Been out all this bank holiday weekend with the Mrs and kids. Been in at least one pub each day for food. Have to admit I could have murdered a pint yesterday! Good weather, bank holiday Monday, but I just had my 547th diet coke instead… just one beer won’t end well, it never does. Keep going mate you must be on day 43 or so now.
Nice one pal, I know how you feel there I luckily worked most of it but this weathers very testing!
Just think to yourself that tomorrow you’ll be glad you never had that pint and took the risk.
Seen a lot of stuff in the news that loads of folk in the UK are giving up drink, and coincides with the price of soft drink catching up with a pint funnily enough…
well done tho mate, day 45 today for me
How are both you guys doing?
Doing well. Just hit the 56 days/8 weeks mark. Longest streak I’ve ever managed. Still going to the pub/out for meals, just drinking diet coke now though. Lots of walks, dumbells 5 times a week at home (closest gym is one of those where everyone spends an hour taking pics of themselves…not for me) Trying to repair body and mind. Cravings are pretty non existent, strange considering this is perfect beer garden weather!! If I get through the next bank holiday I think I’ve cracked it.
Legend so happy for you man! Stick with it what a difference you must notice in every aspect of your life
Pretty much exact same as Andy mate thanks! Still patching up certain messes I made and getting my head straight but not looking back so far, just keeping myself busy
Brilliant buddy delighted for you
Hi Andy - UK here too - similar battle to you - and I too was looking at SMART
How has your experience with the online meetings been? Would you recommend?
Hi, I started out with them (I’m at about day 57) I was desperate to try anything I could find. Did it for the first few weeks, just like here, there are some great people on there with many combined years of advice to offer. I liked the fact you could just log in and listened if that’s all you wanted to do, at first that suited myself as I was pretty depressed at the realisation of where I was heading and I didn’t really want to interact. My only issue was the times of the meetings, I have 3 kids and the meetings were around the crucial 1800-2000 hrs when we’re normally putting the youngest kids to bed (3 month old and 4 years). I felt that I’d neglected my duties for so long that now I needed to be a father and a husband as a priority. I understand why the meetings are at the times they are (prime drinking time) to help avoid our addictions. I believe I read that you own your own business and have young children also? I think we’re also a similar age (44 myself). That was my only issue, the time clash. It’s good as something I can drop on if I feel the need or pressure mounting! I just find this app is more suitable for myself and my own time logistics, I can pop on here for a quick 5 minutes or spend an evening reading depending on what’s going on in my life.
Thanks for that - yes, we are in a very similar situation indeed then as I have twin daughters who are 3, so like you it’s full on bedtime routine 6-7:30ish really and I wouldn’t want to miss that
I may well give a couple of the less convenient slots a go, I noticed that there were some in the mornings during the week. Obviously work gets in the way but I might be able to swing going along a couple of times to see how it goes and if it’s worth continuing to make the time for
Congrats on 50+ days! I am some way behind you as I am on day 6, but hoping I am in it for the long haul. Nice to meet someone in the UK with a similar story so hope to bump into you on here again sometime….
Give the meetings a try that suit you. That’s what I’m doing. I just can’t commit to the 2 hours on an evening, it doesn’t feel right to dissappear upstairs and leave the other half to prep the children for bed!! One other point where I find this App better for myself is the ability to only concentrate on my issue i.e alcohol. The online meetings are an open forum for all addictions, I just didn’t see any benefit in hearing about gambling/drugs/sex, I don’t say that in anyway negative, I just prefer to stay within the realm that I have known and struggle with.
Hi guys how are you all doing?
Alright mate, literally just came on to check on people myself! I’m on day 86 without a single drop of alcohol in that time. Finding it quite easy now tbh and never felt so healthy in myself… watched the euros the other day and was tricky being in that environment in a pub so swerving the next 2 matches and watching at home instead.
Expecting baby number 2 aswell so that’s keeping me on track.
Good to hear. I’ve not had a drop either. Went away for a few nights last week. Hotel had 0% Staroprarem in bottles, bloody lovely! Usually avoid 0% as it tastes like crap, but that stuff is good. Was great being able to have drinks and meals and still use the car in the evening to drive down to the beach for a walk instead of being half cut/pissed/leathered. Like you I’m finding it quite easy and the money I’m saving is unbelievable. Congratulations on the upcoming baby, definitely a reason to stay on track.
Absolutely brilliant mate top work! someone once told me after 90 days you start to notice big differences. Congratulations on your news thats fantastic. As each weekend passes the more you will hopefully distance yourself from alcohol and especially with your new arrival you will be able to be present and enjoy being a father again. Im so happy for you keep up the good work youve worked so hard and should be proud of yourself
Great work Andy this is amazing to hear. How good does it feel being able to do those thing’s and wake up the next day and remember them? Keep up the good work mate, I am chuffed to bits for you.
Quality mate glad you’re still going strong aswell and enjoying life! The money side of things insane makes you wonder how much time and money we have wasted over the years. No point looking back tho glad you’re doing well
Few days away from the big 90 and feel the benefits already… 100 days is a milestone in looking forward too the most as it’s 3 figures and shows that this time I’ve taken it serious! Thanks for checking in it’s really good to know folk you’ve never met care about your journey.
Hey you’re not alone. I can go quite awhile. But one beer leads to two and and one JD leads to 3. Yeah, makes me tired. I haven’t gotten into trouble or anything like that. Except looking in the mirror in the morning knowing I didn’t control myself, is a bit depressing. My wife never says a word, which is worse… So here’s to day 1!
Done one the hardest parts mate admitting and having a go at quitting plenty people been in your shoes and there’s plenty of people who you can talk too, especially on here!
One step at a time you’ll find out life can be just as good if not better without ale!