a deposit was lifted today so no longer overdrawn. Boy hubby mad at me!
Clean bed to crawl into soon.


I’m grateful for my sobriety and the calmness that it brings. So much less chaos, anxiety and drama now that alcohol is out of the picture.

I’m grateful that my sig otha is on this journey with me and doing well in his recovery.

I’m grateful for bubly waters and fresh salads.

I’m grateful to be exercising regularly again.

I’m grateful for matching flannel pajama sets and cuddle time with all the fur babes.

I’m grateful for this gratitude practice and for meditation :woman_in_lotus_position: :two_hearts:


Grateful for sobriety
Grateful for subsidized healthcare
Grateful I pooped out the barium no problem
Grateful for fun class
Grateful for husband suggesting eating out
Grateful for son studying
Grateful for daughter being social
Grateful to be up to date with work
Grateful for cooler weather


Today i am greatful for…

My recovery
My sobriety
Im not chained to a harmful habit with no hope
No hangovers
Saving monies
The AA program
Growing spiritually
Hot coffee
The serenity prayer


:seal: I’m grateful for my mornings.
:seal: I’m grateful for my coffee.
:seal: I’m grateful for Saraswati my little goddess of education, creativity and music :notes:
:seal: I’m grateful I get to go to my beach AA meeting this morning.
:seal: I’m grateful I can get in a beach hike after.
:seal: I’m grateful I can get lunch.
:seal: I’m grateful I can hit up my Al-Anon meeting on the way home from it all.
:seal: I’m grateful for my recoveries
:seal: I’m grateful for nice dinners with family I haven’t seen for a while.
:seal: I’m grateful Mavy is feeling better. Still sneezing but not as much. But his attitude is much better cat like :smirk_cat:
:seal: I’m grateful wifey can still take him to the vet on her own.
:seal: I’m grateful for y’all
:pray:t2: :seal: :heart:


I’m grateful

  • for good work meetings today. We got a lot of good work done and hope to finish it tomorrow
  • for being able to get some alone time in the afternoon to recharge
  • for the wonderful coffee I had today and that I bought a lot of coffee to bring home so my rations last longer
  • for being able to meet with these Kazakh people who shared with me about their recovery as alcoholics and what is happening in their area. They told about the AA meeting they started and it was exciting to hear about. It was encouraging and we are hoping to connect again in the future and to keep in contact.
  • for the friend I’m staying with who is a great host
  • that I live in a little village not a big city like Almaty (a few days here would probably drive me a bit crazy also I get this anxiety when I’m not in the mountains) but I’m grateful for a short visit
  • that I’m sober and healthy

Wednesday gratitude.

Yeah to “tomorrow is another day” and thank you all for your hugs, being there and that we help each other by sharing :hugs:

I’m grateful

  • for good, restful sleep
  • for instant changes of plans because my long covid mushbrain forgot something
  • for the mechanics waiting patiently for me and being understanding and nice
  • for my dumper starting instantly and my little tractor I like so much
  • for the ex removing further stuff and his last vehicle
  • for having a day to myself due to plan changes and doing absolutely nothing beside some organizing discussions, putting out the recycling paper bin and dumping the logs in front of the furnace room. Yeah me! The first time using the driveway with my tractor :+1:
  • for catlove, purrs and cuddles
  • for a beautiful autumn day
  • for rest & naps
  • for freedom & peace
  • for tea galore
  • for good people in my life, friends, neighbours, pals, workers, my ex too

I’m grateful I feel more stable today, allthough all the stuff going on & around me in my life changes everything that’s not 100% stable like a whirlwind, twister, hurricane … or at least it feels like that.

I’m grateful I have enough, a safe home, love in my life, kindness and faith that the universe will take care of everything I don’t feel able to. Everything is all right, nothing to worry about, a new chapter of my life began and it’s perfectly ok to have a smooth transition, there’s no need for any cut. Step after step, one thing after another, letting the old go, welcoming the new, bearing the inbetween, the grief, sadness, the curiosity, uncertainity, the open and the finished. Life is change and this major lifechange reached its last phase, where there is less to let loose and more new & different to come. I’m grateful that today was better than yesterday and tomorrow is another day. ODAAT :pray:


I’m grateful I’ve been waking up early, maybe I’m finally rested.
I’m grateful for coffee, black delicious coffee.
I’m grateful for strawberry waffles with peanut butter, maybe I eat breakfast today, maybe I don’t but knowing its an option fills me with gratitude.
I’m grateful my Mom is at rest. I don’t believe in heaven but for a reunification story between her and my Dad I will believe. I can feel them looking down on me today.

I’m grateful I have friends, family and my husband for my Mom’s funeral this weekend. The older I get the less I like crowds, or blast from the past reunions or organized religion. I’ll be grateful to have people around who know me and love me.

I’m grateful Kleenex makes travel packs.
I’m grateful I’ll test drive my new waterproof mascara on Friday night before I wear it all day Saturday and cry my eyes out.

I’m grateful my friends suggested dinner on Sunday after all of this is over. My inclination is to sit on the couch when connection is what I really need. Crying with people is normal and I’m on a weekend mission to normalize sadness. I think I can get that done in 3 days right?

I’n grateful I finally understand that drinking brings fuck all to the table. A drink would make everything I am feeling and going through 10,000 times worse. Alcohol sucks, bring on the grief so I can make room for the gratitude. 🩷 I’m grateful for this space.


Gratitude for today.

Woke up early, did some yoga and got on the rower. Grateful to have the energy back and grateful I have the rower, cause I would not have gotte out in the dark and rain to run. So rowing it is for the darker season.

Went to couple‘s counseling. It was hard work. Any therapy is hard work. I am grateful for it though. I am learning a lot about myself, about my part in the dissolution of my marriage, about my own patterns, about what I want and need in a relationship. Very grateful for this opportunity.

My mum came to pick up my daughter and take her to her dance school. Her migraine was persistent today, but they had a viewing of their performance and she enjoyed the time there. I am so grateful for my mum being there, for her helping out every way she can, for the great relationship I have with her, the great relationship my daughter and her have, for my daughter being able to attend the viewing and have fun with her friends and team mates.

Last week was a total downer energy wise. This week has improved masively. I had not only the energy to do my morning workout but also for my yoga class this afternoon. I am extremely grateful for that. Not being able to move, workout and do sports is always a massive drain on my mental health.

I was asked to step in to cohost a Dharma meeting for someone who had to be evacuated due to the hurricane in Florida. I am grateful I can be of some little help.

I am grateful for the way life changes, I am grateful for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Grateful that days that are hard will not live forever.
Grateful that someday I will smell, taste and be able to cry again.
Grateful that I have a strong heart, regardless what I have been through my heart is tough as hell. I am sure I get that from my father or his side of the family. Pretty much have never been issues with that on that side.
Grateful my brain is maniacal and when directed appropriately it can do most things.
Grateful for that guy who makes this thread seem necessary. Some of you, I have watched and read for a long time. There’s something to be said about being in this forum since 2016.
Grateful for a huge fall of desire to write that book I have always wanted to write. Perhaps I should push my brain there?!? Who knows…


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I slept better tonight. I have been thinking about my jaw and the pain is bothering me a lot.
I am grateful it didn’t rain today.
I am grateful for some nice and also productive talks at work.
I did a test online which finds out where you come from depending on which words you use. It hit almost right. 15 km away. I am grateful I can be fascinated easily. :grimacing:
I am grateful for a walk with my colleague during lunch break.
I am grateful I have enough.
I am excited that my leasing bike is ready. :sunglasses: We are going to meet soon.