Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 3 no binge.


Is it normol to gain alot of weight after being ckean? Will my metabolism get faster is there any tips?


Hmm, not sure about that one. Maybe someone else on this thread will have an answer. :purple_heart:

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Weā€™re all different but from what Iā€™ve seen people tend to eat more when they get sober. Usually we had bad food intake while usingā€¦ maybe your relationship with food is adjusting to that change (getting sober)?

Apart from that, give yourself time. Iā€™m 3 years alcohol free and I had different phases where I took weight and other I lost some. For me, focusing on healthy habits helped me (instead of focusing on restraints). Like moving everyday, managing stress, looking for purpose and eating natural food. Being sober is a good step into a better health :slight_smile:


Didnā€™t work out for me today. Had junk for lunch. Not a good way to start the week :frowning:

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It depends! I got sober from alcohol. Alcohol has a lot of sugar (especially beer) and almost immediately I began to crave sweets, especially ice cream. Those cravings have toned down a bit but I have a much bigger sweet tooth than I ever did when I was usingā€¦


Day 1079 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 412 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Day 4 no binge. Woo woo! I drank two cups of coffee which allowed me to focus on work so much I didnā€™t graze :slight_smile:


Day 1080 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 413 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:

Good job on 4 days @Passerina_cyanea! Keep it up! :smiling_face:


Welcome to the thread, @SillyAndSober! I hope you find it helpful and inspiring in a positive way. :smiling_face:

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Welcome! Iā€™ve kicked the binge drinking thing but still working on the foodā€¦ Here for you :sparkling_heart:


Not binging today, couldnā€™t even if I wanted to because I had garlic sauce with my pita and falafel last night and my stomach is ANGRY :rage:


Sounds delicious, but yeah, garlic sauce definitely can be rough on your stomach. :purple_heart:

Day 1081 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 414 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:


Hello :raising_hand_woman:t4:
I was struggling not a long time ago, as you can see in couple of my previous posts. I was in what felt like a never ending cycle of binging later in the evenings before my bed time.
Then I decided to read a book about ā€˜Circadian clocksā€™ which Iā€™ve got from my mum long time ago. I read it before but I never finished it and now it called me again. Iā€™m so glad I picked it up and started reading again, because I decided to try out whatā€™s in the book and I didnā€™t binge since! Itā€™s been now 13 days in row without food after 7pm :pray:t2:
If youā€™re interested in what circadian clocks is, search it on Google, it should give you an idea. In very simplified words itā€™s about intermediate fasting, but it goes deeper to sleeping habits, etc.
I appreciate that Iā€™m blessed that I can follow this strictly, because of type of job and social life I have.

I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll be as strict as Iā€™m now with everything I follow and do, but I decided to give it a proper go for 15 days, because thatā€™s for how long Iā€™m filling in data to an app reccomended in the book. After 15 days it should give me some data about my eating habbits, sleep patern, exercise habits, etc.

So that is my update. Feeling great and healing now.



It was good and I was able to make it last for a few meals rather than binging it all so even better!!

Didnā€™t binge today although I grazed a lot, it happens like this when I go grocery shopping and I want to try a little of everythingā€¦


Yeah I just try not to buy ice cream because I have never ever not eaten the whole pint. If I want it I go get a scoop. But when the ice cream shops are closed for winter here itā€™s hard to not pick some up!


Day 1082 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 415 : No coffee today. :smiling_face:

@SillyAndSober One thing I did before for healthier ā€œice creamā€ was that I would blend frozen bananas and various fruit and/or nut butters with a bit of plant based milk. It comes out good. :smiling_face: But the catch is you need a pretty strong blender if you want it thick. A cheap blender will not do it. You can also use a food processor, thatā€™s another way to make it.


Youā€™re welcome! :smiling_face:

Day 1083 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Day 416 : No coffee today. :smiling_face: