Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

This sounds like amazing progress :clap:t2::star2: very proud of you šŸ©µ


It is a good idea. Thank you, @CATMANCAM How do you know Iā€™m self sabotaging and stopped listening to it :smile:

Iā€™m very happy that youā€™re on track. Really makes me feel so nice in my heart :heart:


How great that you are able to reflect like this and clearly see the difference :heart: Youā€™re a totally different person today, how awesome is the growth :pray:t3::clap:t3::heart_eyes::heart::heart::heart:


Day 1393 : No binge today. :blush:


25 days - low carb breakfast
1/5 days - walking


I think my ED is turning, because I feel like Iā€™m starving. Even though I have in fact eaten. And more than I would normally.
I had 3 slices of gluten free pizza
A birria taco
A serving of air fried potatoes
And shared a slice of cake with one of the kids.

Yesterday I ate romaine lettuce, tomato, and some Parmesan shredsā€¦salad
I donā€™t remember the day beforeā€¦if I ate or didnā€™tā€¦

I wanna eat normally. I donā€™t want to binge and feel overfull


319 sugar
183 UPF
57 gluten
57 dairy

6 months no UltraProcessedFoods. Body and mind are very grateful for that. Canā€™t imagine the kind of stress this crap put me into.


@acromouse wow thatā€™s incredible! Congrats on 6 months no UPFs :tada: how do you know/remember all the stuff to avoid? Iā€™m currently listening to the Ultra-Processed People audiobook, and they talk about so many substances and my brain doesnā€™t retain information. Or is it just a case of only buying fresh food and cooking from scratch?

88 days no takeaways.
84 days no ice cream.
27 days no sugar.
12 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

A peaceful day yesterday compared to the day before. I have been eating some meals from the shop this week, I think that is helping to keep any binge cravings at bay, but my fridge is now empty again, so we shall see if I can stay strong.



Basically yes. On a daily basis I do not buy anything that has more then one ingredient.


Congratulations on 6 months without UPF! Incredible that youā€™re managing to avoid it, especially nowadays when itā€™s so easy and convenient to just grab it. I guess that once it becomes a lifestyle, it gets easier, but it definitely required some effort from the beginning :thinking::relieved::muscle:t3:


I have 1 day and 1 hour without binging right nowā€¦
I ate more sugar today than Iā€™d like, but I also had a very active weekend and so I can see why I craved it. This would be easier to manage if I already was off sugar for some time, but because I binged on it yesterday, today was really difficult to navigate that way.
I should have a rest day tomorrow (even though I never knowā€¦), so tomorrow I would really love to stay away from sweets, because I do not need them!!! :rage:
I am also experiencing terrible acid reflux lately (approx last 3-4 weeks) which got to an extreme today! It was even painful and I thought it will burn a way out of my body through my throat and skin :fearful: I think it might be caused by sugar, but only way to find out is to stop eating it for some timeā€¦
I was also considering to see a doctor, I canā€™t keep eating Renie like candies :pensive:


A lot of the participants on this site on this thread stress, the importance of eating on a somewhat regular schedule or at least having something to eat say three times a day.
Thereā€™s lots of discussion why we, and I include myself in there, I tend to eat too much, never too little, do what we do.
If you read back and look at some of the longer post where people are really trying to evaluate what is happening maybe you will find some type of insight to what is happening with you. As you know, lots of members that are posting on the thread have come from lots of bulimia, severe restriction and bingeing. And theyā€™ve tried to understand why they do that and how they can be more normal. Thereā€™s lots of insight into that in the post.
My main problem is being triggered by certain foods to eat too much of them. Sweets and cheese.
Although last night, I was totally upset about something and this is ridiculous, but everybody here will understand it
Is upset about somebodyā€™s behavior and so I took raw oatmeal and put it in a bowl sprinkled protein powder on top of that and put unsweetened vanilla almond milk on top of that and ate it by the spoonful. Itā€™s really delicious. OK so I couldā€™ve just stopped at one little bit of tiny amount, but no I had to do it about 10 different times. I didnā€™t even try to figure out the calories, I just wrote it down as a failure. Did it make me feel better. No, it tasted good yes. And everybody here on this thread can understand what I was doing. Maybe I canā€™t understand it, but everybody else can either relate or maybe understand it. Was I trying to drown my irritation with food, was I trying to soothe myself with something that tasted good and that was supposed to be just a little or trying to sabotage myself for even putting up with crap from the other person to start with.
At the time that I decided to do it a second time I shouldā€™ve come on here and said help. Iā€™m wanting to make 50 bowls of raw oatmeal, protein powder and almond milk. But I didnā€™t. Anyway, wishing you the best with your eating as you say, ED I guess that stands for eating disorder.
Again , I think that a lot of the people on this thread I cannot speak for them, but I think that for some of them having somewhat of a regular balanced meal 2 to 3 times a day helps them with the different disorders that they have around eating. If you just ate a meager amount of salad on one day and have no idea if you ate the day before that I see nothing wrong with the amount of pizza or whatever it was that you ate on the day that you ate that. Your stomach would have shrink from not eating that much for the two or three days prior and so you wouldā€™ve gotten full faster. You definitely wouldā€™ve needed the calories. You canā€™t just not eat. You have a very busy lifestyle and you need food. Big hugs.


