Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Thank you for reassurance :pray:t3: It helps :heart:


No binge today, but I did eat some of my kids left over snacks, which I didnā€™t want at all they were just there. I hurt my shoulder/neck last week so didnā€™t do any strength training since my first go back. I will try to do one next week.


Day 1378 : No binge today. :blush:

I hope your neck/shoulder feels better soon, @Misokatsu. :people_hugging:


Im on a good path. 3 days of intermittent fasting behind me, i already feel a bit better :slight_smile:


304 sugar
168 UPF
42 gluten
42 dairy


73 days no takeaways.
69 days no ice cream.
12 days no sugar.
7 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Therapy was really hard yesterday, in the final 15mins of mutual silence, I thought I was going to cry, I felt so sad, and a lot of anger towards myself. As soon as the session ended, my addict was adamant that we were going to binge crisps, so I was in a battle with him for the rest of the day. I did a lot of meditations, including one about the inner child and processing emotions, and thankfullly, I fell asleep early and didnā€™t wake up until 11pm when the shops are already closed.

So Iā€™ve somehow made it to a week again. :raised_hands:t2: I hope this time is different. I saw certain family members briefly this morning, but they were only in the same room as me for under 10mins, then they left, and so I spent an hour with my nieces, brother, and SIL, and that was nice. The very brief time with the other family members wasnā€™t pleasant at all, but thankfully I donā€™t feel triggered. Iā€™m so very tired this week, and my therapist yesterday said it could be to do with having to see those certain family members today. I hope heā€™s right and I start to get some energy back now.

I failed to resist going to the shop to buy strawberries and mango early this morning, but it wasnā€™t really a good day to try not to I suppose.



You said you were in a battle with your inner voice about having/not having crisps for a rest of the day. I am finding these debates the most difficult because when youā€™re in two minds about something, you have to use a lots of willpower to RESIST the urges.
What I am finding very helpful personally is to make a clear decision, in your case it would be ā€œIā€™m not having crisps today. Dot. No debate.ā€ Then you wouldnā€™t have to spend the rest of your day arguing with your inner voice.

I took this into another level and made rules which I follow which help me to recognise what are my genuine thoughts and what is Ed trying to make me slip. For example, I have a rule one sweet thing a day. Today, I visited a friend in the morning and she made us nice sweet pastry for a breakfast. I knew that if I eat it, I wonā€™t have anything else today. So I really enjoyed it and didnā€™t struggle at all for the rest of the day. There are biscuits in the cupboard and ice-cream in the freezer and in the past, this would 100% make me binge. Now, I donā€™t even think about them which is like a miracle. In fact, my boyfriend just ate 4 biscuits next to me on the sofa and I didnā€™t even notice it until he was finishing the last one :smiley:

The other day, I got a chocolate and put it on a table and was walking around it the whole morning thinking if I should or should not have a bit. But again, that day I already had my sweet a day. Then I realised that my problem is that I am letting myself believe that thereā€™s an option to have it, so I closed this option down by making a conscious decision not to have it. I decided to have it on Sunday (tomorrow) when my boyfriend and his mum are also home and share it, because itā€™s a nice thing to do and I donā€™t want the whole chocolate. The chocolate remained on the same spot on the table since and I didnā€™t think about eating it once again.

I feel strong now and really good :+1:t3:

7 days no binging


Day 1379 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


@Jana1988 Iā€™m glad your rule is working for you :raised_hands:t2:

74 days no takeaways.
70 days no ice cream.
13 days no sugar.
8 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Another very late night, wanting more and more food :tired_face: I ate a healthy meal at 4:30pm, then a plant based wrap from the shop at 7:30pm and some mango. Then I just was craving more, crisps mostly, but also takeaway food. It was so fkin relentless, and I was craving a vape like crazy too. There didnā€™t feel like there were any other options, so I chose to buy a disposable vape, because I definitely didnā€™t want to binge. So my 483 days of no vape, became 0. :pensive: (but I didnā€™t binge).



@CATMANCAM @Jana1988 Congrats to the both of you for having a whole week under the belt :confetti_ball: Be proud of yourself, you did a tremendous amount of work for that. You deserve to celebrate yourself!

