Atheist and Sober without god - please be respectful

Great idea! Just know, it will…at least initially probably get a lot of feedback about having a higherpower.

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I feel joyful every time I read this thread?:smiley::blush:


I think my main focus will be through this group and the other as informational. I love it here! Instead of a drink I pick up my phone.


I second that Jay.Liza RosaCanDo your welcome here any time even if you just want to say Hi or I love my new self and everyone here!

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I must go to work now even when im moping I smile and embrace the silence of the empty store and think of all the happy customers in have helped through the day. I love life its the little things that matter. And instead of thinking about rushing home for that drink im rushing in excitement to see what I’ve missed in this group while I was gone making Money lol. Talk with y’all later.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

Hi everyone… How is sobriety going? Any struggles we can discuss today?

I guess I will start out… 16 days away from hitting 60 days. Hasn’t had any major struggles myself. And haven’t worked a single step. Starting to think I dont need the steps. Not sure what to think. It’s a beautiful day in Kansas might walk my 6 year old up to Wendy’s and get a frosty.

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Thanks Idk why it feels so easy right now. I do have a great support system. And like right now i have this group to talk to. Although I do see the danger im what in saying.


Thanks this is a nice cloud. I’m getting into therapy hoping that will soften the crash. Im glad I can here your stories so I can watch for the next step.


I’m going to great lengths right now. I moved over 400 miles from where I’ve lived my whole life. And moved to a town where the only ppl I know is my wife family that all supporting me. I hope this cloud don’t crash to hard. Lol and hoping just this group alone is also a god tool.


I feel that knowing that I have atheist to talk to instead of sit down religious AA meetings. Is just awsome!


Idk jenny. I just try to stay busy with easy task to keep me calm and motivated.

I picture riding a cloud holding hands with another fly towards our futures. Lol

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Thanks @Thirdmonkey for your words of wisdom.

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We can vent and cry on our cloud. Lol I love this!


Like seriously my eyes were shedding some liquid I think it was emotions


To me atheist is not having a belief system at all I dont know about any religion and don’t care to.ive never cracked open a bible or studied about any thing that I consider fiction. I dont care about a hire power because there is no such thing. Humans are no different than animals when we die that’s it lights out cease to be anything or go anywhere. The brain shuts off. So you think when we smash a mosquito it dies and goes to a non existent place made up in its mind? No it dies the end lol. I know that’s just an insect but what’s the difference it was alive now its not. This is why I hate talking religioun. Its all fiction made up there is not proof of any of it. Its just made up so that people would feel like they have a perpuse in life. Just live your life don’t hate on others just get along and don’t push your beliefs onto others. Or discriminate against others for not thinking the same as yourself


Sorry for the rant. I’m not good with words. Or writing period. Just my thoughts of being atheist. Nobody has to agree or disagree all the same to me.