Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

@Jana1988 In my experience “convenient” means: I have this habit and I don’t want to change it at this time. There would be nothing convenient for me in eating packaged products. I don’t find acid reflux, bloating and feeling like crap convenient. And yes, you are absolutely right, in the beginning it took some time to adjust my systems, but that goes with every habit.
@Misokatsu Sorry to hear you had such a shitty day yesterday. All that stress, difficult people around, no time and space for self care. Sending hugs :people_hugging:

320 sugar
184 UPF
58 gluten
58 dairy


Oh no Miso. Just here to express some commiseration on a shit and exhausting day. Defo know the now I’ve already ruined it, might as well make sure I burnt all the bridges logic. You know you need to stop that cycle early.

One thing I might suggest when hungry before bed is eating protein instead of carbs. Chicken breast or whatever source you like. W me, carbs run through me fast and they make me sleepy then hungry again, especially processed ones like bread or so. Ofc I love bread and we need carbs and enough of them, but for me personally a high protein diet gives me normal hunger, not cravings, and that up and down cycle is interrupted.

Sorry on the situation w your husband. You do you. Self care and alone time sound like an excellent idea to me, you deserve both. :people_hugging: :purple_heart:


@Jana1988 Yes, those paradoxical thoughts. I’m full - eat more! I’m hungry - starve and get thin! So dumb and yet so tempting.

@acromouse Thanks for the support.

@Faugxh Yes, protein would have been a good thing to eat, I didn’t think of that at all. I was too hungry for veggie sticks or something to work (plus I couldn’t be arsed chopping) but there is always cheese and natto (fermented beans) so I can eat that.


Day 1395 : No binge today. :blush:


@Misokatsu I’m sorry about your rough Sunday :people_hugging: sending strength 🩵
@Jana1988 yay, well done for going back to it :clap:t2: :star2:

90 days no takeaways.
86 days no ice cream.
29 days no sugar.
14 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I was having cravings for crisps Sunday night, but at the same time I was conscious that I did not want them. This is a feeling I remember from earlier in the year when I had my longest ever no binge-eating streak. So, I’m feeling a little hopeful again.

Therapy yesterday I was just talking about how fkin huge I am and how desperately I need to lose weight because it’s slowly killing me and getting harder and harder to breathe. I said I want to start talking about the deeper stuff, so she suggested that I think about the child that was left behind after the abuse started, so we can talk about them in our next session. My brain and body did not like this idea and ofc I wanted to eat and eat. But I didn’t and I’m really glad of that.



Well done @CATMANCAM that you didn’t give in when you felt like you want to eat and eat and eat after your therapy session :clap:t3:
I know your weight bothers you a lot, I hope you will find a way to get to a stage when you are going to be happy and satisfied with it :pray:t3:
When I had a bit weight on in past (very long time ago though), what really helped me to lose it quickly was running. I started run/walk around a small lake back at home at Czech. Today, I love running and cycling and the weight balance is benefitial but not the main reason why I am doing it. I simply love it for what it is.
If you don’t walk much, adding some extra miles daily should also help. It’s always a bit harder to stick to these outdoor activities as winter is approaching and it’s getting darker and colder…
Hope you will find a way :four_leaf_clover:


Good morning everyone :sunny:
Unfortunately, I binged on sweets yesterday, but I have no headspace to worry about it much, because I and my partner Sean also exchanged on a house yesterday!!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
Oh my god, FINALLY I will leave this place which I hate to be at! I can’t even believe it!!!
Honestly, I hated being here so much…5 YEARS I HAD TO SUFFER EVERY DAY AMD REMAIN SANE SOMEHOW!
I know I have lots of stress in every day caused by living here and I know it’s been my choice all along the whole time, but I kept on mind my bigger goal of saving money on rent to buy a house and FINALLY I got here :star_struck:
I can’t express my happiness and excitement. I know that house purchase always means a lot to people, but I believe it means something extra to me than to any other ordinary person who just happened to buy a property. To me it means freedom - quite literally!
A few people here know how much I struggle living with my partner’s mum, I can’t even write about her right now, because I feel nothing but despite. I know it’s bad, she’s my partner’s mum, but I can’t stand her. I don’t feel like this towards any other person in this world and I know it’s hurting mainly me, because I am the one experiencing these feelings, but right in the middle of it for so long I have no capacity to deal with it right now. However, I am hopeful that moving away will help me to ease up and be also able to work on this and find kindness and understanding in my heart instead :heart:

So that’s me today, very happy :blush: Our moving date is Saturday 26.10. so still a few weeks to go, but knowing that there’s light in the end of the tunnel will hopefully help to make it manageable here :pray:t3: Then I don’t want to see her for at least a month :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Congratulations @Jana1988 !! Sooooooooooooooooooo happy for you!! Now you can have the foods you want in your fridge and pantry and not the ones that cause problems for you! So happy for both you and your partner, you two have wanted this for a long time!


@CATMANCAM Therapy is hard work friend. Not giving in to the voice that promises you comfort after all that is an especially strong feat :muscle:
@Jana1988 Congrats on the house situation!!! You’ve been dreaming about this for such a long time. Great news :partying_face: Share some pictures if you feel like it, will you?

321 sugar
185 UPF
59 gluten
59 dairy


Congratulations on your new house. So happy for you.


@Jana1988 thank you, I am building up my walking gradually atm, my back pain gets in the way a lot, so I can’t do as much as I’d like, or used to, and that too is mostly caused by my severe obesity. I persevere though so there will be a way :crossed_fingers:t2: More importantly… CONGRATULATIONS on your exchange!! :tada::partying_face: Such a happy time for you and your partner, and only the foods you wish to eat will enter your new home :raised_hands:t2:

@acromouse it is hard, I can’t believe I’ve been seeing the Monday therpist for 8 months already and we haven’t even scratched the surface. It’s time. Thank you :blush:



Congratulations on your new house @Jana1988 . I’m gaining a lot of help from this thread from you and others @CATMANCAM @Misokatsu @acromouse thank you for all you share


Congrats Jana. You know we’ll need to see pics of that house asap - and of your pantry when it’s time for that!

:sunflower: :house_with_garden:


That’s great news Jana! So happy for you!


Day 1396 : No binge today. :blush:

That is absolutely incredible, @Jana1988! Huge congratulations on the new house! Yay! :tada::blush:


Congratulations :clap::tada::clap: That is wonderful news!


So much love here, thank you very much everyone :heart::heart::heart:
Of course, happy to share pictures :blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The best part:





Me and Sean went to celebrate to a restaurant yesterday and I didn’t binge, so I am 1 day no binging too :partying_face:


It’s beautiful Jana, wishing you both much joy and happiness there!
Soooooo happy for you! Dreams can come true!


Beautiful! I love it!


@Jana1988 Once again congrats on the house! And thank you for sharing pictures. I really am fascinated.

322 sugar
186 UPF
60 gluten
60 dairy