Try a teaspoon of natron dissolved in warm water. Always helps me.

And yes, just not going for any ready made foods and cooking instead is all it takes to avoid UPFs. :slight_smile:


My post crossed with Janaā€™s . It took me about an hour to write it because I got up and left for awhile


I am not a doctor. I do know that in the United States most doctors would recommend omeprazole most likely 40 mg once a day for two weeks to deal with heartburn burning in the esophagus burning in the stomach etcā€¦ Itā€™s over-the-counter over here. Most of it in 20 mg tablets.
It will not hurt you or should not hurt you. If you have a legitimate bleeding ulcer, it will heal it.
Again, Iā€™m not a doctor. Iā€™m not trying to practice medicine. I do know that this is routine over here in the United States and it is what a doctor will say even if they were going to go in and do further invasive testing they would probably want to see how you did on the two weeks of omeprazole before they did that. FWIW.
The proper way to take it is on an empty stomach and then wait about 30 minutes to an hour and then eat a bite or two or three of something. A lot of people feel like they have to take it first thing in the morning and then wait 30 minutes before they have coffee, breakfast or anything like that actually, you donā€™t have to take it that way you do have to take it on a regular schedule, but you can take it any other time of the day hours after you eat so that youā€™re on an empty stomach take it and then wait and have a bite of something so you get some food in you.
Eating something 30 minutes or an hour after you take it makes it work. That part is important. The directions will be on the package.


Thereā€™s also lifestyle changes. Stopping some spicy foods, not eating for several hours before you go to sleep, and keeping your head elevated with an extra pillow or so while you are sleeping. A lot of people actually put bricks under the headboard support of their bed to raise that part of the bed.
The omeprazole will actually heal it where things like Tums and over-the-counter acid reflux reducers will stop some of the symptoms.


Day 1394 : No binge today. :blush:

Wow, 6 months without UPFs for @acromouse! Congratulations! :tada: Keep it up! :blush::muscle:


I definitely binged yesterday. :cry:
I went to eat curry, and the naan was very large. I ate it all and felt stuffed, and that stuffed feeling triggered wanting to eat more, so I ate some chocolate cake snacks. I felt bad about that, so skipped the carbohydrates at dinner. Which led to being hungry before bed, and trying to eat a few biscuits which led to a binge, though not huge one. My son and husband were also really annoying me. My son, it canā€™t be helped, he has adhd and his Dr recommends having a day a week off his meds, which is always Sunday. He just talks, and talks, and talks and talks. Random topics, jumping from topic to topic. He mainly aims it at me and it is very hard to cope with sometimes. I think I need to be clear about taking some alone time so I can have some peace, cos he deserves me being as patient as I can. My husband and I are generally in a poor place, and honestly I think I am past the point of no return. I find it hard to be civil cos honestly I no longer give a shit. Whatever civility there is is for my kids, not him.
So lots of stuff going on yesterday. Going to reflect more on what I should have done differently.


I wanted to let you know that I followed your advice the other day and I listened to an episode of my podcast and I couldnā€™t believe that the episode was about what to do if you get cravings - tips and tricks how to handle them. So it felt like it was ready there for me :smile:


Oh no, so sorry to hear that! Isnā€™t it paradoxical how our brain works? That youā€™re over the feeling of fullness, so logically you should not want to eat more but itā€™s the opposite? Especially craving sugars makes no sense at that point whatsoever :woman_shrugging:t3:
But I feel you, because I also have this self destructive behaviour when if I fcoed something up a little bit I see it as a disaster and opportunity to just fcknit up properly because I donā€™t like things being done only half way through. And instead of stopping myself right there and not binging more, I can as well just go all the way down and eat everything I can with a fresh start ā€œtomorrowā€. Itā€™s very impulsive act, not much though given and I always regret it big time.

My advice to you would be - donā€™t try to make it up today. Start fresh like you didnā€™t binge yesterday and eat normally. Otherwise youā€™ll end up in never ending cycle of deficit which leads to cravings.

Wishing you a very nice Monday and a great start to a new week :four_leaf_clover: