Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Welcome, @WCan! Thank you for sharing your story. I hope you find this thread helpful/inspiring in a positive way. You’re not alone in turning to food after alcohol use, others here have too. We’re all in this together. :purple_heart:


Absolutely! Also, if you find your eating disorder doesn’t fall directly into the binge/emotional eating category, there is another thread I made for other eating disorders. :smiling_face:

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Checking in
Im back on this thread again :slight_smile: Grateful that this thread is here! Today was day 1 (again). So far i feel like i am doing well today. Im trying to journal about my food… how im feeling before i eat, how certain foods make me feel, which foods i tend to crave or binge on, etc. Not sure what other questions to ask myself with regards to food but i think this is a good start. Im finding that afternoons are the hardest for me. So im trying to use distraction to help. Problem is that my mind doesnt steer away from the thought of food. I can hold off for awhile but sometimes the thoughts almost feel overpowering. Tonight I am also going to stop eating after 8pm. When i do my evening self care routine, i will brush and floss my teeth and then no more eating for the night. I think this is a good plan :slight_smile: Nice to see so many people on this thread. It feels great to have support in this area.


Aha. Fuck mindfulness when it comes to junk food. You don’t need it. No one does. It fucks up your system, it fucks up your plans to stay on track and it just makes you want more of it. Cut that shit out. Same w sugar and if you need to white flour. If you can’t moderate it, cut it.

I did that a long time ago and it has played a role in ending my overeating and binging along w other factors I mention on here regularly. When you find a way to reintroduce something you feel benefits you for example cos it gives you joy (I eat a bit of fruit and a bit of cake every once I a while, I love my cornflakes and have recently reintroduced bread, yes w white flour, strictly post work out and I’m happy w that): all power to you. But you don’t need any of that stuff. (exception being sugar for training I assume) So cut it.

Good luck on your journey!

Yeah!! :slight_smile:


Way to go on day 1! I like that term u used… emotional hunger. I get like this often. Using food to cope and whatnot. Glad u had a successful day tho!


Day 1072 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 405 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


1 day no binge-eating.


Day 1073 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 406 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:

Good job @Jesile! Keep it up, and congrats on being 2 weeks smoke and AF! :clap::tada:


I think a lot of us did the same when we got sober from alcohol and food is a substitute addition somewhat - hello ice cream! The things that work for me are: tracking everything I eat no matter what. Thinking of it like a bank account, you need to know what’s going in and out to make smart decisions. Also I like a couple of podcasts: We Only Look Thin and Brain over Binge, I listen to them during or after an urge. And some of the SMART recovery worksheets you can use for food as well. We are all in this :two_hearts:


Yesterday was day 2 without a binge. I even helped my friend make cookies, ate Doritos, and had pizza for dinner, but I knew I was going to the gym after dinner so I was able to only have two slices! Maybe a new little hack to add to my tools… Too bad the gym isn’t open on thanksgiving :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: but I will definitely be going for walks that day, which won’t feel very good if I overdo it.


Day 1074 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 407 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


It can be nearly impossible to quit multiple things simultaneously, give yourself patience and grace!


Well I definitely hit the reset button today with Thanksgiving but tomorrow is a new day and I’m giving myself grace because families and large group gatherings during the holidays are pretty stressful and since I don’t drink anymore food is typically my coping mechanism. Obviously I’m working on that not being the case but it’s going to take practice!


Day 1075 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 408 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Day 1076 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 409 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:

You can do this, @Passerina_cyanea. I believe in you. Thanksgiving and Christmas are more difficult to balance but not impossible. :purple_heart:


Hey there :wave:t2:
It’s been so long I’ve hit the reset button on this app (3+ y af) that I forgot how to do it. I added « junk » to my addictions and went on 5 days without it.

Thanks to you guys for your input @Faugxh @Passerina_cyanea also someone I think removed her/his post and was helpful !!

After thinking a lot about this I thought that just cutting junk food would be a good start. Meaning I could eat anything but it - like when I stoped booze I could eat anything but drink.

But yesterday I went to Toronto and was alone in an hotel room. I forgot that was a trigger for going into bars. So I struggled to stay in and order just regular food. Then I was just too hungry and ran (literally) to 2 restaurants to order take out. Went to bed and woke up like shit. I feel hangover. I think it’s because I really felt the urge and wasn’t able to control it, like when I was drinking. Damn I hate that feeling !!!

hope you’re having a good day :slight_smile:


I definitely have had hangover like symptoms from binge eating really salty food like Thai or pizza. Having to get up in the night to chug water, having heartburn…It’s not fun.


Day 2 not binging. I certainly didn’t eat healthy yesterday (leftovers) or today (bar food) but I also didn’t overdo it.


Day 1077 : No binge today. :smiling_face: Unfortunately I caught a cold. Eating enough is difficult right now because I’m constantly coughing up phlegm that tastes bad and makes food of any kind taste “meh” at the absolute best. I’ll be checking my cabinets for some soup. And try to get extra sleep.
Day 410 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Day 1078 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 411 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:

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