Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

I am not binging, but certainly eating more than I would like. My husband bulk bought some mini cakes for my daughter, but she doesn’t like that flavour, so I keep eating them. I keep snacking on granola too, again as it is a particularly yummy flavour one.


Yeah, the fact that you can’t quit food is perhaps the most difficult on it all, because you are basically learning to moderate :joy::joy::joy:


Day 1361 : No binge today. :blush:

So glad to hear it, @Jana1988! I hope to continue to motivate and inspire people here. :blush:


Another clock reset after binging on chocolate and some other bits yesterday night.

0 days no binge


@acromouse thank you :blush:

56 days no takeaways.
52 days no sugar.
0 days no crisps, no fruit, no binge-eating.

I couldn’t sleep last night at all, I was awake until late, and although I was listening to the audiobook at the time, I had the most unresistable urge to buy and eat crisps, it was 38 days since I’d had them. I had 2 big bags plus even more fruit. I decided to ban myself from going to the local shops, I was so sure I’d stay strong, but within 10mins of waking up this morning, I was back in the shop and bought loads more fruit. I have decided I’ve been kidding myself about it not being a binge when I eat fruit, because really it is, so I’ll be resetting my counter every time I have it now, hopefully as a deterrent!



@Misokatsu @Mischa84 @Jana1988 I remember reading somewhere that alcoholics do have to drink, they just can’t drink alcohol. I think this can in a way be applied to eating: I have to eat, but there are foods I have to stay away from. Furthermore I have to eat, but I don’t have to eat compulsively. I believe there is a difference there.
Anyways let’s keep going.
@CATMANCAM Sorry to hear you couldn’t sleep and was driven to binge this morning.

287 sugar
151 UPF
25 gluten
25 dairy


This is genius and simple at the same time. Thank you for that, i think i had to hear it today. My addict brain still trying to make me think “eat it, you DESERVE it”. No, shut up! I deserve to feel good and definitely i won’t feel good after eating all this crap.
I have still a lot to work on in this subject.


Day 1362 : No binge today. :blush:


“My addict brain still trying to make me think “eat it, you DESERVE it”. No, shut up! I deserve to feel good and definitely won’t feel good if I eat all this crap.”

Yes indeed, you deserve to feel good! Keep on challenging those thoughts, you got this! :muscle:


@acromouse I never thought about it this way. Thank you for helpful and wise insight :thinking:
I guess that the hardest for me is to bring my racional mind at the scene at the moment when my brain is overwhelmed by cravings. The urges make disappear the bigger picture of why I am all doing this and my ability to think about consequences and how I’ll feel after the binge… It’s like an animal acting on their instincts - I am brainlessly eating. Then I am satisfied for like a second and immediately regretting with no possibility to undo it.
I am starting from scratch for once again today and these days 0 start seem to be endless. It’s the same scenario in every single day. Surely I can’t be that powerless :thinking::sweat_smile:


Day 0

Everything went quite well yesterday, but then I binged on pizza and dessert afterwards :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Maybe today will be different :pray:t3::heart:


@Jana1988 I’m feeling very powerless too :people_hugging: hoping every day I will resist, but 7am comes and I can’t stop myself.

57 days no takeaways.
53 days no sugar.
1 day no crisps.
0 days no fruit, no binge-eating.

So after doing some nutritional research, I’m not necessarily consuming too much mango or strawberries, especially as I have been having them instead of a meal, rather than as an extra snack. So I don’t feel the need to class eating it as a binge now. However, what I don’t like, is the obsessive, compulsive urges to go out to buy and eat it, nor the financial consequences. So I do want to stop. I long to be free from all addictive behaviours.

ETA: it hasn’t been sitting right with me. I’ve reverted back to considering it binge-eating.



288 sugar
152 UPF
26 gluten
26 dairy

I know this is hard. I’m here with you guys :heart:


A couple of weeks ago I bought a pack of biscuits I wanted to try. I forgot about them and then ate half a pack a few days ago, didn’t feel like eating the rest, and finally got round to eating the rest today.
I am really happy at the progress.


Day 1363 : No binge today. :blush:

You’re making good progress, @Misokatsu! Keep it up! :blush::muscle:


Walking 2/5 Days
Day 89 of low carb breakfast.


289 sugar
153 UPF
27 gluten
27 dairy

Today I reached five months no UltraProcessedFoods. I remember how I craved this shit. Now even the thought of processed foods repulses me. Eating fresh vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs, fats, fish and grains is sooo much more satisfying. My system absolutely does not want me to eat crap. It wants me to eat real food. And then it is happy, likes to move, to think, to keep evolving.
Eating processed crap I always felt like in a slog, trying to stuff a hole in me that felt endless, bingeing on everything and never feeling satsified.
I am so grateful I am recovering from that state :grin: :palms_up_together:


@acromouse congrats on 5 months no UPFs :tada:

58 days no takeaways.
0 days no sugar, no crisps, no fruit, no binge-eating.

I binged badly late last night, including a couple of sugary items after 54 days of no sugar. I don’t know what came over me, it was totally mindless.
This was also after having the pizza at 4pm, so it wasn’t hunger related.

I have spent all of my money now, so thankfully I don’t have the urge to go to the shop this morning, for the first time in a couple of weeks.

I really hope I can get back on track over the weekend now.



Day 1364 : No binge today. :blush:


59 days no takeaways.
55 days no ice cream.
0 days no sugar, no crisps, no fruit, no binge-eating.

So I wish I hadn’t, but I checked my bank app and it showed that the two direct debits I thought would go out yesterday, aren’t going out until 00:30 Monday, which meant I “technically” could spend the money I was saving for them. I didn’t want to though, and before I checked the app I was doing fine, no urges or cravings at all. I made it to 2pm. But as soon as I checked it, my addict took over and I went to buy fruit. It was like I was forcing myself to eat it.

Then, at 7:30pm when I couldn’t sleep, and I realised it was “Friday night”, my addict took over again and convinced me I needed binge foods to watch a TV show. So off I went to the shop, and bought things I don’t even want to be eating due to being diabetic.

Suffering the hyperglycemic consequences now but they will pass.

Currently no urges or cravings to go to the shop again, despite it having been open for 30mins.



That sounds like really tough time @CATMANCAM :disappointed: So sorry to hear what you went through. Wishing you to stay strong :muscle:t3: from now on :pray:t3::heart: