Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 1)

Wow, 180 days free from sh is fantastic! Keep up the good work there! :blush::tada:


Day 718 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 54 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 23: imperfect regular eating

Things are going good. :smiley:
Eating when hungry.
Eating what I prefer that moment.
Not eating when not hungry.
No binge.
Having movement everyday.

Body is feeling not bloated or as if gained weight. More as if I loosed some.
Positive body feeling.

I am using scale only every few weeks to not be triggered by weight. I prefer using my feeling or some special clothes that can be used to proof figure :rofl:

Wow, sounds like a proā€¦
That i am not at all.
I reached relaxing imperfectness atm and thatā€™s cool! :panda_face:



It is day 15 for me to eat daily.

I had a breakfast sandwich,
A breakfast burrito (for lunch)
A bowl of Mac with tuna and peas

Three meals today. Not sure Iā€™ll have three again tomorrow, but I will eat. And i only feel slightly panicked at how much Iā€™ve eaten. I am reminding myself that food is fuel. And i have been busy. It will be ok. And i can go to the gym tomorrow. :slightly_smiling_face:


Those meals sound delicious scorpn! I used to eat mac n cheese with tuna and peas when i was a kid. I should totally eat some again. Good protein, fats and fiber. :smile:


Day 719 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 55 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Itā€™s one of my sonā€™s favorites. Thursday is his dinner choice. So a lot of Thursdays we have it :blush::blush:


Mac, tuna, and peas?! @Aleyadaisey @Scorpn this is not something I have had before but now yā€™all have me intrigued! I might need to give that a try.


Day 720 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 56 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


Iā€™m just curious, do you abstain from all caffeine or specifically coffee?

I know that i have a coffee addiction (i drink about 20 espresso shots every day at work :grimacing:) and I do need to slow it downā€¦but Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™d keep going without the caffeine.

Do you have any tips or suggestions for supplementing?


I only abstain from coffee. I drink chai or mountain dew because both have less caffeine. Mountain dew isnā€™t the healthiest option but it doesnā€™t give me jitters, nor does chai. I drank green tea as well, I think itā€™s better than coffee because it lasts longer and is more calming than coffee. Out of all of them I would probably recommend Green tea. You can get it in Kcup form or tea bag form at walmart and online. :slight_smile:


Today I ate twice. A sausage breakfast sandwich from work and chicken nuggets & fries from McDonaldā€™s (because the kids really wanted McDonaldā€™s :woozy_face:) it was not a super healthy eating dayā€¦but also, I didnā€™t restrict or binge. I have done it for a couple weeks now. And Iā€™m happy with that. I will try not to scrutinize every meal as much as I do in the future. But for now itā€™s one day at a time eating.


Iā€™m impressed Lol and congrats to you on eating daily

And @Aleyadaisey congratulations on youā€™re acomplishments when I do run into youā€™re thread I always take a look very impressive. I used to binge and purge so I know how hard it is to stop that habit. Now Iā€™m just addressing the purging. I havenā€™t though for about a week now. I feel like a baby buluga though :/. I told myself I would start eating better this weekend :grimacing:

Everyone that posts here congratulations to you all. Much love :v::blue_heart:


Thank you, Jftself! Super excited to reach a full 2 years! :muscle::blush:


Lolā€¦ My coworkers think itā€™s an accomplishment to drink that much in a shift, but i honestly donā€™t think Iā€™d make it through a day without it.
I drink 3 when i arrive, 3 more half hour later (when we open) 3 on my early break, 4 on my lunch break, and at least one more triple shot in the second half of the shift, sometimes 2 more triple shots, and always leave with 4 in a cupā€¦
And then i drink some regular coffee when i get home to drink while i get kids together (homework, chores, dinner) i pretty much survive on coffee :grimacing:

I used to drink a lot less coffee (probably about half as much as now) when i was getting highā€¦ But once i got sober i couldnā€™t get enough energy to make it through the day.


Sounds like a vicious cycle: you have no energy cos you donā€™t eat. You drink coffee to give you energy. Caffeine is a major hunger suppressant. There you go, full circle.

I drink a lot of coffee too. you might be the first person I encounter who has more than me. I tip my coffee hat to you. :relaxed::coffee: But you know, itā€™s a choice. Like everything.

@Jftself wow big congrats on not thinking of purging for a week. Thatā€™s great progress!


No caffeine after work today and I am so beyond tired at only 6pm Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll make it till 9 (little ones bedtime) :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

I worked from 430-3 today and had roughly 16 espresso shots and 20oz of coffee.
I do think youā€™re right @Faugxh that I am not hungry often because of the coffee ā€¦ I ate a piece of pumpkin bread today at work and was full.
For a ā€˜mealā€™ i am having 6 pizza rolls and some salad with Asian sesame dressing. But all i really want right now is some sleep

Update: i had one cup of long shots (basically espresso watered down to a cup of coffee) i genuinely thought Iā€™d fall asleep on the couch and my little one would be unsupervisedā€¦
But itā€™s better than a full pot of coffee after work. So itā€™s still improvement. I will try to have less caffeine tomorrow


Exactly, do not cut caffeine cold turkey right away, with the amount of caffeine you have been having, you could have a terrible withdrawal headache. Start slowly, work your way down, and then decide if you want to have a moderate amount of caffeine, or stop entirely. It was easy for me to cut down on caffeine, but I never drank 20 espresso shots. :sweat_smile:


Day 721 : No binge today. :slightly_smiling_face:
Day 57 : No coffee today. :slightly_smiling_face:


25 days imperfect regular eating, no binge

I had 2 meals somedays instead of 3, but this was calming my gut until here. Wonā€™t do IF or something restrictive. It was just a wish from inside.

Other point is that i am a bit in emotional trouble because of a thing with a man.
Thatā€™s triggering my ā€œi am not good enoughā€ thinking and also that I have to be thinner. Anyway my curves are something he likes much.
No rational thoughts.

Yesterday I already thought about dieting on holiday and so on. Donā€™t knowā€¦ I will try to keep my style up, because it is bringing me to a regulated weight too, very slowly but it does.

But itā€™s not that easy right now.
