Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Went to the doc finally on Thursday. Yes, I still have pre-diabetes and we talked about it. She said she will put me on Metformin after she gets my bloodwork back. She also said to stay away from white carbs (like my morning croissants!). Also that it helps with blood sugar levels to only eat for 8 hours of the day. That might be hard. That means breakfast at 10am and dinner at 6pm and nothing outside of those hours. I will be curious to see if the Metformin actually helps with weight loss - it’s supposed to. :crossed_fingers:


Day 1063 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 396 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:

I hope you do well, @Kareness! You got this! :smiling_face:


Good morning from London :raising_hand_woman:t4:
I’m a very lucky girl in my life :four_leaf_clover: I went through what I’d describe a hell when I suffered from alcoholism and bulimia for many many years. As I say, I’m a lucky girl, because eventually I recognised both and with lots of hard work and determination I recovered from both :clap:t2:
Now I’m here, writing in this thread, because I have issue with binge eating and over eating. And I’m thinking for myself, that surely I have enough strength, wisdom, determination, willpower and endurance to solve this one too.

Today, I’m checking here to state, that today I made up my mind and today is my Day 1 of not over eating or binging!

Please, wish me luck to last this time :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:

Love to all.


Hi @Kareness
Good to hear you’ve finally got to see somebody and I’m wishing you all the best managing pre-diabetes. I know nothing about it, but it sounds like it’s something what if you manage it won’t get to unwanted diabetes.
I hope the blood results won’t take long to come back, so you can get proper treatment. I believe that if you’ll be able to mantain the recommended 8 hrs eating window, it will also affect your body shape and desired weight loss in a positive way.
I did little bit of intermediate fasting in past and I felt much better back then! Maybe I need to get back to it. Because it helped to manage my binging too.
You’re right, it might not be easy to eat in that 8 hrs window. You must little bit plan for it. Make sure you are eating enough food. It might feel like you’re eating a lot, when fitting your daily calories and nutritions in smaller window than what you’re used to. But it’s good to eat enough - makes it easier not to eat when you’re not supposed to.

Keep us updated. :pray:t2:


Oh wow! You sound very determined, Jana! Good for you to make that choice, you’ve overcome so many other things, you can certainly handle this one too! Success in your new journey! :muscle:t2:


Day 1064 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 397 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:

Good luck @Jana1988! I believe in you! I hope the small eating window works for you and @Kareness. If not there are plenty of other tools in our toolbox we can use. :smiling_face: And good job as well beating alcoholism and bulimia, Jana! That is huge in and of itself! :clap:


My goodness I really took a tumble off this wagon… Going through a breakup and using food to cope which is just making me feel worse in the long run but it’s getting out of control. Definitely need to get my shit together and use my healthier coping mechanisms! I’ll check in tomorrow.


Day 1065 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 398 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Hi @Passerina_cyanea
I relate to this. My bulimia started after break up. Until then I never saw food for anything more than a tool to stay alive :smile: I remember sitting in front of my PC and eating so much chocolate that it actually made me feeling sick. When I went to bed I couldn’t sleep because I felt so unwell. So I went to toilet and forced it out. And I remember thinking that what I just did is a good way how to eat what you like and not to gain any weight. And back then I started lomg run with bulimia. Just to let you know - it didn’t help to stabilise my weight meantime overeating and it rather brought lots of different health issues from which the main one remains issue with digesting.
The bulimia was with me probably over 6-7years. And I couldn’t stop it, because I fear gaining more weight. I needed a therapy to get through this and it was very difficult way. But that’s a long story.

So please, let yourself feel your emotions. Break up is a sad thing, of course you’re going to feel a lot. Remember that yoi can always share here with is too :heart: And be nice to yourself. You’re surely a wonderful person and I’m sending you my love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you, @Aleyadaisey
So far I’m doing good! I didn’t ate after 7pm since my post and hence I didn’t binge, because it’s my ‘evening in front of telly’ thing and I didn’t leave myself space for this :pray:t2:
You’re doing extremely well. It’s awesome how you’re just increasing your numbers. Nice and very motivational to see it :clap:t2::blush:


How are you doing?
I’m starting this fasting and I was thinking we could do it together?
Honestly, I’m finding hard to have 8 hr window right now. So I started with 12 hours eating and 12 hours not. Maybe you’re fine with 8 hr and so go for it! But if you find it difficult too, maybe you can cut it slowly and get there step by step by adjusting gradually.

Hope you’re well and safe :hugs:


Thank you for sharing and I’m sorry you went through that. I feel like a bad person for breaking up with them and it’s making me say fuck it, but it’s just making me feel even worse. I didn’t binge yesterday so that was good. I did eat too many calories at a retirement party.


So far so good @Jana1988! I have kept within the window and have also exercised for 30 minutes three days in a row. So day 3 for me. Good luck with limiting your food intake hours as well. You can do it!


Didn’t binge today. Did make some unhealthy food choices but all in moderation!


Day 1066 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 399 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Thank you Jana! I’m glad I am motivating you in a positive way. Keep up the good work as well! :smiling_face:


Day 0
Im really struggling with my binge eating. Im feeling very hopeless. But i wont give up. Will try again tmrw.


Try doing something different. Maybe when the urge comes, instead of giving in, go for walk. Do something active, if you do somethings passive, you’ll be thinking about eating a lot.
Also remember why you’re trying not to binge.
And make sure you ate enough proper food during the day. It’s easier not to binge if you’re not hungry.


Sending strength. It really is a struggle. :purple_heart:


Thank you sooo much :heartpulse: