Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Day 1094 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Yay, you made it one week @Passerina_cyanea! Great job! :tada:


Trigger warning food description

Argh, the festive time is hard! I have eaten out with various friends, at an all you can eat and an afternoon tea (so not able to eat as controlled as I would like) and then my husband bought a Costco cake (so the size of a table) which needs to be eaten up and I am struggling with, and I have another couple of planned events, again places where there is unlimited or very large portions of food (which is not my choosing, but the people I am going with want to do something a bit ‘special’ because of the time of year). I hate the internal battle to not eat too much, and not feel guilty and spiral if I do.


Aw man that sounds awful. :frowning: I would not enjoy going there. But I dislike restaurants in general and buffets particularly…

I think if I had to go to these things I would eat beforehand, a real good meal, so I’m full. Then I would have a dessert there and be done w it. Dessert is “special” so it counts. And I would have lots of teas and coffees to enjoy as well.

That cake thing is hard. I made Xmas cookies w my friend two days ago. My sugar intake is through the roof rn. It’ll be over soon cos there aren’t many left. But no restraint and I can reconfirm for myself why I don’t have sweets at home usually.

Stay strong everyone.


From day 0 to a day and a half. Ready to hit day two.


Day 1095 : No binge today. :smiling_face: Made it 3 years! Yay! :tada:


Congratulations on the Three Years! I am sooooo happy for you!!! You are a true inspiration!!! Celebrating you!


Thank you so much! :smiling_face:

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I’m on day 8 of not binging! Still doing too much grazing but fighting the urges to take it past that.

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That’s amazing @Aleyadaisey! Wonderfully done!


Hello! I’m really glad i found this thread. I’d struggled with binge eating since i was a teenager but I’ve managed to go 1 year and 9 monthes with no binges! My body is definitely still recovering from what i put it through for years though. While i feel like I’m in “control” it seems like my mental health is exactly as bad as it was and I’m in constant fear of slipping up even though i know it wouldn’t be the end of my progress. I also find that it’s hard to get others to take binge eating seriously and it’s made me shy and weirder about my body as time has gone on. My game plan right now is just daily stretching in the mornings and a meditation app when i manage to remember it. I’m also considering a journal specifically related to coping but I’d love to hear what ya’ll are doing to make things a little less stressful for yourselves :grinning:


Thank you so much! :smiling_face:

Nice 25 days without binging :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congratulations!! This is absolutely awesome :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Thank you very much! :smiling_face:

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Day 1096 : No binge today. :smiling_face: And @Jana1988, if you made it 25 days without binging, that’s pretty awesome too! Keep it up! :smiling_face:


I’m on day 10. I’ve definitely told my lizard brain to shut up a few times lately when it wants to binge. I’m not eating the healthiest either but I can’t tackle too many issues at once or I get overwhelmed and give up.


Day 1097 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Great job @Passerina_cyanea! Keep it up! :smiling_face::clap:


4 days without binge eating. One of the harder impulses I have is not hiding everything I eat. Amyone else feel guilty when they eat and have to fight the urge to hide it?


Congratulations :purple_heart::tada::purple_heart:


Not everything, but I certainly have the urge to hide food intake that I consider “bad”. Secrecy is one of the things that I use to distinguish between a binge and “normal” overeating.