Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

My view is do what you feel is best for you and your counters, taking into account that you have a high activity level and sometimes, lots of times, probably need the extra calories. Hugs.


@Jana1988 thank you :blush: Iā€™m so sorry about the purging and that youā€™ve been struggling so much :people_hugging: Iā€™m glad you shared -ā€˜secrets keep us sickā€™. In regards to your today post, I completely relate to the dilemna, because I am still eating strawberries everyday, and some people might not eat as many as I do, and I canā€™t seem to stop, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve even managed a whole day without them since I started. However, it feels very different from bingeing, because Iā€™m not out of control when Iā€™m eating them, or eating them like a monster like I do with crisps and sugary foods, so for me, I donā€™t feel like I need to reset.
@acromouse it is, thank you :blush: and yay for your recovering self, thatā€™s a win too :clap:t2: :raised_hands:t2:
@Aleyadaisey thank you :blush:

95 days no takeaways.
91 days no ice cream.
34 days no sugar.
19 days no crisps, no binge-eating

Craved crisps last night, couldnā€™t sleep so wanted to watch TV (havenā€™t watched since I stopped bingeing). Didnā€™t give in or watch TV. Meditated instead.



Walking 3/13 Days
Day 2 of low carb breakfast


Day 1401 : No binge today. :blush:


Happy Monday here :blush:
I read through advices and opinions and decided not to reset my counter. @Alisa youā€™re right - I exercise a lot and I definitely burnt more calories than I ate over the weekend, hence the over-eating (even though I probably shouldnā€™t justify it so easily like this).

I donā€™t feel as good as Iā€™d like to about my current 2 days and 13 hours without binge. But I need to accept that my journey perhaps never will be a straight line. Iā€™d love to wake up one day and do everything ā€˜rightā€™ since. But itā€™s not happening and itā€™s so hard. Maybe Iā€™m too hard on myself in the end, even though I never thought so.

I feel like hiding somewhere until Iā€™m ready to show up again, even though it sounds like a nonsense. I feel a bit down now. But that can also be caused by the fact that I donā€™t feel well today. I had a takeaway after a long time and it didnā€™t sit well with me from whatever reason and I felt unwell at night and now my stomach is really upset. Iā€™m avoiding Immodium, because it causes me constipation for days so Iā€™d prefer not to take it, but I feel real crap right now.

I donā€™t even know why I am writing about it :rofl::rofl::rofl:


327 sugar
191 UPF
65 gluten
65 dairy

I started a new approach yesterday: no distractions - TV, reading, etc. - during meals. Iā€™m curious about the effects this might have.


Day 1402 : No binge today. :blush:


328 sugar
192 UPF
66 gluten
66 dairy
2 distraction-free eating

Some inner voice thinks eating without distractions is boring. I believe itā€™s the same voice that thinks life without binges is boring. So it doesnā€™t get a say.


Good luck, @acromouse
I am always finding this one the most difficult one, because as you say - it feels so boring to eat without distraction. I bet, that if I eat without TV or phone, I would never binge again :thinking::thinking::thinking:

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I have 14 hours no binge. I binged yesterday after dinner.
I didnā€™t eat properly through the day, because my stomach is not well after the take away and so I couldnā€™t eat. It got better in the evening and so I binged on a cake and some sweetsā€¦ :roll_eyes:
Today, my stomach is again no good at all. I may have to take the Immodium even though I donā€™t want to. I am suppose to be in the office tomorrow and I couldnā€™t go if I feel like I do at the moment. Poor my stomach. Hope it will pass quickly :pensive::pensive::pensive:


@Aleyadaisey congrats on 1400+ days :tada:
@Jana1988 sorry about your upset stomach :people_hugging: feel better soon šŸ©µ

97 days no takeaways.
93 days no ice cream.
36 days no sugar.
21 days no crisps, no binge-eating

I didnā€™t mean to miss a day on this thread, or 5 days on the main check-in thread! All caught-up there now which took 6.5hrs this morningā€¦

As far as things related to this thread go, Iā€™m doing okay. I still wish to stop my strawberries addiction, but Iā€™m spending half as much in the shop than I was last month, so some progress I acknowledge.

I have been meditating for around 3.5hrs everyday lately, as opposed to my usual 40mins. I found a meditation teacher on Insight Timer and fell in love with her voice and style. It is helping me to manage my intense emotions.

One of the side effects of withdrawing from the first medication Iā€™m withdrawing from is nausea, so thatā€™s not much fun. I am repulsed by the idea of my shakes, I donā€™t like the ones Iā€™ve got at the moment at all, but I spent so much money on them I feel I have to use them, Iā€™m not though, only 1 a day, so I have still been eating meals from the shop and not losing any weight. At the same time though, I have faith that the weight issue will be somewhat resolvable once Iā€™m off all of my meds, so all in good time, patience.



Day 1403 : No binge today. :blush:

Thank you so much, @CATMANCAM! :blush:
I am glad that meditation is helping you, sorry to hear about your withdrawal side effects. I hope you start to feel better soon. :people_hugging:


98 days no takeaways.
94 days no ice cream.
37 days no sugar.
22 days no crisps, no binge-eating

Last night was a bit of a struggle, I couldnā€™t sleep early and for some reason didnā€™t feel like doing any long meditations. So I experienced some cravings for crisps, and also my favourite takeaway. I believe it was my addict, who likes to stay up late doing things that are bad for me. I got through it though.



329 sugar
193 UPF
67 gluten
67 dairy
3 distraction-free eating


Day 1404 : No binge today. :blush:


330 sugar
194 UPF
68 gluten
68 dairy
4 distraction-free eating


99 days no takeaways.
95 days no ice cream.
23 days no crisps, no binge-eating
0 days no sugar.

Regrettably I had some cheesecake that leapt out of the fridge at me in the supermarket. The ā€œno-one would know, you wouldnā€™t have to tellā€ voice got in my head, and I didnā€™t put it back, but here I am telling, on what should have been 38 days of no sugar. Iā€™ve already got a migraine from it.



Day 1405 : No binge today. :blush:


Just have come to terms with my binge eating I recent years since Iā€™ve been sober for over 4years, working on not replacing the food for alcohol.


331 sugar
195 UPF
69 gluten
69 dairy
5 distraction-free eating