Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Thank you sooo much for ur advice and suggestions! I do notice that at times i think about food alot and its honestly exhausting. Its like the first bite of food of the day triggers these urges. I usually dont eat breakfast and eat my first meal at noon. But maybe i need to change that so that im not sooo hungry my lunch time. I think i need to try and be more active (like u suggested) instead of sitting around doing nothing when the urge to binge eat hits. I have to be more active in my recovery with this. Thank you again for ur help and support!


Day 1067 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 400 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Hey @Butterflymoonwoman
No worries! I was there too. Feeling the same exhaustion and feeling like being in never ending cycleā€¦ I too didnā€™t eat breakfast, because I wanted to postpone my first food of the day in order to have less food intake overally. Because, as you say, the struggle came immediately with the first bite. But all that thinking is unhelpful. Itā€™s one of the first rules not to try and ā€˜save the kaloriesā€™ for later. It doesnā€™t work like that, because besides other negative impacts, eating irregularly and not enough slows down your metabolismus and makes the body store more fat.

If you want to know what helped me the most, it was making a plan for every day of what and when Iā€™m going to eat and sticking to it. Eating breakfast was maybe the hardest for me, because I wasnā€™t hungry in the morning and it took me a while before I got used to it. After some time my body started requiring it and so it gets easier. I also wrote a diary after every food, notes about how it felt to eat and about my thoughts pre and during eating. This helped me to discover a lot about my thoughts because I didnā€™t even notice some of them until I started writing them down.
It means to put time and effort into the process but it was 100% worth for me. I learnt to do all this from my therapist and I canā€™t be more grateful to her, because she helped me to get out of bulimia which was overtaking my life.
Donā€™t take me wrong, it wasnā€™t straight forward process. I sometimes struggled and ā€˜relapsedā€™ but I learnt not to let it affect the next step and when that happened, I didnā€™t spend too much time self-shaming or being angry with myself. Instead I learnt how to forgive myself and I started accepting relaps as a learning curve on the way. Then I continued like it didnā€™t happen. It was very important not to break the process of creating new habits.
New eating habits caused me to be constantly bloated and having a big belly and it lasted for approximately 9 months! But I said to myself that Iā€™d be rather fat and happy than finding myself bending over a toilet bowl after huge amount of food again. And guess what, with little bit of love, consistency and determination - I got better and my body went back to normal once it 'realised ā€™ that the sudden supply of regular food wonā€™t dissapear anywhere.
Now I have problem with binge eating and I think itā€™s because I donā€™t eat enough during the day. Iā€™m extremely active and I need to adjust the amount and mainly the quality and type of food I eat. Otherwise I always end up eating tons of sweet in the evening before bed.
I applied a rule not to eat after 8pm and so far that seems helping to avoid the binge for now. But I know that this short cut canā€™t last for long and I seriously need to think about nutritions which I eat in my dayā€¦ :slightly_smiling_face: So thereā€™s always work to doā€¦ :smile:


Jana this entire post is gold, so helpful!

Have you thought of using a macro calculator? Iā€™ve posted mine above and can do so againā€¦ If I donā€™t know how much and when and what to eat - or rather, I know but for some reason itā€™s not priority and I ā€œforgetā€ - I also end up overeating on whatever is in sight (or I undereat for a while which leads to its own problems further down the line and is also really not desirable for me). It does sound like your body might just still need more input. And the sweets are high and dense calorie, makes sense it want that at the end of the day if you are indeed still giving it too little to go on for your active lifestyle.


Hey @Faugxh
I found the calculator. Looks very interesting and I may try to start using it, because I know for sure that my life could be so different if I change my eating habits and introduce nutritions I actually need to my lifestyle :pray:t2:


Wow ur post was sooo helpful for me! Thank you very much for taking the time to write that out :slight_smile: i like ur idea alot of journalling the thoughts that come up surrounding food and eating. I think im going to give that a try. Id like to be more aware of whats gping thru my mind. I feel like my thoughts are sooo automatic tjat sometomes i dont really even know when i newd to be challenging certain thoughts. If that makes sense. Sounds like uv done soo much work surrounding eating and food. Ur really an inspiration to me :slight_smile: thank u!


