Last august we did the wall sit challenge. Bec found us this one and I think some peeps got bored of just sitting on the wall so I didn’t bring it up for this year.

My calf feels better BUT she warned me. She said it’s going to start to feel better but still don’t go running lol I’ve noticed with the PT exercises my ankle is really stiff. Like it doesn’t move as freely as the the other. I’m wondering if my ankle might be part of my leg problem. I’ve been doing some boring cleaning and busybodying in my normal workout time. Helps keep me busy but does not provide endorphins. I go back to her on sept 6th so just kinda being a bump on a log till then.


Everything is related to everything. The problem with your calf might have the reason somewhere else. At least that’s my experience. We cope until the weakest part breaks.

Trust her with waiting still a bit. I once had a rib bruise after a bike accident with myself :grimacing: and after some weeks decided to go for a run. It lasted 10 min or so :see_no_evil:


I trust her (and you) so I will continue to wait. She got me back after shoulder surgery so I’m sure she can help make my leg strong again too.

I hope you are feeling better. I saw you were down. I think I joined you but I’m ok mentally today.


I am okay. Pushing away packing boxes another day. Moving next Friday. I need some stress otherwise it won’t happen. I have no idea why it stresses me so much this time. Like when you’d pick up again, you’d know the outcome-feeling. :zipper_mouth_face:


Day 26 done! :white_check_mark: :ballot_box_with_check:
I caught the confetti on the screen shot! Lol! :tada: That was a nice warmup for my spinning class, which is starting in 10 min! :call_me_hand:t2:


Day 25 and 27 done. Bien cuite.
Tbh I replaced the second jumping squats by lunges in the last 3 sets. Veritable HIIT.


:scream: A lot of jumping over here! No wonder you changed the last bit! :sweat_smile:


This month’s challenge is very challenging :grimacing:


To be honest, it’s the one I most like so far! I’ve only skipped 2-3 days, and I’m very much enjoying this! I like the “time thing”, instead of counting reps. I guess with the help of the app/beeps I can focus on the exercises, and not on counting!


Me too. :upside_down_face: I like it a lot.

Day 27 & 28 done! :white_check_mark: :ballot_box_with_check: I’m only uploading 1 screen shot, but I’m not fooling you! :grimacing::rofl:


Day 28 done after a short ride. Now doing nothing, them might be packing a bit more. In less than three hours my apartment turned into a little mess.


Looks tidy to me!


Right! I was like that’s not a mess at all. More organized than I am in a move :joy:

I’m going to do my first normal workout tomorrow since last Saturday!! Still going to take it easy and let the trainer know of my calf/ankle situation but I’m sure he can give me alternates for moves with jumping or running. I need some endorphins.

I’m proud of y’all for sticking through this challenge @anon74766472 @Jesile @Astro


Haha, it’s all about the looks :crazy_face: the thing is the mess around and inside the boxes.

I am glad your calf is better.

I am also astonished that we’ve come this far. It looked so innocent this challenge. :grimacing: I am happy to use the tabata app, it’s great.


Day 30 done. Finished. I am done. After cycling.

Hope this was better…

And last but not least, it’s feels good to cross everything off the list


Wohooo!! Well done! I guess I’m gonna get my ass moving in a bit, and get this over with! :sweat_smile:
It’s sooo fucking hot again, we have 33C but due to the high humidity I’m already sweating without doing anything! :sweat_smile:
Good luck with moving, sending you lots of strength and positive vibes! Like the guy from the moving company said “don’t worry!” :crossed_fingers:t2:


@Runningfree @Becsta
What was the plan again for September?? Was there a plan in the first place? :thinking:

Pushups it is :flushed::scream::crazy_face:

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There wasn’t a plan so I pulled up last year’s challenge. I’m not sure how to link it but I think I tagged you a bit back. It is push-ups but if y’all have a different one in mind I’ll join it too :blush:

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