Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 2. No overeating


Day 1055 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 388 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:

Good job @Bomdhil, keep it up! :smiling_face:


Checking-in for yesterday with 5 days no binge-eating. :blush:


Day 1056 : No binge today. :smiling_face: Had terrible heartburn all day today though, seemed to be triggered by a guava smoothie/juice drink. It had like 9 different juices in it, but I think the orange juice is what did it. Took mylanta and tums chews, and they only helped to an extent.
Day 389 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:

Keep it up @CATMANCAM! :smiling_face:


Day 0. Eating very disorderly


Day 1057 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 390 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:

Sorry to hear you relapsed @Bomdhil. Donā€™t give up hope. You can do this. :purple_heart:


Day 1058 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 391 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Checking in
Day 1
Wow, i didnt realize how long ive been away from this thread. When i clicked on it, it had me start from where i left off, which was at the end of sept. Kind of makes me realize how long ive been binge eating off n on. Ill be honest, its been a struggle. Ive gained alot of weight due to my poor eating habits and lack of exercise. But im not giving up. I can probably say that today is day 1 of no binge eating or other unhealthy eating behaviours. I even exercised today and drank a fair amount of water. I feel better mentally and physically. Im trying to learn to get rid of that all or nothing, black or white thinking. Usually with my eating im soooo rigid that any slight slip up makes me throw the towel in for days. This type of thinking needs to change. Anyway thats enough for me right now. Hoping to check in tmrw evening on day 2 :slight_smile:


Day 1059 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 392 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Checking in on Day 2
I managed to do alright today with my eating. I stopped myself from binging. This morning i opened the tub of Icecream, began to eat 1 tbsp, realized i was experiencing the urge to binge, and stopped myself at that 1 tbsp. Pretty proud of myself. Hope everyone is doing well :slight_smile:


@Butterflymoonwoman great :smiley:. I am in the same page of you. Today day 2 without binging with food. Sweets are my main enemy


Day 1060 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 393 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:

Good job you two @Butterflymoonwoman and @Bomdhil! Keep it up! :smiling_face:


Day 3
Today was a bit harder. I didnt binge but i may have overate on lunch (i was starving as I hasnt eaten up until that point). But overall i did pretty good today. Didnt work out either. But will get back on that tmrw :slight_smile: hope everyone is doing well today


I put on another thread, but Halloween leftover chocolate was a precursor to 5 days of binging. This included going to various convenience stores so I wasnā€™t embarrassed how much I buying, hiding wrappers and receipts and feeling pretty physically and mentally poor. I was worried that it would be a slide back into total food chaos. But I have been back eating normally for the last four days. So that is good. But have to be careful about eating snack sized chocolates, as I really struggle to control them. Unfortunately we always have them in the house as after school snacks for the kids.


Good for you @Misokatsu for getting it back under control.


Yes I agree, @Misokatsu itā€™s great you reigned that shit back in!

I also have a cautionary positive tale: yday was the first time I came home from one of my commute university days deflated and highly anxious. Very difficult day. I geared up for a binge. I have recently introduced bread back into my life after years of living without it, itā€™s strictly post lifting food and I enjoy it. But itā€™s also perfect binge food which is why I avoided it so long.
Anyway Iā€™m glad to tell that while I went through the motions of doing some self care things (shower and body care even tho I was beyond exhausted) it soothed me a little and I realised I was only about to eat my negative feelings. And I quite naturally stopped the prepared binge (it would only have been maybe 600kcal but whatever) and ate a normal small snack instead (I had eaten enough for the day, I always make sure of that) and went to bed. I still watched some TV and stuff, so the need to numb wasnā€™t all dissolved, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever so organically steered away from a binge already set in motion. Small win.

Much love to yā€™all here!


Well done @Faugxh and hope youā€™ll stay on track from now on @Misokatsu :pray:t2:
Binge is such a weird thing really. The urge to eat and eat is so strong. Sometimes Iā€™m doing it, and I know Iā€™m doing it, yet I canā€™t find the strength to stop. Whatā€™s wrong with me? Why is eating so satisfying and not satisfying at all in the same time?
Worse is, I finish the binge and I donā€™t even remember the taste of what I just ate. Itā€™s such a brainless act. Makes me feel frustrated even more. All these empty calories which make me somehow feel little bit satisfied for a friction of a moment and then I feel even worse after. Whatā€™s the point? Why can I not remember the negative outcome at the moment when Iā€™m grabbing the food? So overwhelming.

I just binged yesterday. Sometimes I can go loooong time without binge, but then one small ā€˜mistakeā€™ happenes and Iā€™m back binging for days or weeks, sometimes months. Itā€™s like avalanche and I canā€™t stop it. Powerless over my own acts and habits. Thatā€™s how it feels anyway.

I know the general rules. There should not be restricting, but it feels that unless I restrict myself from certain food and unless I put rules at place, I just always end up binging. I must be hard on myself in order to succeed. I wish it would be easierā€¦

When I stopped drinking I struggled. To stop drinking was hard and it took me three years to finally get there since I started trying and failing. But then there was the day ā€œDā€, my mind opened and I got some epiphany and I am not alcoholic for over 4 years now. It got easier over the time and today I have no struggle at all. But with food - I canā€™t figure it out. Itā€™s never ending. I wish we wouldnā€™t have to eat. Iā€™d just abandon all the food.

Iā€™m a bit angry with food, or maybe with myself after yesterday. I do lots of work on myself. I run, walk, cycle, workout. But it all goes to bin just because I canā€™t control myself. I keep going, I donā€™t give up, I still believe I can get over this :poop: but sometimes Iā€™m exhausted and thinking for myself whatā€™s the pointā€¦


Day 1061 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 394 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Checking in Day 3
No Binge eating today. I ate light throughout the day and then had a heavy supper but stopped eating when full (still had food on my plate). I actually dont like this feeling of being full. It makes me feel like i messed up on my eating (i think im relating this feeling of being full to when i feel overly full after a binge). I didnt binge on supper and tried to focus on eating slowly and mindfully. But stillā€¦ i dont like feeling full. Just trying to remind myself that I did stay within my daily alotted calories and that i didnt binge eat tonight :slight_smile:


Day 1062 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 395 : No coffee today. :smiling_face: