Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 1)

So, I was hoping I wouldn’t have to check in here again for awhile but…
I guess I binged at lunch. It wasn’t emotional eating. I guess it could have been. I don’t know. I made Migas for breakfast. (See foodies thread if your interested.) I never make Migas. They are so good. And I’m a pretty cook, being in the restaurant business all my life. And I didn’t even realize i was binging until I was all finished. I was stuffed!! It’s been 4 hours and my stomach still feels full and I just got dinner simmering.

These feelings of, oh I’m making something I love to eat and I don’t usually make this certain dish, and I have to scarf it all down, has been a real issue in my life for as long as I can remember.

Tonight I’m making Beef Bourguignon. I never make that and I love Beef Bourguignon. Hopefully since I feel bad about binging for lunch I’ll stick to a small portion for dinner. And there will be plenty of leftovers for lunch during the week.

Thanks for listening.


Day 64 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Dazercat, I never heard of Migas or Beef Bourguigon. Sorry to hear you binged though, hopefully you can get back on track soon. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just wanted to say thanks for all the honest and vulnerable=strong+courageous shares on this thread, and well done to those who are making progress. I am coming to grips with a replacement addiction for alcohol and that is sweets and Diet Coke. I really let it get out of hand at times, and it’s clearly the all or nothing, one is too much and endless amount is never enough. I’ve been an on again off again Diet Coke drinker most of my life, and it is so bad for you, but I started buying it again after several years of only the occasional purchase on a road trip or meal out, when I was first starting to quit drinking. I don’t want to be putting those chemicals in my body, but yet I keep buying it by the case. I’m working on it. The sweets, though…that is what concerns me the most because I feel like the addict behavior is creeping in where I’m ashamed of eating it and trying to hide the evidence, sneak it, and hide the candy way back in the cupboard. And my husband doesn’t even eat much candy ever. So, I suppose on both of these fronts I am contemplating making a change and not sure yet what that will look like, but I appreciate reading what everyone has shared and I hope you don’t mind me spilling my beans. It helped me to write this.


Welcome, Rosa! I hope you find this thread helpful! :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you for sharing, Rosa. You’re not alone. My addiction also includes hiding food around the house, sneaking to eat, staying up after everyone else has gone to bed just to binge, etc. I don’t have to explain myself if no one is watching. The shame is immense. I’m also with you on the diet soda (mine is Diet Pepsi). I’m taking baby steps to cut back on it. On Day 1, I forced myself to drink 16 oz of water before any Diet Pepsi. Then several days later 16 oz water, 16 oz Crystal Light before DP. Then 32 oz water, etc. It’s Day 37 and I can drink mostly water. That doesn’t mean I’ve stopped wanting DP. But I know my body appreciates the change. I can tell the difference physically. My daughter says, “Just because something FEELS impossible doesn’t mean it IS impossible.” Wishing you strength for today.


Thank you. Yes, wisdom beyond her years. She is 14 years old and my biggest cheerleader.


Thank you so much for this! I have also considered the water requirement before or between sodas, but I appreciate you sharing the specific way you transitioned to mostly water. I also drink a lot of sparkling water, so I think I can do something similar. :heartpulse: I appreciate your support!


Day 65 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 66 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 67 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s Day 40. I’ve lost 17 lbs. Which is great, but for someone my size, it’s impossible to tell by looking. Still, I am very aware of how different I feel. Mentally and physically, I am changing. I can’t promise that “this will be the time it sticks”. Honestly, I have zero reasons to believe that is true. But for today, I am taking care of me, and that is enough.


One day at a time! You’re doing it, good for you. Progress like that can help with resolve, just for today :heartpulse:


today I needed comfort food, I’m so sad and it was a better choice for me personally than alcohol and drugs and trust me its been on my mind all day bc I just want to stop feeling for a little while, instead I have to sit with and work through my emotions and this is foreign for me. I don’t do miserable but I can’t shake this off yet.


Thought I’d check in here today. I’ve done a bit of reading about binge eating and all. Glad I stopped by last week. I’m learning. And that’s what matters. I love leftovers for lunch. When it’s a stew or a soup or something like that I am now using a 1 cup measuring cup or a 3/4 cup measuring cup to portion out my food before I eat it. :thinking: maybe I should do that for dinner too instead of just loading up. I been feeling aware and better about my eating habits this week. Hope it continues.


I went with chicken pie, potatoes, carrot swede and peas. Now just need that hug. :grin:


Great job Lulu! Keep up the good work! :smiley:


Day 68 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 69 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 70 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face: