Binge eating recovery daily check in thread (Part 2)

Same here! I’ll overeat at social functions by grazing, or at a restaurant, but I only binge at home by myself.


Day 654 with no binges :metal:t2:


Day 1098 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Thank you, @Misokatsu! And huge congratulations to you, @Pincushion! 654 days is incredible! :smiling_face:


Five days without binging. I havent gone this long, ever.


24 days no binges

@nas This is great :blush:


Day 1099 : No binge today. :smiling_face:

Great job, @nas and @acromouse! Keep it up! :smiling_face:


As i hit day six I realize im pretty out of my depth when it comes to identifying what a healthy relationship with food looks like.

Today I was gifted a half dozen cupcakes. Normally I would have binged all six for “dinner” easy. I ate one after lunch, then one after dinner. And I keep wondering if thats too much. I feel like I wouldnt think so if someone else asked me, but I should be embarrassed about it. Does that make sense?


25 days without binge

I’m looking forward to the Adventskaffee we have been invited to today, but also a little anxious. I have a plan for the whole food situation and hope to be prepared enough to not lose control.

I totally get it. There is so much conflicting info about eating coming from all sources including our own judgements.
You cannot completely abstain from food and finding a way of eating that means freedom to you is a hard process.


Definitely binged over the weekend. I was feeling all the ALT of HALT. Now that I so rarely have urges to drink, I sometimes forget to try those short term techniques to stop an urge to binge. But I am not going to restrict in excess to make up for it. But I will focus on health (got a box of free veggies so will be making soups and hotpots) and movement.


Day 1100 : No binge today. :smiling_face:


I survived yesterday’s Adventskaffee. I ate some pretzels and then singing took my mind from food.
Good thing you are breaking the circle by not restricting @Misokatsu


I feel like this is the most important thing for me, the thing that saves me. I overate heavily for a few days last week cos i was upset about love and under massive stress at uni and work. I didn’t restrict and I’m back to normal and I’ve totally forgotten about it and I feel fine. Way to go, Flo!


One week binge free!

One of my hangups is I always feel like I have to eat everything on my plate. If I leave it I’ve wasted money and/or the effort put in to make it.

Twice this week I threw the food away instead of forcing myself to eat it even though I wasnt hungry. I still feel guilty about it!


Day 1101 : No binge today. :smiling_face:
Great job @nas! Keep it up! :smiling_face: Yeah, I can relate to not wanting to waste food too. My grandma raised me to not let anything go to waste, it’s hard to break that and not feel guilty about it. I am proud of you though! :purple_heart:


No headache this morning


Oh my god, I got a full month not binging at all! Not thinking about food 24/7 and not eatinf after 6pm (only 3 exceptions: 2 Xmas parties and 1 visit of friends who cooked for me and my partner).

I’m doing Circadian Clock plan. First week I stack with 12 hours eating window, then I shorted it to 10 hours and I can’t believe how awesome I feel since! It has changed my life, becase not eat after 6pm equals for me to not to binge (I was “before sleep” binger).
My body also has time to finally process all the food which makes me feel great in the morning and I re discovered how it feels to be hungry :blush: The best is that other than not eating out of my window, I don’t restrict myself at all! In my eating window I eat anything I want in whatever amount I want. You’d think it would cause me eating a whole chocolate every day but somehow I don’t crave sugar as much as I used to. Instead I prefer a normal proper lunch and dinner.

It’s like a miracle. I never want to go back to my old life style :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


That’s great Jana, I’m happy for you! Just out of interest, how is this different intermittent fasting?


Hello @Faugxh
Thank you and thank you for interest :blush:
It is very similar to each other but there should be some differences. I found the image below for demonstration, but generally said, following your circadian clock is about more areas in your life than only eating habbits. For example it involves sleep patterns, exercise, etc.


very cool thanks for the info! :slight_smile:


Day 1102 : No binge today. :smiling_face: