Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

314 sugar
178 UPF
52 gluten
52 dairy

So, I have been investigating why some part of me insists on distracting myself while eating with reading or TV. Today I did a test and did not read or watch TV while eating. I felt a profound loss. Eating gives me good feelings and distracting myself by reading or TV distracts me from uncomfortable feelings.
Since hormonal changes of perimenopause started I experience a lot of intense uncomfortable feelings. This way of mindless eating is a reprieve from them. But it also became a habit. I eat like that even when I donā€™t feel uncomfortable.


I do the same @acromouse I tried to stop eating without watching TV or having my phone in my hands but I never last. Itā€™s a very strong habit I built and it feels so satisfying! Sometimes I feel like I would not eat half of my meals if I didnā€™t distract myself.
Itā€™s true that it takes me ages to eat a meal and so I prefer to do something else during it ā€œnot to waste timeā€.

100% something I need to adjust I guess ā€¦


Day 1389 : No binge today. :blush:


Good morning and happy Wednesday (:cloud_with_rain: in the UK)

Unfortunately, I had to reset my clock yesterday night, hence 0 days no binge.

It wasnā€™t ā€œa big oneā€, but it was still a ā€œmini bingeā€ and I am not happy about it. The sweets eventually got me :sob:
I think that I am ok about it. I take it as a learning curve. Mainly I need to rethink my relationship with sugars. Maybe I should have none at all to make it clearer to myself. I am a beast when it comes to it :joy:
Now, seriously. I want to be back on track and do better this time. I think that the wave of craving cought me unprepared. It was fairly easy for the whole time until it wasnā€™t and I just gave in too easily.

I will do more work on this and prepare myself. This time I know it comes and that itā€™s at about half way through towards a monthā€¦


@Jana1988 Your ā€˜mini bingeā€™ sounds like real progress to me. Not in terms of what happened but in terms of how you are going about it. Investigating, learning, rethinking. Great job! And yeah, sugar is a difficult one. It is an addictive substance, it triggers your brain chemicals the same way other addictive substances do. I donā€™t think I know many people who do not overeat on it.

315 sugar
179 UPF
53 gluten
53 dairy

Eating without the excitement of reading or tv is kinda boringā€¦


I can relate to this part. Learning is progress still.


84 days no takeaways.
80 days no ice cream.
23 days no sugar.
8 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

So I didnā€™t make it the whole day without going to the shop yesterday. Mainly because they didnā€™t have any strawberries on Monday, so I didnā€™t get my ā€œfinal fixā€. Well, they still didnā€™t have any yesterday, so I bought some other fruit and only spent less than half of what I have been.

Iā€™ve just been today too, and they did have strawberries, so I got some, but still kept my spending to half. Now today can be my last day of going there because Iā€™ve had my ā€œfinal fixā€.



Husband went to Costco and bought various things. I was tempted to eat more sweet stuff after my one serving, but was firm and put it away and told myself it will still be there tomorrow. Delay donā€™t deny.


Day 1390 : No binge today. :blush:


316 sugar
180 UPF
54 gluten
54 dairy

Eating without distractions sets my mind in default planning mode. I am not sure this is any better :thinking:


85 days no takeaways.
81 days no ice cream.
24 days no sugar.
9 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Today so far, not so good. Iā€™ve been to the shop and spent Ā£20+ again. Last night I also bought some meals. Things are not going to plan so far this month. Hoping to turn it around and be stronger.



Day 1391 : No binge today. :blush:


317 sugar
181 UPF
55 gluten
55 dairy


Recently I am getting into apple slices and peanut butter as a snack. I like it because it is not guilt inducing like chocolate or cake, but it doesnā€™t trigger restricting either because I know the peanut butter is pretty high calorie, relatively. I feel like I am eating it for the right reasons.


Day 1392 : No binge today. :blush:

Iā€™m so glad you found a healthy alternative, @Misokatsu! Apples and yogurt is surprisingly good too! :smiling_face:


87 days no takeaways.
83 days no ice cream.
26 days no sugar.
11 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Very intense therapy session yesterday, very stressful train journeys there and back, lots of pain and fatigue, but no urges to buy food or binge.

I also walked over 10K steps yesterday! From the station to therapy, and then back again. The reason Iā€™m not sleeping right now is that my back pain has not settled like it usually does when I lay down.



Youā€™re doing really well, @CATMANCAM :smiling_face:
The amount of days without takeaways and sugar :clap:t3:
Also almost half of a month without binging :partying_face:


Good morning :sun_with_face:
I am somehow still at a square one, being in this cycle when in the morning Iā€™m full of belief in success, but in the evening I binge brainlessly. Itā€™s annoying and I want to end it again. So here I am today with new hope.
I donā€™t know why every time when I fell off a vagon, I find so hard to get back on. And itā€™s literally just the first day to overcome. Once thatā€™s done I usually can stay on for at least a couple of days :woman_shrugging:t3:
This binging business is really interesting. Itā€™s like if I am someone in the morning and someone else later in the day.
I also noticed (and I think I know this for a long time), that I donā€™t have as much problem with self control during the day, but evenings are my issue. Maybe I am bored, because itā€™s a quiet time after a busy day. It almost feels like I need to be engaged in something and distracted as much as possible, otherwise Iā€™ll want to eat sugar. Itā€™s such a nonsense really. Now Iā€™m even knowing thatā€™s something I donā€™t want to do when actually doing it. I am eating that chocolate knowing that the other me doesnā€™t want it anymore, yet Iā€™ll have more and more until I eat it all. Most of the time I donā€™t even enjoy it, sometimes I feel full and it is almost disgusting in my month, yet Iā€™ll still finish it. I donā€™t get it.
Binging is really such a weird thing. It makes no sense to me whatsoever :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


Iā€™ve been hillwalking in Scotland w my ex man this week past. We used to do this a lot before the pandemic, then we couldnā€™t and then sadly we broke up. Coming back here has been so familiar but also I feel so different in all the ways Iā€™ve changed since sobriety. One thing Iā€™ve realised is how unhealthy I was before w eating and nourishment around our hikes. The Highlands are wild, when the weather is bad youā€™re exposed to ice cold rain, slush, fog, harsh icy winds for hours and hours on end all on top of going up and down steep rocks and carrying a heavy pack (cos we always camp). I would starve myself on top of that. Ofc I would eat, but I would eat as little as possible ( which would still be a good amount under other circumstances, but up there you burn through energy like nothing cos you so exposed and you strain for many hrs a day). I would add extra hardship onto the normal hillwalking and camping hardship to make everything harder on myself and to feel even more accomplished when it was over. I would suffer. And that would get me very high and through the pain of the walks.
This time, I didnā€™t want to feel this way. I dont starve my body anymore and I didnā€™t want to lose weight up there, coming down w my clothes all loose. I ate as much as I could and felt that I needed every chance I got, and denied add on walks at the end of the trip, through the Glens, just to do more walking - my ex is like a mountain goat, inexhaustible. I had enough after three days. The sense of achievement wasnā€™t as great, but neither was the low afterwards. I felt a lot more sane during, I didnā€™t abandon myself, and I set I think a new bench PR yday in the gym up here yday or close to it, I didnā€™t have my notebook so canā€™t be sure, but defo did v good. Clothes still fit, too.

Wishing everyone success w their journeys today. :heart: :boar:


318 sugar
182 UPF
56 gluten
56 dairy

Hormones make me want to eat all day. Exhausting :roll_eyes:


Thank you :blush: I very much relate to how you describe your relationship with sugar, especially the part about it tasting disgusting but not being able to stop until itā€™s all gone. You will get back on track, I wonder if listening to the Defeat Your Cravings episode you found the most helpful would help refresh you.