Day 1068 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 401 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Without this my eating would still be a mess. Simple as that. The knowledge what to eat, the structure to implement that knowledge and the discipline to stick to my structure. On the practival side itā€™s really not more than that, apart from therapy and working on self-awareness in general.
And obvs the exercise to warrant the proper nutrition to begin with. Without lifting I donā€™t feel like I really inhabit my body. I lose connection and ā€œfoodā€ becomes about managing emotions more than about nutrition. I think that establishing a connection w our bodies that make them really feel like what we live in through exercise and feeling our bodies, rather than just ā€œwhat we look likeā€ or ā€œwhat ails usā€ is paramount. But you already have that connection. :-*


I binged last night. I was very tired and had to attend an evening work event with finger foods. Probably ate like 3-4 plates worth of stuff. Made it 4 days though which is good for me. My partner and I broke up and in the really bad grief I was binging every day. So Iā€™ll take any improvement.


Could you please repost the macros chart. I searched your name in this post and couldnā€™t get anything and I donā€™t want to scroll all the way up. Or send it to me. I eat healthy, but I donā€™t keep track of macros. I donā€™t even know that much about it. Thanks. @Faugxh


Here we go:

Thereā€™s a lot of science behind it, also on the site in the how-to.



Day 1069 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 402 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


No worries @Butterflymoonwoman
I hope it would help you. I also cheekily looked at your profile and read your story. You went through a lotā€¦ Iā€™m glad youā€™re here with us and I wish you only good in your life and to find your happiness and peace :heart::heart::heart::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:
If you need to chat or something, you can always reach to me.


I now started reading book about ā€˜Circadian Codeā€™ and itā€™s extremely interesting! Not sure if you have ever heard about it. Iā€™m going through the book and I want to try out advices in there and see if I can get better.
It doesnā€™t probably help with binging though. For that you must know the calories and nutritions you need, for which you kindly shared with is the calculator. Thank you :hugs:
There is always so much we can improve in life. Itā€™s never ending learning :smile:


Awe thank you sooo much! I really appreciate that! :heartpulse:


Day 1070 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 403 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Day 1071 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 404 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:

So happy to see yā€™all supporting each other. :smiling_face:


Iā€™ve been struggling, bingeing progressively worse than usual. Iā€™ve gained 2st/28lbs/12.7kg since 22nd July and it feels very defeating. Writing it here for accountability: tomorrow is day one .


Hey guys :wave:t2:
Iā€™ve been shadowing this thread for awhile. I wanted to get some input from you. I would like to make some changes in my eating habit, Iā€™m starting to have an idea, but wanted to share too.

Iā€™m recovering from drinking over 3 years now. But food has been my go toā€™s when I had craving for alcohol in the beginning. To stay abstinent I told myself I could eat anything, take days off, cry, workout, buy stuff - anything, but I went mostly to food.

For long stretches Iā€™ve been able to eat clean because I trained a lot for triathlons. But it was always in swings : periods of hard training & restriction alternating with fatigue & life habits all over the place. It followed pretty much the same pattern as my drinking, which consisted mostly in binges and benders followed by guilt. But since Iā€™ve got injured while training (knee, old back too) this cycle cannot continue. I donā€™t have the energy & the body to train like I used to (not my goal anyway) so the ā€œcompensationā€ phase of training and eating well are getting shorter and my binge eating is getting more regular and starts to pile on me and my mental health.

Yesterday again I ate way too much junk. At noon I started to think about it and I managed to rationalize my way into ordering it at night. I feel bad because my pregnant girlfriend is trying to be healthy but I influence her into my habitsā€¦

Anyways, I thought that maybe I should try something that worked for me before with alcohol, which is abstinence. Of course, i need to eat. But do I need to eat junk and sugar? What I really donā€™t like about my eating behaviour is how it makes me feel (shameful, guilty, anxious, sad). It is not much about the weight in the scale, but I also am kind of sensitive to futur health problems it may causes. So I donā€™t want my changes about food to make me feel bad psychologically. But it feels like moderation, like with alcohol, just doesnā€™t work for me. I either eat way too much junk or not. I was the same with booze (the concept of 1 -2 drinks never made no sense to me).

So Iā€™ve been reading a bit about Food addicts anonymous who proposes abstinence on sugar, white flours and junk. Maybe it seems intense, I donā€™t know really. But in my head it kind of sounds more easy to be abstinent about something than to try continuously to moderate but then ending binging all weekend. I donā€™t knowā€¦ I just know that today again I woke up shameful and Iā€™m kind of tired of that yo-yo of compensating/binging - looking for another way of being.

As anyone experienced with abstinence with certain junk or unhealthy food before and would like to give me some feedback? I know ideally it would be preferable to be mindful of what I eat and practice moderation, but it really seems to follow the same shameful pattern I had with alcohol and I feel it still has control over me.

Thanks for reading and I hope everyone is having a good day :relieved:


Does this thread include emotional eating?

I have noticed that I lean on unhealthy foods when Iā€™m stressed, anxious, or worried.