Back after a long relapse

Signed off, I think two years ago and haven’t been good since.
Its been a long ass relapse, I even added alcoholism to my list this time. So yea a bummer.
I had my last drink 5 evenings ago (I’ve been drinking a bottle of wine plus 2-4 cans of cider after work every day for the past year) and also using heroin, not a huge amount, £15 a day, but it’s a huge chunk of what I have.
I used yesterday.
I’m now 37, I’m just so tired of it. I’m so tired of being tired, having no money, my kids don’t really talk to me, I have no motivation. I really feel like I haven’t been alive for the past few years, just scraping by from bag to bag and drink to drink.
I’m here because I want to enjoy life again. I want to smile and laugh and just have fun!! To make plans and stick to them, even to be able to afford them!
So yeah, here I am!!


I know u can be sober and put mine to it

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Glad to see you Ami. And glad to see you done with the stuff you’ve been doing. Time to put in some work! One thing I’m absolutely sure of is that we can’t do it alone. So let’s do this together! Welcome back, wishing you all success lady.


This is the good news. You don’t ever have to drink or use again and your life absolutely can and will change for the better if you put the work in. We’ve seen it happen so many times. You can do it!

Advice for the Newcomer and Constant Relapser

Resources for our recovery


This. This is what you want. Record this & this whole post - screenshot it so you can always see it, so you can remember this when the relapse voice starts talking (she will come, that addict voice; be prepared).

You deserve to live free from this. You can do it and you will, by putting in the effort every day, one day at a time. It’s always only one day at a time. Don’t worry about the future or the past: only today.

You can do it.


Home is the place where no matter how long you’ve been gone, or the circumstances by which we return, someone is happy to see you.

Welcome home. I’m happy to see you.