10 months = 305 days sugar
169 UPF
43 gluten
43 dairy

10 months of my recovery journey. I am very happy about that. This is peace :lotus:


Thank you, @acromouse :blush::pray:t3:

Congratulations :tada: to you on 10 MONTHS!!! without sugar :hushed::hushed::exploding_head::exploding_head: You have my admiration :relieved: You must be thrilled :blush:


8 days without binge

Iā€™m having a beautiful morning. Me and my boyfriend had coffee at the dining table for hours and talked for hours about all different stuff :heart: I also shared my insights into binge eating and what I learnt. Heā€™s a great listener and has also good advice to offer as he used to weigh lift and educated himself in nutritions. Heā€™s a big supporter and I am glad having him in my life :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Iā€™m really struggling emotionally. I have done all my usual meditations on Calm, plus some extra ones on Insight Timer. I havenā€™t watched TV since I stopped bingeing, so Iā€™ve got some episodes to catch-up on, and I know Iā€™d feel better if I ate crisps, even if just for tonight.

I have also listened to the Ultra-Processed People audiobook most of today, and itā€™s making me feel like Iā€™m never going to be able to lose this 8st Iā€™ve got to lose, so whatā€™s the fkin point.

I feel so emotional but I canā€™t cry and meditation is only helping while Iā€™m doing it.

I canā€™t stop thinking that crisps would make it better.

I doubt Iā€™ll be able to check-in with 9 days tomorrow.

I refuse to buy another vape because I know if I do then that habit would be fully reignited, and I donā€™t want that. Iā€™m doing okay so far without it, which I am relieved about to say the least.

I wish I didnā€™t have to eat at all. No matter if I eat healthy or unhealthy food, I always just crave more and more.

Iā€™m hoping learning more about UPFs from this audiobook may help, but for now I feel so weak.



Hey friend :wave:
I am so sorry to hear you are struggling so much and that you are in so much emotional pain.
Is there anything nice that is not addiction related for yourself? Some other way to self soothe? If guided meditations are helping you to stay somewhat calm than keep doing them. When I wake up in the middle of the night with a massive panick attack I listen so soothing meditations until I can calm down or fall asleep. Even if it takes hours. A podcast could also help. Guided breathing exercises.
Another approach for me is to do something around the flat while I listen to soothing talks. Like laundry, dishes, sorting stuff, cleaning, anything actually.
Stay strong friend :people_hugging:


So sorry youā€™re at such place now @CATMANCAM :heart: Sending you all my love!

What about playing the tape forward? Sometimes it helps me to imagine how Iā€™m eating the food which Iā€™m craving. Most of the times I realise that I donā€™t really want it. Think about how youā€™d feel straight after eating it. And also tomorrow morning. Is it worth it? Will you be happier if you eat the crisps? And for how long? Is it the person you want to be? What are your goals for tonight and in general and a person? What kind of person do you want to be and will eating crisps help you to get closer to your goal? What are you missing in reality? What feelings arenā€™t fulfilled? Are you hungry? Do you need nutritions? Do you need socialising and connection? Maybe you need rest. Maybe you need to go for a walk and clear your head in natureā€¦
I believe you donā€™t need and want the crisps. Itā€™s not you but your ā€˜addictionā€™ whoā€™s trying to persuade you otherwise. Donā€™t have the battle again. Go and do something different.

Thinking of you a lot :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:


I went to a restaurant with my cycling club and god it was amazing! I could concentrate on the people and conversation and the food was for once not important to me at all!!! I was there to socialise and not to eat (eat too of course, but it wasnā€™t important to me at all). I am shocked :astonished: Really surprised. I even brought doggy back home, because I didnā€™t try to eat all the food like I would deffo do before. I am so happy!!! :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:


Day 5

No binge eating


Day 1380 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Congratulations to @Jana1988 and @CATMANCAM, 1 week without binging! :tada:

So sorry youā€™re struggling with your emotional health, @CATMANCAM. Sending you supportive hugs. :people_hugging:


Congratulations on all your days and hard work.


Maybe donā€™t focus so much on the whole 8 stone? Each half stone or so you lose will be a great boost to your health. Even if you stay in he same weight, controlling binging and adding more movement to your routine will improve your general health.
Crisps, alcohol, cocaine, only ever ā€œhelpā€ in the short term, you know this. Long term, they cause more problems than they are worth. Sending you strength :purple_heart: