Beginning the journey back

Beginning again today. I had did well for a long time and stumbled. So I am new to this forum if any one has tips on maneuvering my way around here please let me know.


Hi Joyce welcome,

I will share a few threads I found very intresting here. The thread I used the most myself was the daily check in thread.

Feel free to join! It’s a very active thread and I used it a lot to vent and keep myself accountable. For sobriaty we need connection. You can find that here ore in AA ore another recovery group. I found it here :people_hugging:
Another good read is:What's YOUR plan? and if you are looking for books ore podcasts ore maybe online meetings? Here you find them all:Resources for our recovery And there are plenty of threads just for fun to check out as well. Use the search bar above to find what you like :+1:

Again: welcome, if you have any questions just ask. There is always someone awake up here to answer them :hugs:


Thank you so much


Hey Joyce,

I hope you are doing somewhat okay. The first few days have a daunting quality to them imo. :slight_smile:

I’m relatively new here so all I can tell you now is that you won’t be judged. Which is a very positive ghing. Everyone here is welcoming and the rest can be picked together after a while.

Stay safe^^


Welcome :raising_hand_woman:

It’s nice to have you join us :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome! I am glad you found us. My top tip is to really commit to being here, read as much as you can. It has helped me so much.


Welcome aboard! Support from meetings and TS have been vital in my recovery. You are not alone​:pray::heart:


Maybe try ameeting might help ,helped me stay sober wish you well

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