Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 1)

Day 588 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 153 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry to hear about your relapse, I hope you can get back on track. Don’t give up, if you need a break from sugar that’s OK too. Do what you feel works for you in your recovery. :blush:


Hmmm well I didn’t binge yesterday but I did eat more than my fill. Im gonna call it a half win.
My husband cooked a wonderful meal as a celebration for my recovered health that I can return to work and to society general. I own that I enjoyed to much and should have stopped sooner and not had desert, but I will also acknowledge that I wasn’t hiding in the kitchen later just binging on the rest of the desert just because it was there and I was abusing the food.


Oof I can relate to this. Nice job avoiding that binge! Those small moments are definitely a win!! :clap:t3:


Day 589 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 154 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


I made it through day 2 without binging. Not the best food choices all day but I’m not counting that right now. Baby steps back to a healthy relationship with food.


Day 590 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 155 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


One day at a time, recovery will be rocky at first, but it gets easier each day. :blush:


Its definitely rocky for me right now. I do great during the daytime but nighttime when I get home is when it hits me.
I usually rely on herbal teas but they just aren’t helping right now. Its so hot that ice cold sweets are my downfall. Resetting my counter to last night. I will get this under control. I appreciate all the words of encouragement.


Day 591 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 156 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 592 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 157 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


So many stressful things this last week. Checking in here just to say I failed again is salting the wound. I want to be accountable but at the same time is it healthy for me to talk about the issue or talking about the failure? I dont if i can articulate this but I’m gonna try.
Am I making it worse and setting myself up for failure by putting a voice to it? Am I someone that always has to feel like I’m failing at something and self sabotaging? I know I self sabotage in many areas and im concerned that I may be doing it now. Either because I’m talking about it or because I e lost so much weight and sabotaging the weight loss??? I dont know.
Just trying to sort it out in my head. Dont know if it will make sense to anyone else.


Honestly I don’t know if that is a thing. From my own experience and from everything I’ve ever read about others’ recoveries it’s a good thing to open up and let some air come on to the stuff that hurts us. They say You’re only as sick as your secrets. So I personally would think that it’s better for you to talk about it. However, you must do and know yourself, of course, how you want to handle things.

May I ask: have you tried changing your routine? When you come home and how you spend your evening, can you do sth different so the craving will not always hit right in the same place in your mind and physical surroundings, so that it always gets easier to give it?
How much do you eat during the day? Could it be that you’re hungry? Do you eat enough? For example, if you’re trying to stop bingeing, I would find it hard to do that and also stay in a caloric deficit at the same time. I would focus on one thing, the bingeing. Not diet at the same time.

Lastly, is there a reason you keep the cold sweets in your house at all? If I were newly sober I wouldn’t keep booze around. Same goes for any addiction. I personally don’t buy candy. I know if I do, I’ll eat it in a way that’ll cause me regret. So I don’t even buy it to begin with.

Don’t be discouraged and give up. Work on it and take advice and try again and again, it’ll stick. But it won’t stick if you give up, of course. You can do this. It’s just a learning curve! :muscle:


Thank you so much for your questions and wors of encouragement and wisdom and suggestions.

I had the gastric sleeve in janurary 2021. So when I binge on sugar I get dumping syndrome and it sucks.

s there a reason you keep the cold sweets in your house at all? If I were newly sober I wouldn’t keep booze around. Same goes for any addiction. I personally don’t buy candy

My family keeps cold sweets in the house but thats just my excuse. I went out and bought what I liked to eat and then ate it until I was sick. My husband is a daily drinker and I dont drink his liquor, so this is something I’m not surrendering to. At least thats what I was thinking as I was reading your questions.

Its been hot and I haven’t wanted to cook dinner and eat healthy. Laziness or excuss? Either way if I want to stay “sober” from this binging addiction I see i really need to surrender. I need to focus on eating the foods that fuel my body at night and not make me sick.

Boy oh boy, I sure appreciate your comment this morning. Thank you for giving me pause to think instead of staying in the negative self talk. :hugs:


Hey, yeah, no prob. Defo think about your habits. Fuck the negative self talk. I’ve tried hard for a long time but sure haven’t managed to hate-talk myself into a healthier body. :roll_eyes:
But: making old, silent habits conscious so that you can change them. That’s important.
Food journal. How many calories are you aiming for to eat? Do you manage that? Those type questions.

And set yourself some boundaries. If there must be sweets in the house, maybe they can be in the person’s room who wants to eat them. Not accessible to you. That kinda thing. Approach it like you would do drinking. Avoid temptation and create alternative habits. You’ll have set-backs (last night I ate like a pound of raisins, was an emotional stress reaction) but you’ll make progress over all.


I am also not doing so well. I am also panicking about rebounding the weight that I lost. I think the comparing to how ‘well’ I was doing is making me feel bad about where I am now. And panicking and feeling bad makes me want to eat more.


No I haven’t tracked calories in a long time. I think its time I start and also looking at my macros again. My body doesn’t absorb nutrients well anymore so offering it sugar in place of vitamins and minerals is ridiculous :roll_eyes:
Time to get back to feeding it more fruits and veggies at night. Better to eat a pound of broccoli and strawberries than a cup of ice cream lol
The family will have no problem supporting me. I just have to ask. Apparently I honestly haven’t been wanting to let I go.
I can say and clearly see that this morning


Those negative thoughts a feelings get me everytime! Just talking it through this morning I’m feeling positive about it, the panic and shame is gone and im writing a plan of action for today. We don’t have to live in shame. We don’t move beyond shame. Or at least I dont…
Hugs to you. We can do this.


If it’s specifically something cold and sweet you’re craving maybe make a big ole smoothie with fruits and veg? I know I certainly have a hard time wanting to cook when it’s hot out so I lean more towards smoothies and parfaits


So happy to hear these things! It’s looking up for you today Shaunda! Don’t forget protein. You need it to synthesise your tissues and keep things running smoothly.

I just want to add also to you dear Fleur @Misokatsu that recently I’ve tried to practice acceptance rather than focus on the regret. What is done is done. I accept that I haven’t been as good as I wanted to. I accept the challenge that every day, every hour I have the chance and responsibility to decide how I want to live. I get to decide. Now.

This has helped me with the fear that a few missteps will spiral out and UNDO EVERYTHING. this does not need to happen. You’re ok. You’re safe. You’re the same person who made those good choices as well. Nothing is lost.

Anyway. This helps me, to think like this. You guys really aren’t alone in your struggles. :sparkling_heart: