BBQ challenging weekend ahead

So I’ve a family BBQ to attend to tmrw (Saturday). There’ll be plenty of booze but I’ve already told myself I’m not drinking. Playing the designated driver card. I’m NOT drinking this weekend……period. Driving my family there and back safely. Telling myself this will make me not want to let myself or my family down. :pray:.


You won’t drink because you don’t drink. No excuses needed.


Covid is spreading rapidly in your area and you are worried about. Problem solved. You can’t go.


Have your own drink in your hand all the time. And an excuse to leave or get away. It doesn’t have to be a good excuse. Self care.


Thank you for all for the advice and support.

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You might find some helpful info in these threads too :hugs:

If you want to leave early, just leave. Seriously no one else will care. Or they might be sad to see you go, but it isn’t going to ruin their lives! You can always come and pick the rest of the family up later, cos you will be sober. Tell your partner you’re worried, tell them you might need to leave early.

I was quite surprised at the number of people who leave things relatively early, I just never noticed before when I was busy getting shitfaced. I also didn’t realise how much more shitfaced than most other people I was getting…

If you end up having fun, stay and enjoy it! Make the most of seeing people, spending time with them, that you will remember it all, not saying and doing things you’ll later regret, no trying to work out what you might have said to who, etc.

Plan something to look forward to tomorrow morning fairly early so you have a reason not to stay too late and something to enjoy on top of the fact you will have no hangover!


Home form BBQ. It’s 10:40 pm. Sober. Funny thing is I wasn’t even phased by everyone else drinking. It didn’t bother me at all. I think it was In part to my pre game plan. I told myself I wasn’t going to drink, and I didn’t.