Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Lovely home! :blush:


Day 1397 : No binge today. :blush:

Your new house looks amazing, @Jana1988! :blush:




323 sugar
187 UPF
61 gluten
61 dairy


@Jana1988 wow your new home is stunning! Congrats again :tada:
@acromouse congrats on 60+ days no gluten or dairy :tada:

92 days no takeaways.
88 days no ice cream.
31 days no sugar.
16 days no crisps, no binge-eating

Iā€™ve had relief from cravings for the past couple of days. Helped by eating some meals from the shop Iā€™m sure, but that still needs to stop. Working on it.



Day 1398 : No binge today. :blush:


Not sure this check in belongs here or the other ED threadā€¦but

Yesterday and today I have decided that no food is good or bad and ate when I was hungry, I feel like Iā€™ve been snacking all day the past two days, but with all the stress outside of eating (milestone, favorite coworker leaving, bills, hurricane stuff, etc.) I have decided that at least for now, ill stop thinking about food.

I ate a few jerky smoked beef sticks, probably half a box of cauliflower crackers from Aldi (yesterday), a Chicken sandwich, and a couple french fries from what spilled in the bag of my daughters meal (today ) :sweat_smile:
Tomorrow I think Iā€™ll have a salad to get some extra veggies in. But outside of that, just not giving food any extra thought


93 days no takeaways.
89 days no ice cream.
32 days no sugar.
17 days no crisps, no binge-eating

I am shocked but very happy and excited. My GP has agreed for me to withdraw off all of my psychotropic medications. Slowly, and one at a time, so itā€™s going to take around a year, but I have such hope that this is going to give therapy the best chance of being successful. I need to feel my feelings. The other benefit will be the removal of the insatiable appetite I currently have as a side effect from some of them. I feel hopeful for the first time in a long time. :blush: :raised_hands:t2:


(Sorry, I donā€™t have any likes atm).


@CATMANCAM This is such great news!!! It will take its time, but there is hope on the horizon :smile:

324 sugar
188 UPF
62 gluten
62 dairy


This is big. Iā€™m so happy for you!


Day 1399 : No binge today. :blush:


@acromouse @Faugxh thank you both :grinning:

94 days no takeaways.
90 days no ice cream.
33 days no sugar.
18 days no crisps, no binge-eating

Therapy yesterday was very intense, I was so angry when I left and was walking back to the train station. But I am noticing that my first thoughts arenā€™t about food. It might be because I have been using vapes recently, and my brain lights up more when I walk past shops that may sell them, like it did at every shop I passed along the route, but I didnā€™t cave. I donā€™t want to binge, and I donā€™t want to vape.



Hi @CATMANCAM :blush:
I just saw your thread about getting slowly off some of your meds and that it makes you happy and hopeful. Iā€™m very happy for you and I also hope that it will make a positive impact on your life :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Well done on your 18 days without binge and also the other counters, great gjob with 3 months without ice-cream and just over 3 months no takeaways. 33 days no sugar is just insane :exploding_head: I wish your counters were mine :joy::joy::joy:

Youā€™re so amazing :blush: Sending you lots of love :two_hearts:


Hello here :hugs::raising_hand_woman:t3:

Recently, I wasnā€™t hanging around here much. I was busy, but I think that I was mainly subconsciously avoiding this thread because I am not doing well with my eating and binging. To be totally honest, after my half a month success without binging at all, I have such a down swing that I even purged twice! Iā€™d like to say that I hate that, but the truth is that I have no regret, because I was so disgustingly full that I couldnā€™t bear the food in my stomach.
Writing this is hard for me mainly because I always feel that other people will think that Iā€™m disgusting. Maybe I think it about myself too. I am not even sure what I think, besides, that I donā€™t really want to do this and Iā€™m not planning to. My bulimia was very bad when I suffered from it and I donā€™t ever want to be back. Iā€™m going to be more careful and wonā€™t binge to that extend again. Iā€™m confident that itā€™s fine and doable for me without a struggle.
Theoretically, if thatā€™s the case, thereā€™s no real need for me to share all of this at all and I could save myself the embarrassment. But the thing is that I want to be opened and honest. This is the only place where I feel like I can give it a go and maybe not experience judgement :pray:t3: It helps me to be opened and honest with myself too. Because sometimes I know I am dishonest with myself.

Like yesterday, I went to a shop and I was buying lots of treats. And there on back of my mind was very tiny voice telling me that I shouldnā€™t be buying these things so brainlessly without a plan. But I shut the voice up knowing that Iā€™m being driven on by my eating disorder and yet still ignoring the fact - basically lying to myself, not wanting to face the truth because at that moment the truth was uncomfortable and in the way.
The ability to close my brain cells and ignore the rational thinking part is unbelievable strong. If I only could swap it and be stronger in the rational thinking :smile:
I genuinely believe that I donā€™t feel bad about my binging, I donā€™t beat myself up, sometimes I wonder if I should to, because except feeling physically bad (bloating, diarrhea, IBS, etc.) I have no consequences. The physical seem not to be motivational enough for me to do something about this all.
Good is that Iā€™m still here, Iā€™m obviously still bothered by the binging and I definitely want to change it - get rid of it.

Effort, I need to put more effort. In planning, thatā€™s my weakness, I am too lazy and comfortable to plan meals. But if I had a plan and stick with it, then I should eliminate space for failure.

Just my thoughts :thought_balloon: which I needed to share and write down.

Thank you for reading :heart::hugs::four_leaf_clover:

Have a lovely weekend all!!


@CATMANCAM This step, where your brain does not go to the thought of food in a moment of discomfort, this is a huge win! :tada:
@Jana1988 I personally believe that sharing is a very important part of recovery. Itā€™s my addict part that wants to keep stuff under the rug. The recovering one shares. Well done on sharing.

325 sugar
189 UPF
63 gluten
63 dairy

It has been quite a while since I experienced any food related cravings. Yesterday at game night there were the usual snacks - sweets and crisps and whatnot. For the first time in a long while I experienced cravings when I saw others eating that stuff. And I was afraid to relive the experience of my cravings and my addiction overpowering me. It did not happen, my recovering self was stronger and the addict weaker. But you know what they say: Your addiction is in the backyard doing pushups and waiting to score against you.


Thank you, @acromouse :hugs:
I was able to say no to ice cream today, which is win for me :pray:t3:
I had really strong cravings but was questioning why I have them when I am not hungry. And somehow I got over them.


Day 1400 : No binge today. :blush:

Wow, all your counters look amazing, @CATMANCAM! :tada: Keep up the good work! :blush::muscle:


Walking 2/12 Days
Day 1 of low carb breakfast.


326 sugar
190 UPF
64 gluten
64 dairy


Happy Sunday all :sunny:

Please, can you give me your insights and opinion on something?

I am always unsure whether to reset my counter or not when I ate in the way Iā€™m not finding ideal, but it wasnā€™t really binging, but more like over-eating.
I guess, that as a perfectionist I should reset my counter regardless, but then am I too hard on myself? There are imperfection acts to be expected I guess and it could become a bit demotivating if I need everything perfectly in line with my ideas about healty eating, as these standards might be a bit too high. But I also donā€™t want it to become an excuse to over-eat every so often, because accordingly to my counter itā€™s fine :woman_shrugging:t3: Can you see my dilema here?

I had some chocolate and biscuits after my dinner yesterday but I didnā€™t binge on them, but I had more than the normal portion would be, so Iā€™d class it as over-eating.
I wish to start my counter and have a clean go without one mistake, but I think thatā€™s unrealistic and would make it very hard for me.

Appreciate your views on this :pray:t3: